Page 10 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
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The global Liquefied Natural Gas “This is a most appropriate time for this information and comment not previ-
(LNG) spotlight is now firmly on Aus- conference and exhibition to be held in ously available to the world gas indus-
tralia as the nation prepares to host the Australia which continues to move to- try,” he said.
industry’s most prestigious world event wards a leadership position in the world Mr Grant King, Chair of the LNG 18
– LNG 18. LNG production and export industries,” National Organising Committee, said
Some 5000 LNG industry professionals Mr Ferrier said. Australia was privileged and delighted
from more than 70 countries are ex- “LNG 18 – to be held at Perth’s inter- to again host a global event of such
pected to attend this triennial confer- nationally renowned convention and significance.
ence and exhibition which will be held exhibition centre - has already attracted “This will be the largest and most im-
in Perth, the capital of Western Austral- a wide range of outstanding industry portant international energy conference
ia, 11–15 April next year. leaders as keynote speakers and will fea- and exhibition ever held in Australia
This is the second occasion Australia ture some 200 exhibitors,” he said. and reflects the great importance of the
and Perth have been chosen as the Mr David Carroll, the IGU’s incoming LNG industry to our country which is
venue for the world’s largest global LNG President, said the line-up of speakers seen throughout the world as a reliable
event as the city also successfully hosted and presentations at LNG 18 would and secure supplier,” Mr King said.
LNG 12, 17 years ago in 1998. showcase the global gas industry to the “We look forward to welcoming all
The dramatic growth in the Australian world. delegates to Perth for LNG 18 and
LNG industry over that period has been Mr Carroll, who is currently Vice-Pres- to sharing with the world up-to-date
striking, with the nation rocketing up ident of the IGU, is also on the LNG information on the latest LNG projects
the output ladder towards being on the 18 Steering Committee which met last and the various leading-edge technolo-
cusp of challenging Qatar as the world’s week to choose the papers to be pre- gies associated with the industry.
largest LNG exporter. sented at the Perth event. “See you in Perth in April 2016 for the
From its fledgling LNG position at “We have chosen some outstanding 18th in the series of the largest events
the time of LNG 12 in Perth in 1998, papers and presentations which will in the world which bring together the
Australia is today the third largest LNG provide delegates with up-to-the-minute global players in the LNG market.Ӥ
exporter in the world and with abun-
dant offshore and onshore petroleum High level industry professionals already confirmed as plenary session speakers for
reserves under development and close the five-day conference include:
to key LNG demand centres in the
Asia-Pacific region. - Mr Hamad Rashid Al Mohannadi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), RasGas;
The triennial International Conference - Mr Khalid Bin Khalifa Bin Al-Thani, CEO, Qatargas;
and Exhibition on LNG is owned and - Dr Nirmal (Chat) Chatterjee, Chair, LNG 18 Program Committee & Corporate
presented by the International Gas Un-
ion (IGU), the Gas Technology Institute Vice President (Retired) Engineering and EH&S Air Products and Chemicals;
(GTI) and the International Institute - Mr Peter Coleman, CEO, Woodside;
of Refrigeration (IIR). The host IGU - Mr Bill Dudley, CEO, Bechtel Group;
member for LNG 18 is the Australian - Mr Jérôme Ferrier, President, IGU & Chair, LNGX Steering Committee;
Gas Industry Trust (AGIT) with the - Mr Grant King, Managing Director, Origin Energy & Chair, LNG 18 National Organising
Australian Petroleum Production and
Exploration Association (APPEA) the Committee;
event’s supporting association. - Mr Toshiaki Kitamura, Representative Director, President & CEO, INPEX;
Mr Jérôme Ferrier, President of the IGU - Ms Sarah Ladislaw, Director and Senior Fellow, Energy and National Security Program, CSIS;
and Chair of the LNG Steering Com- - Mr Ryan Lance, Chairman and , CEO, ConocoPhillips;
mittee, said LNG 18 would be the most - Mr Helge Lund, CEO, BG Group;
significant international event on the - Ms Melody B. Meyer, President, Chevron Asia Pacific Exploration and Production Company;
global gas industry calendar in 2016. - Mr Neeraj Nandurdikar, Director, Oil & Gas Practice at Independent Project Analysis;
- Mr Lorenzo Simonelli, President & CEO, GE Oil & Gas;
- Mr Jonathan Stern, Chairman, Natural Gas Research Programme and Senior Research Fellow;
- Mr Michael Stoppard, Chief Strategist, Global Gas, IHS Energy;
- Mr Michael Utsler, Chief Operating Officer, Woodside;
- Mr Ben van Beurden, CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc;
- Mr John Watson, CEO and Chairman of the Board, Chevron; and
- Mr Maarten Wetselar, Executive Vice President, Shell Integrated Gas.
