Page 22 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 22

Plexus signs COSL deal
By Marie RYAN

Wellhead engineering company Plexus vices market where we see exponential “Whilst we predominantly supply into
Holdings announced a collaboration growth potential over the coming years. the jack-up exploration arena we re-
agreement with China Oilfield Services “Demonstrating our commitment to main committed to POS-GRIP product
Limited (COSL) to explore commercial building our presence in the exciting innovation and as such are focused on
opportunities for shallow water subsea Chinese market, we are equally delight- making significant inroads into the
and crossover wellhead production ed to have announced the signing of volume production and subsea mar-
systems for oil and gas field activities in our licence agreement with Jereh who kets. We look forward to working with
China. are also part of this collaboration agree- COSL, RST and Jereh on this newly
Plexus and Jereh (Plexus’ Chinese ment,” Mr Van Bilderbeek said. formed collaboration relationship and
licensing partner Yantai Jereh Oilfield “In addition to actively building on our further look forward to updating share-
Services Group) will combine the trade- existing position in the Asian region holders on our progress.” §
marked POS-GRIP friction-grip meth- following the establishment of our A POS-GRIP wellhead.
od of wellhead engineering with Jereh’s Malaysian and Singaporean hubs and Image courtesy of Plexus Holdings
manufacturing and sales and marketing our major licence agreement with Jereh,
skills to work alongside COSL and RST we are pleased to continue to build
to collaborate on the design, develop- upon our reputation of delivering a new
ment, manufacture, supply, installation standard of wellhead products with key
and provision of aftermarket services global strategic partners,” he said.
for the significant shallow subsea sys- “This latest collaboration agreement
tems and crossover wellhead produc- is another significant milestone in this
tion systems market in China. journey, and Jereh and Plexus look
Plexus’ Chief Executive Ben Van Bilder- forward to designing and manufactur-
beek said the company was delighted to ing a range of innovative shallow water
have signed the collaboration agree- oil and gas equipment solutions for the
ment with COSL, RST and new Chinese Chinese market where COSL has the
licensing partner Jereh, which will see largest fleet of offshore oilfield services
the company strengthen our reach in facilities in China.”
the Chinese oil and gas wellhead ser-

Six blocks released to boost
private investment ByMarieRYAN

China’s Ministry of Land and Resources is difficult due to its complex geology our, encouraging potential bidders to
have announced a pilot program giving and location across several areas of cooperate with state-owned companies
private companies the opportunity to Xinjiang, including two blocks in the already active in the region.
explore six oil-and-gas onshore blocks Tarim Basin, a major production zone Bernstein Research analyst Neil Bever-
in China’s far northwest Xinjiang for Chinese company CNPC. idge told the Wall Street Journal much
region. The Ministry of Land and Resourc- would depend on the quality of reserves
The blocks are reported to hold ample es said in a statement one aim of the at the blocks on offer.
reserves, however payload extraction program was to stir up market vig-

A A20 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015
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