Page 30 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 30

Resource Efficiency in Shipbuilding and
Plant Construction
Subjects such as Sustainability and these tasks, welded tube or pipe con-
Green Technology have been discussed structions can be replaced by fully bent Bert Zorn, Managing Director of Schwarze-Robitec
in the media for some years. Never- tube or pipe systems,“ GmbH
theless, reality in the industry is still explains Bert Zorn, Managing Director
not consequently sustainable, because of Schwarze-Robitec GmbH. “The wall pipe welding, numerous checks are re-
companies use the majority of the gross thinning lies within the range of the quired which represent additional cost
production value for material. In view permissible tolerances of the original factors. The number of welding seams
of rising costs for raw materials and en- tubes or pipes.” reduced to the absolute minimum also
ergy, one thing is sure: Whoever wants offers extra security against leakage.
to stay competitive, must go really BTheenCdNinCg-cionnsttroelaleddotufbwe eolrdpiinpge
easy on resources, streamline produc- This is a decisive advantage in particu-
tion processes and therewith increase cold bending machines are designed lar with pipe systems which need to
efficiency. for permanent operation under high withstand high pressures reliably. The
load and produce three-dimensional CNC 320 HD from Schwarze-Robitec,
Keeping an eye on time and geometries in a single work step. For for example, produces extremely small
Icnosshtsipbuilding and plant construction this purpose, the pipe is clamped in bending radii of 1.5 x tube diameter
the bending machine and brought into even for large, very thin-walled tubes
miles and miles of pipelines made of the the corresponding position for the with a diameter of up to 323.9 millime-
most varied materials and with varia- first bend. The bending machine then ters. Similarly tight radii with such large
ble diameters and nominal widths are transports and turns the pipe automati- tubes are usually only achieved with
processed. That is why highest flexibility cally into the positions for the following much slower and costlier warm bending
is in great demand with tube systems. bend. These steps repeat as often as is processes or welding bends.
Time and cost savings are achieved, for necessary until the desired tube or pipe
example, when avoiding any welding of geometry is achieved. The simple to op-
tubes. Multi-stack CNC tube bending erate CNC control from Schwarze-Ro-
machines have proven themselves in bitec conducts all necessary processes
this context. They are equipped with and movements of the machine fully
multi-stack bending tools, which are automatically – a complex step-by-step
capable of processing tubes with differ- programming, as is usual with ma-
ent nominal widths and diameters as chines customary in the market, is not
well as tubes of different materials, such necessary. This is how three-dimen
as steel, copper-nickel-iron alloys and sional pipe systems are produced very
stainless steel without any conversions. quickly without a single welding seam.
Due to the minimized set-up times, The subsequent quality control is also
productivity increases massively. An ad- very simple:
vantage, which international shipyards A maximum of two welding seams – at
and the offshore industry have used for that beginning and end of the pipe –
themselves over the past years. “With have to be checked before installation.
our machines developed especially for In contrast, when using the method of

QR Code to access an Animation, Solutions for time efficiency and con-
which illustrates the differences cepts for material saving must be taken
into consideration when production
processes are to be designed economi-
cally and sustainably. Last but not least,
future-oriented companies can stand
out from the competition through the
use of corresponding technologies.§

The Bending machines CNC 165 DB and CNC 100 DB are optimally
suited for complex tube or pipe systems and tube serpentines.

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