Page 25 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 25
Six blocks released to boost private investment
By Marie RYAN
A NuEnergy Gas rig in Indonesia. Image courtesy of NuEnergy
Australian listed Indonesian focused proximity to other oil and gas discov- to the second well, RE-CBM-02CE
player NuEnergy Gas has begun drill- eries. located 30 km southwest of RE-CBM-
ing the first of two coal bed methane Mobilisation of the rig MCQ 700, a ful- 01CE once drilling is completed.
coring and exploration wells in Central ly hydraulic automated truck mounted The Rengat PSC covers 2,395 square
Sumatra. rig, began in June and is currently being kilometres of Central Sumatra Basin
The wells are located within the Rengat used to drill to a depth of 495 metres and lies in between the prolific oil and
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) at RE-CBM-01CE which is located gas concessions located in the Cen-
tenement and will be cored to test the approximately 195 kilometres South of tral Sumatra Basin in the vicinity of a
permeability of the area’s coal forma- Pekanbaru Indonesia. major gas pipeline from Jakarta to the
tions, mapping the overall coal continu- The rig was selected as it is ideally Chevron Duri Steam Flood project and
ity across the basin to understand the suited to coal bed methane (CBM) related infrastructure.
Central Sumatran Basin reservoir for operations and is equipped with both NuEnergy Gas has a 100 per cent work-
future development. coring and drilling top drives, requir- ing interest in Rengat PSC as operator,
Chief Executive of NuEnergy Gas Ian ing less manpower on site, providing a the Rengat Drilling Program is spear-
Wang said this being the first prospect smaller footprint including the ease of headed by a team from New Century
well to be drilled this year, the compa- inter-well mobilization. Energy Resources who have vast experi-
ny is extremely enthusiastic given the The hydraulic rig will then be mobilised ence in drilling CBM wells in Asia.§
preliminary data results and the basin’s
Indonesia Awards Second Shale Gas Block To
Three Foreign Firms
Indonesia’s energy and mining minis- ministry’s spokesman. block, also located in North Sumatra.
try recently awarded its second shale The consortium agreed to commit more Indonesia hopes shale gas output can
gas exploration block to a consortium than $11.5 million, which will go to help compensate for declining energy
of foreign oil firms that included New conducting a geology and geophysics production from mature oil and gas fields.
Zealand Oil & Gas Ltd. study, a seismic survey and to dig at The former OPEC member has been
The New Zealand Company, along with least one exploration well. struggling for years to attract enough
Canada’s Bukit Energy and Pacific Oil & The announcement comes more than a investment to halt declining domestic
Gas Ltd in Hong Kong, won the tender year after Indonesia’s state-owned Per- output, which has dropped to about half
to explore the Kisaran block in North tamina won the country’s first shale gas of its 1995 peak of 1.6 million barrels
Sumatra, said Saleh Abdurrahman, the per day.§
A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 23
Six blocks released to boost private investment
By Marie RYAN
A NuEnergy Gas rig in Indonesia. Image courtesy of NuEnergy
Australian listed Indonesian focused proximity to other oil and gas discov- to the second well, RE-CBM-02CE
player NuEnergy Gas has begun drill- eries. located 30 km southwest of RE-CBM-
ing the first of two coal bed methane Mobilisation of the rig MCQ 700, a ful- 01CE once drilling is completed.
coring and exploration wells in Central ly hydraulic automated truck mounted The Rengat PSC covers 2,395 square
Sumatra. rig, began in June and is currently being kilometres of Central Sumatra Basin
The wells are located within the Rengat used to drill to a depth of 495 metres and lies in between the prolific oil and
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) at RE-CBM-01CE which is located gas concessions located in the Cen-
tenement and will be cored to test the approximately 195 kilometres South of tral Sumatra Basin in the vicinity of a
permeability of the area’s coal forma- Pekanbaru Indonesia. major gas pipeline from Jakarta to the
tions, mapping the overall coal continu- The rig was selected as it is ideally Chevron Duri Steam Flood project and
ity across the basin to understand the suited to coal bed methane (CBM) related infrastructure.
Central Sumatran Basin reservoir for operations and is equipped with both NuEnergy Gas has a 100 per cent work-
future development. coring and drilling top drives, requir- ing interest in Rengat PSC as operator,
Chief Executive of NuEnergy Gas Ian ing less manpower on site, providing a the Rengat Drilling Program is spear-
Wang said this being the first prospect smaller footprint including the ease of headed by a team from New Century
well to be drilled this year, the compa- inter-well mobilization. Energy Resources who have vast experi-
ny is extremely enthusiastic given the The hydraulic rig will then be mobilised ence in drilling CBM wells in Asia.§
preliminary data results and the basin’s
Indonesia Awards Second Shale Gas Block To
Three Foreign Firms
Indonesia’s energy and mining minis- ministry’s spokesman. block, also located in North Sumatra.
try recently awarded its second shale The consortium agreed to commit more Indonesia hopes shale gas output can
gas exploration block to a consortium than $11.5 million, which will go to help compensate for declining energy
of foreign oil firms that included New conducting a geology and geophysics production from mature oil and gas fields.
Zealand Oil & Gas Ltd. study, a seismic survey and to dig at The former OPEC member has been
The New Zealand Company, along with least one exploration well. struggling for years to attract enough
Canada’s Bukit Energy and Pacific Oil & The announcement comes more than a investment to halt declining domestic
Gas Ltd in Hong Kong, won the tender year after Indonesia’s state-owned Per- output, which has dropped to about half
to explore the Kisaran block in North tamina won the country’s first shale gas of its 1995 peak of 1.6 million barrels
Sumatra, said Saleh Abdurrahman, the per day.§
A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 23