Page 14 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 14
The software is known for its careful ad- and international reserves evaluators producers as by larger producers.
herence to reservoir engineering princi- working here in the region. Energy In addition to Value Navigator, the
ples, its impressively accurate forecast- Navigator is also pursuing relationships company also produces and markets
ing ability, and its intuitive workflows with universities to provide software for AFE Navigator – an automated system
which help to dramatically increase use in engineering programs. for Authorizations for Expenditure and
productivity. Today, Value Naviga- Reserves systems of this type have Capital tracking that helps to optimize
tor is used by more than 300 E&P traditionally required the use of exten- the AFE workflow and guard against
companies, banks, and independent sive database infrastructure that can overspending. §
evaluators worldwide. In Australia, the take years to master. Energy Navigator For more information on Value Nav-
software has been implemented by one has addressed this issue by making it igator or AFE Navigator, please visit
of the country’s largest producers with possible for Value Navigator to run and request
annual production of over 54 million with either a SQL or Oracle database, a demo. Or contact Janet Tremblay by
BOE, and by a smaller producer with thereby creating a scalable system that email
approximately 1.4 million BOE annual can be used just as effectively by small
production. It is also used by Australian
MT monitoring of hydraulic stimulations fluids migrate away from the borehole
of shale-gas resources carried out by the with time. Fluids propagating through
team of staff and PhD students induced fractures in shales will conduct
at the University of Adelaide eroolfestcihttyre,icfclauolnidcnuwercritteihnvitintdytehapneedsnhdioaelnnei.tcIotsnafottulhlroeawtpisoon
that the introduction or removal fluids
Dr Jared Peacock (Left) and Mr Goran Boren (right) deploying magnetotelluric (MT) earth will change the electrical resistivity of
imaging sensors, Image courtesy: Dr Stephan Thiel the formation.
Funded by the Australian Geophys-
Extraction of shale gas from deep hydraulic stimulations do not interact ical Observing System (AGOS) and
formations has become a major global with overlying aquifers. To date, the using the Australian AuScope Mag-
industry over the last decade with primary and most successful geophys namesothonatileteol-lrugeardiscfhrEyoadmrrtahMuIlamicya-sJgtuiimnlygu2le0aqt1ui4oi.pnmTwoeanst
changes in technology and increasing ical technique has been microseismics, our knowledge, this was the first ever
demand. One of the key factors for the which measures small seismic events MT monitoring of a shale gas hy-
success of gas extraction is in estab- associated with rock fractures from an phdraoarrutinzloiecnr,stStaialm-nwutoelalsltcisoohnna.ldeuO-gcutaersdisntaidmtueusntl-rasittaiaolgne
lishing sufficient permeability in an array of surface and downhole geophones. in the Cooper Basin. Vertical drilling
otherwise low-porosity and low-per- This approach has been widely used for took place to a depth of approximately
meability shale formation. Permeability many types of unconventional energy 2eshx9at0el0enmdfoin,rmagn1adt0it0oh0ne.mnHhtyhodrroirzauougnlhitcatlshtdeirmtialulrilgnaegttion
can be established through hydraulic resource development. over twelve days was followed by a fluid
stimulation of the formation, creating The magnetotelluric (MT) method is an flow-back period.
new pathways for fluids to flow. alternative approach to monitoring hy- lFirnoems otfhMe cTenintrsatrluinmjeecnttisnwg ewreellp,lfaocuerd
Geophysical monitoring of hydraulic draulic stimulations. In contrast to mi- radially in a cross-pattern, with 10 in-
stimulation can be used to determine croseismics that delineates the locations struments per line spaced approximately
how the fluids interact with the shale of rock fractures, MT is sensitive directly 250 m apart (as shown in Figure 1).
formation. Monitoring provides con- to the presence of fluid as measured by AuScope electric and magnetic field
straints as to how far fluids migrate, and its bulk electrical resistivity, which in data loggers were deployed for 65 days
in which direction to help optimise turn is dependent on the permeability of continuous monitoring at 651 Hz. As
production. Additionally, independent of the shales. MT is sensitive to the changes in magnetic-field are spatially
verification is critical for social and direction of fluid connection, so may uniform over the extent of the survey
environmental regulation, to ensure that yield important information on how area, only two magnetic-field data re-
corders were placed within the array. A
third logger was placed 10 km from the
well, for redundancy and as a remote
~continued on page 14
A A12 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015
The software is known for its careful ad- and international reserves evaluators producers as by larger producers.
