Page 26 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 26
Korea inks technology with ExxonMobil
By Marie RYAN
Supermajor ExxonMobil has signed LNG across the entire value chain.
off on important partnership with “This memorandum of understand- more than 40 years, and through its
the Korea Institute of Energy Tech- ing establishes a framework that ventures supplies about 30 per cent
nology Evaluation and Planning and allows for information exchange on of LNG demand, manufactures and
the Korea Gas Corporation (KO- liquefied natural gas technology, markets Mobil-branded lubricants
GAS) to hold discussions concern- research and development projects and markets ExxonMobil chemical
ing natural gas technologies and and best practices,” said Franklin. products in the country.
new energy technologies. “It will enable professional exchang-
The agreement will focus on the es that will help expand our joint “This agreement strengthens the
natural gas value chain, including capabilities.” links between ExxonMobil and
cryogenic materials, hydrogen Sara Ortwein, president of Exxon- Korea,” said Dodds.§
production and fuel cell utilisation, Mobil Upstream Research Compa-
energy efficiency technologies and ny, said the technology development
technologies associated with robot- is vital to providing energy to help
ics and automation. meet the world’s energy needs.
The multi-year agreement was “Strong partnerships are key to de-
signed during a ceremony attended veloping and delivering integrated
by Youngsam Kim, director general technology solutions,” Ortwein said.
of investment policy at the Korea “We look forward to working with
Ministry of Trade and Industry; the Korea Institute of Energy Tech-
Sara Ortwein, president of Exxon- nology Evaluation and Planning
Mobil Upstream Research Compa- and the Korea Gas Corporation to
ny; Richard Guerrant, vice president advance new research and devel-
of ExxonMobil Gas and Power opment opportunities and energy
Marketing Company; and Graham technologies.”
Dodds, president of ExxonMobil in
Rob Franklin, president of Exxon- Graham Dodds, president of Exx-
Mobil Gas and Power Marketing, onMobil in Korea said ExxonMobil
said ExxonMobil is a world leader in has had a presence in Korea for ExxonMobil. Image courtesy of ExxonMobil
South Korea receives Gorgon LNG from 2017 ByMarieRYAN
Chevron Corporation and its Aus- president Pierre Breber said the the opportunity to supply LNG to
tralian subsidiaries signed a bind- agreement is an important step in South Korea and looked forward to
ing Sales and Purchase Agreement the commercialisation of Chevron’s building lasting relationships with
(SPA) with SK LNG Trading earlier significant natural gas holdings in customers in the region as the Gor-
in the year that will see South Korea Australia. gon and Wheatstone projects move
receive 4.15 million tons of LNG “As Chevron continues to grow into into operations.
over a five-year period starting in one of the world’s largest LNG sup- “South Korea joins our existing
2017. pliers, this SPA represents further strong LNG customer base and
The deal represents a 75 per cent progress and diversification of our demonstrates the Chevron-led
share of Chevron’s LNG from the sales portfolio.” Mr Breber said. Gorgon and Wheatstone projects
Gorgon Project will be committed Chevron Australia Managing are well-placed to meet the grow-
to customers in Asia. Director Roy Krzywosinski said ing demand for natural gas in the
Chevron Gas and Midstream the company was pleased with Asia-Pacific region,” Mr Krzywosin-
ski said.§
A A24 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015
Korea inks technology with ExxonMobil
By Marie RYAN
Supermajor ExxonMobil has signed LNG across the entire value chain.
off on important partnership with “This memorandum of understand- more than 40 years, and through its
the Korea Institute of Energy Tech- ing establishes a framework that ventures supplies about 30 per cent
nology Evaluation and Planning and allows for information exchange on of LNG demand, manufactures and
the Korea Gas Corporation (KO- liquefied natural gas technology, markets Mobil-branded lubricants
GAS) to hold discussions concern- research and development projects and markets ExxonMobil chemical
ing natural gas technologies and and best practices,” said Franklin. products in the country.
new energy technologies. “It will enable professional exchang-
The agreement will focus on the es that will help expand our joint “This agreement strengthens the
natural gas value chain, including capabilities.” links between ExxonMobil and
cryogenic materials, hydrogen Sara Ortwein, president of Exxon- Korea,” said Dodds.§
production and fuel cell utilisation, Mobil Upstream Research Compa-
energy efficiency technologies and ny, said the technology development
technologies associated with robot- is vital to providing energy to help
ics and automation. meet the world’s energy needs.
The multi-year agreement was “Strong partnerships are key to de-
signed during a ceremony attended veloping and delivering integrated
by Youngsam Kim, director general technology solutions,” Ortwein said.
of investment policy at the Korea “We look forward to working with
Ministry of Trade and Industry; the Korea Institute of Energy Tech-
Sara Ortwein, president of Exxon- nology Evaluation and Planning
Mobil Upstream Research Compa- and the Korea Gas Corporation to
ny; Richard Guerrant, vice president advance new research and devel-
of ExxonMobil Gas and Power opment opportunities and energy
Marketing Company; and Graham technologies.”
Dodds, president of ExxonMobil in
Rob Franklin, president of Exxon- Graham Dodds, president of Exx-
Mobil Gas and Power Marketing, onMobil in Korea said ExxonMobil
said ExxonMobil is a world leader in has had a presence in Korea for ExxonMobil. Image courtesy of ExxonMobil
South Korea receives Gorgon LNG from 2017 ByMarieRYAN
Chevron Corporation and its Aus- president Pierre Breber said the the opportunity to supply LNG to
tralian subsidiaries signed a bind- agreement is an important step in South Korea and looked forward to
ing Sales and Purchase Agreement the commercialisation of Chevron’s building lasting relationships with
(SPA) with SK LNG Trading earlier significant natural gas holdings in customers in the region as the Gor-
in the year that will see South Korea Australia. gon and Wheatstone projects move
receive 4.15 million tons of LNG “As Chevron continues to grow into into operations.
over a five-year period starting in one of the world’s largest LNG sup- “South Korea joins our existing
2017. pliers, this SPA represents further strong LNG customer base and
The deal represents a 75 per cent progress and diversification of our demonstrates the Chevron-led
share of Chevron’s LNG from the sales portfolio.” Mr Breber said. Gorgon and Wheatstone projects
Gorgon Project will be committed Chevron Australia Managing are well-placed to meet the grow-
to customers in Asia. Director Roy Krzywosinski said ing demand for natural gas in the
Chevron Gas and Midstream the company was pleased with Asia-Pacific region,” Mr Krzywosin-
ski said.§
A A24 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015