Page 12 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 12
Australia’s add Browse FLNG to our list of committed
Oil and Gas developments. Australia is strengthening
its leadership position significantly in the
Industry global natural gas industry.
a true At the moment, we are the only LNG pro-
ducing country in the world with projects in
Success Story construction that uses three LNG produc-
tion models.
The Honourable Ian Macfarlane MP, Conventional offshore gas with onshore
Minister for Industry and Science LNG production, gloating LNG production
and coal seam gas based LNG production
The Honourable Ian Macfarlane MP, Min- So all of us, Government, industry and are all part of the industry’s impressive
ister for Industry and Science deputised for community, have a huge stake in safeguard- development portfolio.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott to address the ing its future. The majority of current global investment in
2015 APPEA Conference held in Mel- It’s important we are able to take regular LNG projects is also in Australia.
bourne. stock of the industry, as well as identifying With our LNG exports expected to more
The Minister told the assembled delegates ways to tackle challenges and fulfil our than triple by 2018/19, Australia is poised to
“There’s no doubt the Oil & Gas Industry is potential.” become the world’s largest LNG exporter by
one of Australia’s success stories. Australia’s The Minister then went onto talk about the end of this decade.
position as a global energy superpower is strengthening Australia’s Global LNG This is an extraordinary achievement. It re-
in part due to the growing strength of this position. flects the remarkable breadth of knowledge
industry. “We are in an exciting period of both signifi- and technological know-how in the industry
Its importance to our National economy cant transition and great opportunity for in Australia and the diversity of our abun-
by way of export revenue, job creation and Australia’s oil and gas industry. dant natural resources.”
regional development cannot be overem- This year marks a new industry milestone The Minister went on to mention the
phasised. with the east coast producing its first LNG Challenging Opportunities, Supporting
The Australian Government has recognised and the world’s first LNG export from the Offshore sector, Acreage release, New
this in our recently released Energy White unconventional gas from Queensland’s Exploration Guidelines, Gas Market reform
Paper, which sets a blueprint for enhancing Curtis LNG Project and I was delighted to and strengthening industry, Visa 457 Re-
energy productivity and investment. be in Queensland recently to celebrate this view and science collaboration.
Australia’s LNG export value in 2014-15 is milestone. In conclusion the Minister said:
$18.2 billion and is projected to increase This project joins the North West Shelf, “The Australian Government is committed
at an annual growth rate of 21 per cent to Pluto and Darwin LNG operating projects to a strong and competitive oil and gas
$46.7 billion in 2019 -20. and there’s more to come. industry.
With the Australia- Pacific and Gladstone This industry is vital to the economic pros-
Australians use more oil and gas than any LNG projects scheduled to start production perity of our nation.
other energy source and this trend is expect- this year, 2015 will be a momentous year for We are doing everything feasible to create
ed to increase in the years ahead. the East Coasts oil and gas industry. a policy and regulatory environment that
Oil and gas will continue to account for But the future also looks bright for the is conductive to the industry’s continuing
more than two-thirds of Australia’s final en- North-West, where constructions of the success.
ergy consumption to the end of the forecast Gorgon., Wheatstone, Ichthys and Prelude No doubt the current market conditions
period in 2049-50. projects is well advanced and production is are a challenge, but there’s no shortage of
Given its importance to our economy and due to start in the next few years. resilience in this industry.
energy security, the oil and gas industry We hope that in the next two years we can You’ve consistently demonstrated you know
plays a major role in our success as a modern what it takes to drive a strategy to sustain
nation. and grow business in fiercely competitive
global and domestic markets.
I believe the oil and gas sector will continue
to have a strong future in Australia, with
enormous potential still to be tapped, by
making best use of our resources and our
skills”. §
A A10 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015
Australia’s add Browse FLNG to our list of committed
Oil and Gas developments. Australia is strengthening
its leadership position significantly in the
Industry global natural gas industry.
a true At the moment, we are the only LNG pro-
ducing country in the world with projects in
Success Story construction that uses three LNG produc-
tion models.
The Honourable Ian Macfarlane MP, Conventional offshore gas with onshore
Minister for Industry and Science LNG production, gloating LNG production
and coal seam gas based LNG production
The Honourable Ian Macfarlane MP, Min- So all of us, Government, industry and are all part of the industry’s impressive
ister for Industry and Science deputised for community, have a huge stake in safeguard- development portfolio.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott to address the ing its future. The majority of current global investment in
2015 APPEA Conference held in Mel- It’s important we are able to take regular LNG projects is also in Australia.
bourne. stock of the industry, as well as identifying With our LNG exports expected to more
The Minister told the assembled delegates ways to tackle challenges and fulfil our than triple by 2018/19, Australia is poised to
“There’s no doubt the Oil & Gas Industry is potential.” become the world’s largest LNG exporter by
one of Australia’s success stories. Australia’s The Minister then went onto talk about the end of this decade.
position as a global energy superpower is strengthening Australia’s Global LNG This is an extraordinary achievement. It re-
in part due to the growing strength of this position. flects the remarkable breadth of knowledge
industry. “We are in an exciting period of both signifi- and technological know-how in the industry
Its importance to our National economy cant transition and great opportunity for in Australia and the diversity of our abun-
by way of export revenue, job creation and Australia’s oil and gas industry. dant natural resources.”
regional development cannot be overem- This year marks a new industry milestone The Minister went on to mention the
phasised. with the east coast producing its first LNG Challenging Opportunities, Supporting
The Australian Government has recognised and the world’s first LNG export from the Offshore sector, Acreage release, New
this in our recently released Energy White unconventional gas from Queensland’s Exploration Guidelines, Gas Market reform
Paper, which sets a blueprint for enhancing Curtis LNG Project and I was delighted to and strengthening industry, Visa 457 Re-
energy productivity and investment. be in Queensland recently to celebrate this view and science collaboration.
Australia’s LNG export value in 2014-15 is milestone. In conclusion the Minister said:
$18.2 billion and is projected to increase This project joins the North West Shelf, “The Australian Government is committed
at an annual growth rate of 21 per cent to Pluto and Darwin LNG operating projects to a strong and competitive oil and gas
$46.7 billion in 2019 -20. and there’s more to come. industry.
With the Australia- Pacific and Gladstone This industry is vital to the economic pros-
Australians use more oil and gas than any LNG projects scheduled to start production perity of our nation.
other energy source and this trend is expect- this year, 2015 will be a momentous year for We are doing everything feasible to create
ed to increase in the years ahead. the East Coasts oil and gas industry. a policy and regulatory environment that
Oil and gas will continue to account for But the future also looks bright for the is conductive to the industry’s continuing
more than two-thirds of Australia’s final en- North-West, where constructions of the success.
ergy consumption to the end of the forecast Gorgon., Wheatstone, Ichthys and Prelude No doubt the current market conditions
period in 2049-50. projects is well advanced and production is are a challenge, but there’s no shortage of
Given its importance to our economy and due to start in the next few years. resilience in this industry.
energy security, the oil and gas industry We hope that in the next two years we can You’ve consistently demonstrated you know
plays a major role in our success as a modern what it takes to drive a strategy to sustain
nation. and grow business in fiercely competitive
global and domestic markets.
I believe the oil and gas sector will continue
to have a strong future in Australia, with
enormous potential still to be tapped, by
making best use of our resources and our
skills”. §
A A10 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015