Page 17 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 17
SKILLED launches combined
maritime business at APPEA 2015
SKILLED Group continued its associa- through to specialised vessel manage- nationally recognised for providing off-
tion with APPEA this year with a com- ment and operations. Vessels operated shore marine, construction and drilling
bination of SKILLED businesses coming by the companies making up SKILLED personnel and associated services.
together to showcase the strength of Maritime range from crew transfer and SKILLED Engineering delivers special-
their combined service offering to the utility vessels through to large ocean ist asset management services to both
global oil and gas industry. going tugs, barges and PSV’s. upstream and downstream operations,
Making its industry debut, SKILLED SKILLED Maritime’s operations are including industrial maintenance and
Maritime launched at APPEA 2015, conducted in accordance with the highest repair, shutdowns and capital works
as a new business under the SKILLED possible Health, Safety, Environment, project management. Their fully
banner. Quarantine and Quality management equipped workshops are strategically
Speaking at the event, SKILLED Chief systems that have been tailored to suit located around Australia and support
Operating Officer, Johannes Risseeuw, specific industry requirements. oil and gas giants to maintain gas pipe-
said, “We are proud to launch SKILLED Representing the SKILLED Group lines, gas processing plants, LNG plants,
Maritime at APPEA 2015.” service offering to the global oil and gas chemical sites, refineries and terminals.
“SKILLED Maritime brings together market, SKILLED Offshore, SKILLED Damstra, a complementary SKILLED
our existing businesses of OMSA and Engineering and Damstra also joined business was on hand to demonstrate
Broadsword Marine Contractors, which SKILLED Maritime at APPEA to pres- their innovative total workforce man-
will allow us to provide greater support ent industry with a breadth and depth agement system; a technology based
to the oil & gas industry across all maritime of services previously unseen under one platform that allows simple tracking
logistics and vessel requirements.” provider. and management of client workforc-
With over 17 years of experience sup- Spanning the full project lifecycle, es to improve workforce safety and
porting oil and gas clients around the both on and offshore, SKILLED Group productivity, while reducing workforce
world, SKILLED Maritime offers a wide delivers a range of services from fully cost and risk. A live demonstration of
range of marine services from logistics, managed project services through to the system was available via a working
transportation and marine support workforce management and labour console at the stand.§
solutions. SKILLED Offshore is inter-
A selection of vessels owned, operated and managed by Skilled Maritime, Image courtesy of SKILLED Group.
A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 15
SKILLED launches combined
maritime business at APPEA 2015
SKILLED Group continued its associa- through to specialised vessel manage- nationally recognised for providing off-
tion with APPEA this year with a com- ment and operations. Vessels operated shore marine, construction and drilling
bination of SKILLED businesses coming by the companies making up SKILLED personnel and associated services.
together to showcase the strength of Maritime range from crew transfer and SKILLED Engineering delivers special-
their combined service offering to the utility vessels through to large ocean ist asset management services to both
global oil and gas industry. going tugs, barges and PSV’s. upstream and downstream operations,
Making its industry debut, SKILLED SKILLED Maritime’s operations are including industrial maintenance and
Maritime launched at APPEA 2015, conducted in accordance with the highest repair, shutdowns and capital works
as a new business under the SKILLED possible Health, Safety, Environment, project management. Their fully
banner. Quarantine and Quality management equipped workshops are strategically
Speaking at the event, SKILLED Chief systems that have been tailored to suit located around Australia and support
Operating Officer, Johannes Risseeuw, specific industry requirements. oil and gas giants to maintain gas pipe-
said, “We are proud to launch SKILLED Representing the SKILLED Group lines, gas processing plants, LNG plants,
Maritime at APPEA 2015.” service offering to the global oil and gas chemical sites, refineries and terminals.
“SKILLED Maritime brings together market, SKILLED Offshore, SKILLED Damstra, a complementary SKILLED
our existing businesses of OMSA and Engineering and Damstra also joined business was on hand to demonstrate
Broadsword Marine Contractors, which SKILLED Maritime at APPEA to pres- their innovative total workforce man-
will allow us to provide greater support ent industry with a breadth and depth agement system; a technology based
to the oil & gas industry across all maritime of services previously unseen under one platform that allows simple tracking
logistics and vessel requirements.” provider. and management of client workforc-
With over 17 years of experience sup- Spanning the full project lifecycle, es to improve workforce safety and
porting oil and gas clients around the both on and offshore, SKILLED Group productivity, while reducing workforce
world, SKILLED Maritime offers a wide delivers a range of services from fully cost and risk. A live demonstration of
range of marine services from logistics, managed project services through to the system was available via a working
transportation and marine support workforce management and labour console at the stand.§
solutions. SKILLED Offshore is inter-
A selection of vessels owned, operated and managed by Skilled Maritime, Image courtesy of SKILLED Group.
A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 15