Page 13 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
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Zebra Data Sciences At APPEA 2015
Zebra Data Sciences (ZDS) began life in the full evaluation of an investment allow viewing of the data remotely, but
2005. Its head office is amongst the or- opportunity. The 350 projects over the conforming to national export controls.
chards of Kent, and has staff in the UK, past decade show that using a VDR can Workstation Data Rooms (WDR) are
Poland, Russia, Malaysia, and the Phil- increase the chance of a deal’s success often used when a more thorough tech-
ippines. It consists of two main business by over 10%. nical evaluation is required. They allow
lines: Marketing Services, under the Of growing importance is the busi- visitors to a project to run technical
HydrocarbonAssets (HCA) brand; and ness of assisting National Resource evaluation software (e.g. IHS Kingdom,
showcasing (technical) Services under Holders in Licensing Rounds – most DUG Insight, Schlumberger’s Petrel) on
the well-known EZDataRoom logo. recently the DOE in the Philippines, remote servers – which again prevent
The main business lines are for project and Petronas in Malaysia. Licensing the export or downloading of any sub-
farm-out or divestment, License Round Rounds usually involve the use of both surface data.
assistance, and Data Management soft- promotion and EZDataRoom services, VDR and WDR services are designed
ware. Most farm-out projects are in the and may also include services to clean to complement the traditional Physical
exploration phase, but the same services up and prepare legacy data for the data Data Rooms (PDR), and are particular-
are used to promote development and rooms or for sale. ly valuable in three respects:
production projects. Over 4,000 industry professionals (1) They allow many more potential in-
HCA services comprise project pro- subscribe to the HCA site. They are no- vestors to evaluate a project than would
motion through listing on the Hydro- tified of any new opportunities in their be possible if relying on a PDR alone. web site, Flyer and regions of interest, and can visit the web (2) They better prepare visitors for the
IM preparation, project promotion at site to get an overview of the projects. limited time they have at a PDR.
global industry events, and Telemar- If there is an EZDataRoom VDR, then (3) They allow the evaluation to contin-
keting. HCA also publishes a monthly upon signing a CA they can access the ue after access to the PDR is closed.
newsletter – the ‘Informer’. project in order to undertake a full eval- This benefits the company seeking to
EZDataRoom services are primarily uation of all the available data. attract investors – by expanding the po-
Virtual Data Rooms (VDR), Work- Data security is a key feature of the tential market. It benefits the companies
station Data Rooms (WDR), and the EZDataRoom services, as by default undertaking the project review – by
management of Physical Data Rooms no data ever leaves the server. This is minimizing travel expenses, and allow-
(PDR). The EZDataRoom services of particular concern in countries with ing a more comprehensive evaluation of
focus on providing secure access to strict controls on the export of sub- the business opportunity. §
geotechnical data (particularly seismic surface data, and in these cases ZDS
and well logs) in order to facilitate provide servers in the host country that
Canadian company presents more accurate
forecasting and reserves software at APPEA 2015
Oil and gas exploration and production reserves software system. Since launching over 16 years ago,
generates a tremendous amount of data. “APPEA was an excellent opportunity Value Navigator has become the most
Navigating that data and leveraging it for us to meet with key players in the widely used suite of its kind in the Ca-
for improved decision-making is an Australian E&P sector and demonstrate nadian market. It has also been gaining
enormous challenge. Energy Navigator, our software’s global capabilities,” said a foothold in the U.S. market since
a Canadian-owned software company Janet Tremblay, VP of International being launched there just over six years
that markets its products international- Business Development with Energy ago. In addition to being used exten-
ly, believes they’ve conquered that chal- Navigator Inc. “What differentiates sively for its fast and accurate analysis
lenge and are able to provide a better Value Navigator is that we’ve integrat- of acquisition and divestiture transac-
way for producers to get from data to ed production forecasting, economic tions, Value Navigator was recently im-
decision. Janet Tremblay, Vice President evaluation, and reserves management plemented as the full-spectrum reserves
of International Business Development into a single tool. Our unique auto system of choice by California Resource
with Energy Navigator, was at the forecasting algorithm has been proven Corporation, a spin-off of Occidental
APPEA 2015 Conference and Exhibi- extremely accurate and is a major time Petroleum.
tion in Melbourne in May to highlight saver for engineers, and our mapping
the advantages of Value Navigator, the feature makes it possible to visualize ~continued on page 12
company’s integrated engineering and well locations to assist in planning.”
