Page 29 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 29

Sealing Solutions for the Oil & Gas Industry

Safety and emissions compliance are to these, we developed the ABRA- washers and two steel washers for each
essential to oil and gas industry. The LINE™ rubber expansion joints. The of the bolts in the flange assembly. The
Garlock family of companies’ extensive range of our engineering capabilities purpose of the isolating sleeves is to
range of materials and products are extends from the selection of the fabric electrically separate the bolts from each
engineered to meet stringent industry used for reinforcement, to the choice of side of the flange, while the isolating
requirements, protecting oil and gas materials used in actual expansion joint washers provide electrical isolation for
fields, pipelines and platforms from construction. Our proprietary urethane each of the nuts attached to the bolts.
dangerous leaks and spills, keeping formula was designed to reduce wear This method of isolation provides the
workers safe and the environment and extend service life. The Garlock user with a high-reliability solution to
stable and intact. Our sealing and pipe family also offers a complete range of complete the electrical isolation of a
protection and support solutions, along metal expansion joints with the ability flanged joint.
with a number of other products and to design joints to individual customer Our designers and engineers are con-
services, enhance safety and operational requirements. Rigid engineering and stantly defining better ways to meet the
efficiency for bottom-line improvement quality control of Garlock metal expan- oil & gas industry’s demanding require-
in process yield. sion joints are what back up our assur- ments for safety and emissions compli-
Among the solutions we offer for ance of long life and reliable service. ance. The Garlock family of companies
oil and gas applications are THER- Garlock metal expansion joints carry is acknowledged as a global leader in
MA-PUR™ gasketing for extreme additional safety factors to increase high-performance fluid sealing prod-
temperature resistance, ABRA-LINE™ fatigue life of bellows 10 times of EJMA ucts, committed to a culture of safety by
expansion joints for abrasive applica- guidance. making the world safe, sustainable and
tions and Garlock Pipeline Technolo- *PIKOTEK® flange isolation kits are de- more reliable. Learn more about Gar-
gies’ *PIKOTEK® flange isolation kits signed to work in conjunction with our lock’s wide range of sealing and pipeline
for maximum sealing and electrical isolating gaskets to effect the complete solutions at
isolation performance. electrical isolation of a flanged assem- *Pikotek® is a registered trademark of
THERMa-PUR™ is a proprietary bly. The isolation kits consist of one Garlock Pipeline Technologies.§
gasketing material designed for use in full-length isolating sleeve, two isolating
high temperature sealing applications.
It is produced using an environmen-
tally friendly solvent-free process and
combines a unique formulation with a
patent-pending core. In addition to the
soft cut gasketing products, Garlock
offers THERMa-PUR™ in a spiral
wound form, which is designed for use
in extreme temperature and aggressive
chemical applications.
We understand the rigorous processes
in oil and gas applications. In response


• Fruity-floral fragrance
• For light to medium soil condition
• 20 litre drum

• Add water in appropriate dilution, spray and brush

• For heavy to severe soil condition
• Available in 1-litre, 5-litre, 20-litre packaging

• Natural fragrance
• For medium to heavy soil condition Tel/Fax: +603 8741 1661 | Nerissa: +6017 4321 009 | email:
• 20 litre drum

No.5-1, Jalan Damai Mewah 1, Taman Damai Mewah, Off Jalan Semenyih, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

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