herence to reservoir engineering princi- working here in the region. Energy In addition to Value Navigator, the
ples, its impressively accurate forecast- Navigator is also pursuing relationships company also produces and markets
ing ability, and its intuitive workflows with universities to provide software for AFE Navigator – an automated system
which help to dramatically increase use in engineering programs. for Authorizations for Expenditure and
productivity. Today, Value Naviga- Reserves systems of this type have Capital tracking that helps to optimize
tor is used by more than 300 E&P traditionally required the use of exten- the AFE workflow and guard against
companies, banks, and independent sive database infrastructure that can overspending. §
evaluators worldwide. In Australia, the take years to master. Energy Navigator For more information on Value Nav-
software has been implemented by one has addressed this issue by making it igator or AFE Navigator, please visit
of the country’s largest producers with possible for Value Navigator to run and request
annual production of over 54 million with either a SQL or Oracle database, a demo. Or contact Janet Tremblay by
BOE, and by a smaller producer with thereby creating a scalable system that email
approximately 1.4 million BOE annual can be used just as effectively by small
production. It is also used by Australian
MT monitoring of hydraulic stimulations fluids migrate away from the borehole
of shale-gas resources carried out by the with time. Fluids propagating through
team of staff and PhD students induced fractures in shales will conduct
at the University of Adelaide eroolfestcihttyre,icfclauolnidcnuwercritteihnvitintdytehapneedsnhdioaelnnei.tcIotsnafottulhlroeawtpisoon
that the introduction or removal fluids
Dr Jared Peacock (Left) and Mr Goran Boren (right) deploying magnetotelluric (MT) earth will change the electrical resistivity of
imaging sensors, Image courtesy: Dr Stephan Thiel the formation.
Funded by the Australian Geophys-
Extraction of shale gas from deep hydraulic stimulations do not interact ical Observing System (AGOS) and
formations has become a major global with overlying aquifers. To date, the using the Australian AuScope Mag-
industry over the last decade with primary and most successful geophys namesothonatileteol-lrugeardiscfhrEyoadmrrtahMuIlamicya-sJgtuiimnlygu2le0aqt1ui4oi.pnmTwoeanst
changes in technology and increasing ical technique has been microseismics, our knowledge, this was the first ever
demand. One of the key factors for the which measures small seismic events MT monitoring of a shale gas hy-
success of gas extraction is in estab- associated with rock fractures from an phdraoarrutinzloiecnr,stStaialm-nwutoelalsltcisoohnna.ldeuO-gcutaersdisntaidmtueusntl-rasittaiaolgne
lishing sufficient permeability in an array of surface and downhole geophones. in the Cooper Basin. Vertical drilling
otherwise low-porosity and low-per- This approach has been widely used for took place to a depth of approximately
meability shale formation. Permeability many types of unconventional energy 2eshx9at0el0enmdfoin,rmagn1adt0it0oh0ne.mnHhtyhodrroirzauougnlhitcatlshtdeirmtialulrilgnaegttion
can be established through hydraulic resource development. over twelve days was followed by a fluid
stimulation of the formation, creating The magnetotelluric (MT) method is an flow-back period.
new pathways for fluids to flow. alternative approach to monitoring hy- lFirnoems otfhMe cTenintrsatrluinmjeecnttisnwg ewreellp,lfaocuerd
Geophysical monitoring of hydraulic draulic stimulations. In contrast to mi- radially in a cross-pattern, with 10 in-
stimulation can be used to determine croseismics that delineates the locations struments per line spaced approximately
how the fluids interact with the shale of rock fractures, MT is sensitive directly 250 m apart (as shown in Figure 1).
formation. Monitoring provides con- to the presence of fluid as measured by AuScope electric and magnetic field
straints as to how far fluids migrate, and its bulk electrical resistivity, which in data loggers were deployed for 65 days
in which direction to help optimise turn is dependent on the permeability of continuous monitoring at 651 Hz. As
production. Additionally, independent of the shales. MT is sensitive to the changes in magnetic-field are spatially
verification is critical for social and direction of fluid connection, so may uniform over the extent of the survey
environmental regulation, to ensure that yield important information on how area, only two magnetic-field data re-
corders were placed within the array. A
third logger was placed 10 km from the
well, for redundancy and as a remote
~continued on page 14
A A12 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015