A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 11
Zebra Data Sciences At APPEA 2015
Zebra Data Sciences (ZDS) began life in the full evaluation of an investment allow viewing of the data remotely, but
2005. Its head office is amongst the or- opportunity. The 350 projects over the conforming to national export controls.
chards of Kent, and has staff in the UK, past decade show that using a VDR can Workstation Data Rooms (WDR) are
Poland, Russia, Malaysia, and the Phil- increase the chance of a deal’s success often used when a more thorough tech-
ippines. It consists of two main business by over 10%. nical evaluation is required. They allow
lines: Marketing Services, under the Of growing importance is the busi- visitors to a project to run technical
HydrocarbonAssets (HCA) brand; and ness of assisting National Resource evaluation software (e.g. IHS Kingdom,
showcasing (technical) Services under Holders in Licensing Rounds – most DUG Insight, Schlumberger’s Petrel) on
the well-known EZDataRoom logo. recently the DOE in the Philippines, remote servers – which again prevent
The main business lines are for project and Petronas in Malaysia. Licensing the export or downloading of any sub-
farm-out or divestment, License Round Rounds usually involve the use of both surface data.
assistance, and Data Management soft- promotion and EZDataRoom services, VDR and WDR services are designed
ware. Most farm-out projects are in the and may also include services to clean to complement the traditional Physical
exploration phase, but the same services up and prepare legacy data for the data Data Rooms (PDR), and are particular-
are used to promote development and rooms or for sale. ly valuable in three respects:
production projects. Over 4,000 industry professionals (1) They allow many more potential in-
HCA services comprise project pro- subscribe to the HCA site. They are no- vestors to evaluate a project than would
motion through listing on the Hydro- tified of any new opportunities in their be possible if relying on a PDR alone. web site, Flyer and regions of interest, and can visit the web (2) They better prepare visitors for the
IM preparation, project promotion at site to get an overview of the projects. limited time they have at a PDR.
global industry events, and Telemar- If there is an EZDataRoom VDR, then (3) They allow the evaluation to contin-
keting. HCA also publishes a monthly upon signing a CA they can access the ue after access to the PDR is closed.
newsletter – the ‘Informer’. project in order to undertake a full eval- This benefits the company seeking to
EZDataRoom services are primarily uation of all the available data. attract investors – by expanding the po-
Virtual Data Rooms (VDR), Work- Data security is a key feature of the tential market. It benefits the companies
station Data Rooms (WDR), and the EZDataRoom services, as by default undertaking the project review – by
management of Physical Data Rooms no data ever leaves the server. This is minimizing travel expenses, and allow-
(PDR). The EZDataRoom services of particular concern in countries with ing a more comprehensive evaluation of
focus on providing secure access to strict controls on the export of sub- the business opportunity. §
geotechnical data (particularly seismic surface data, and in these cases ZDS
and well logs) in order to facilitate provide servers in the host country that
Canadian company presents more accurate
forecasting and reserves software at APPEA 2015
Oil and gas exploration and production reserves software system. Since launching over 16 years ago,
generates a tremendous amount of data. “APPEA was an excellent opportunity Value Navigator has become the most
Navigating that data and leveraging it for us to meet with key players in the widely used suite of its kind in the Ca-
for improved decision-making is an Australian E&P sector and demonstrate nadian market. It has also been gaining
enormous challenge. Energy Navigator, our software’s global capabilities,” said a foothold in the U.S. market since
a Canadian-owned software company Janet Tremblay, VP of International being launched there just over six years
that markets its products international- Business Development with Energy ago. In addition to being used exten-
ly, believes they’ve conquered that chal- Navigator Inc. “What differentiates sively for its fast and accurate analysis
lenge and are able to provide a better Value Navigator is that we’ve integrat- of acquisition and divestiture transac-
way for producers to get from data to ed production forecasting, economic tions, Value Navigator was recently im-
decision. Janet Tremblay, Vice President evaluation, and reserves management plemented as the full-spectrum reserves
of International Business Development into a single tool. Our unique auto system of choice by California Resource
with Energy Navigator, was at the forecasting algorithm has been proven Corporation, a spin-off of Occidental
APPEA 2015 Conference and Exhibi- extremely accurate and is a major time Petroleum.
tion in Melbourne in May to highlight saver for engineers, and our mapping
the advantages of Value Navigator, the feature makes it possible to visualize ~continued on page 12
company’s integrated engineering and well locations to assist in planning.”
A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 11