A A08 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015
The global Liquefied Natural Gas “This is a most appropriate time for this information and comment not previ-
(LNG) spotlight is now firmly on Aus- conference and exhibition to be held in ously available to the world gas indus-
tralia as the nation prepares to host the Australia which continues to move to- try,” he said.
industry’s most prestigious world event wards a leadership position in the world Mr Grant King, Chair of the LNG 18
– LNG 18. LNG production and export industries,” National Organising Committee, said
Some 5000 LNG industry professionals Mr Ferrier said. Australia was privileged and delighted
from more than 70 countries are ex- “LNG 18 – to be held at Perth’s inter- to again host a global event of such
pected to attend this triennial confer- nationally renowned convention and significance.
ence and exhibition which will be held exhibition centre - has already attracted “This will be the largest and most im-
in Perth, the capital of Western Austral- a wide range of outstanding industry portant international energy conference
ia, 11–15 April next year. leaders as keynote speakers and will fea- and exhibition ever held in Australia
This is the second occasion Australia ture some 200 exhibitors,” he said. and reflects the great importance of the
and Perth have been chosen as the Mr David Carroll, the IGU’s incoming LNG industry to our country which is
venue for the world’s largest global LNG President, said the line-up of speakers seen throughout the world as a reliable
event as the city also successfully hosted and presentations at LNG 18 would and secure supplier,” Mr King said.
LNG 12, 17 years ago in 1998. showcase the global gas industry to the “We look forward to welcoming all
The dramatic growth in the Australian world. delegates to Perth for LNG 18 and
LNG industry over that period has been Mr Carroll, who is currently Vice-Pres- to sharing with the world up-to-date
striking, with the nation rocketing up ident of the IGU, is also on the LNG information on the latest LNG projects
the output ladder towards being on the 18 Steering Committee which met last and the various leading-edge technolo-
cusp of challenging Qatar as the world’s week to choose the papers to be pre- gies associated with the industry.
largest LNG exporter. sented at the Perth event. “See you in Perth in April 2016 for the
From its fledgling LNG position at “We have chosen some outstanding 18th in the series of the largest events
the time of LNG 12 in Perth in 1998, papers and presentations which will in the world which bring together the
Australia is today the third largest LNG provide delegates with up-to-the-minute global players in the LNG market.Ӥ
exporter in the world and with abun-
dant offshore and onshore petroleum High level industry professionals already confirmed as plenary session speakers for
reserves under development and close the five-day conference include:
to key LNG demand centres in the
Asia-Pacific region. - Mr Hamad Rashid Al Mohannadi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), RasGas;
The triennial International Conference - Mr Khalid Bin Khalifa Bin Al-Thani, CEO, Qatargas;
and Exhibition on LNG is owned and - Dr Nirmal (Chat) Chatterjee, Chair, LNG 18 Program Committee & Corporate
presented by the International Gas Un-
ion (IGU), the Gas Technology Institute Vice President (Retired) Engineering and EH&S Air Products and Chemicals;
(GTI) and the International Institute - Mr Peter Coleman, CEO, Woodside;
of Refrigeration (IIR). The host IGU - Mr Bill Dudley, CEO, Bechtel Group;
member for LNG 18 is the Australian - Mr Jérôme Ferrier, President, IGU & Chair, LNGX Steering Committee;
Gas Industry Trust (AGIT) with the - Mr Grant King, Managing Director, Origin Energy & Chair, LNG 18 National Organising
Australian Petroleum Production and
Exploration Association (APPEA) the Committee;
event’s supporting association. - Mr Toshiaki Kitamura, Representative Director, President & CEO, INPEX;
Mr Jérôme Ferrier, President of the IGU - Ms Sarah Ladislaw, Director and Senior Fellow, Energy and National Security Program, CSIS;
and Chair of the LNG Steering Com- - Mr Ryan Lance, Chairman and , CEO, ConocoPhillips;
mittee, said LNG 18 would be the most - Mr Helge Lund, CEO, BG Group;
significant international event on the - Ms Melody B. Meyer, President, Chevron Asia Pacific Exploration and Production Company;
global gas industry calendar in 2016. - Mr Neeraj Nandurdikar, Director, Oil & Gas Practice at Independent Project Analysis;
- Mr Lorenzo Simonelli, President & CEO, GE Oil & Gas;
- Mr Jonathan Stern, Chairman, Natural Gas Research Programme and Senior Research Fellow;
- Mr Michael Stoppard, Chief Strategist, Global Gas, IHS Energy;
- Mr Michael Utsler, Chief Operating Officer, Woodside;
- Mr Ben van Beurden, CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc;
- Mr John Watson, CEO and Chairman of the Board, Chevron; and
- Mr Maarten Wetselar, Executive Vice President, Shell Integrated Gas.
A A08 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015