Page 34 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 34
EnQuest sees 20per cent jump in
Malaysian production ByMarieRYAN

The PM8/Seligi platform in the offshore Malay Basin. Image courtesy of EnQuest

UK based independent oil producer En- Production targets have been set by the as an unmanned platform with produc-
Quest has reported increasing Malaysian company at between 33,000 boepd and tion tied back to the Petronas Carigali
production targets at its PM8/Seligi off- 36,000 boepd for this year, representing operated West Lutong A complex.
shore development in the Malay Basin, a 24 per cent annual increase. “The development of the Tanjong Baram
also forecasting first oil from its Tanjong Chief Executive of EnQuest Amjad field continues in line with EnQuest’s
Baram field by the end of this year. Bseisu said production of 30,768 boepd expectations, with first oil scheduled by
EnQuest acquired a 50 per cent interest to the end of April is a good start to the end of 2015,” EnQuest said.
in the PM8 PSC that comprises of six the year and was achieved as a result of “Our 2015 work programme is focused
developed fields – Lawang, Langat, Ser- ongoing strong operational performance on well interventions activities and
udon, North Raya, South Raya and Yong across all of EnQuest’s assets and the improvements to the field infrastructure,
and the Seligi Oil Field from ExxonMo- inclusion of Malaysia, in line with com- including work on gas compressors,
bil in 2014. pany expectations. pipelines and generators,” the company
said in a report.
The PM8 fields are developed with “The strong performance in our newly “The development plan is based on a two
unmanned minimum facility type plat- acquired Malaysia assets, where we took well programme, with capacity for one
forms which are linked back to the Seligi over operations late last year, is testa- additional well in the facilities design.
oil field. ment to our ability to quickly impact Work on the development of the project
EnQuest reported production averaging production in late life assets,” Mr Bseisu said. is proceeding according to plan. 2015
at 30,768 barrels of oil equivalent per In March 2014, EnQuest signed a Small and beyond development of the field is
day (boepd) from January to March Field Risk Service Contract with Petro- underway, with first oil targeted by end
indicating a 20.2 per cent rise at PM8/ nas for the development of the Tanjong of 2015, to be followed by steady state
Seligi on the previous year. Baram field, offshore Sarawak. The operations.Ӥ
Tanjong Baram field is being developed

Wood Group Kenny excited to tackle KPOC pipeline

Wood Group Kenny (WGK) have “It is an honour to work with KPOC on By Marie RYAN
announced it will support the Keba- the Kamansu East project,” Mr MacDon-
bangan Petroleum Operating Company ald said. development in Malaysia.
(KPOC) with pipeline engineering and The scope of work will include concept The KME field and Kebabangan North-
flow assurance engineering studies for select studies and definition engineering ern Hub Project are part of the Kebaban-
the Kamansu East (KME) field offshore on subsea heating options, thus prevent- gan Cluster, which is owned by Petronas
Sabah, Malaysia. ing hydrates, for the 30 kilometre gas Carigali. KPOC is a joint venture com-
Chief Executive of Wood Group Kenny pipeline which runs from the KME field pany which was established to act as the
Bob MacDonald said the project is a in 750 metres of water to their new shelf cluster operator with first gas expected
great opportunity to tackle the challeng- edge Kebabangan platform. in the early 2020’s.
es posed by subsea pipeline heating for The pipeline heating technology could Project investors include ConocoPhillips
deepwater projects. be the first application for deepwater gas with 40 per cent, Sabah Gas Ltd with 30
per cent and Shell Energy Asia Limited
holding the remaining 30 per cent.§

A A32 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015
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