Page 5 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
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Networking at Trade shows and Conferences a
key way to make those valuable business contacts
Exhibitions and Conferences are still one of the best ways to It’s not just the large shows that offer these networking
meet the contacts we all need in order to do business in the Oil opportunities, for example the FLNG Conference, also in June
& Gas Industry and whilst media releases and advertising both in Singapore, whilst only having 170 delegates, offered over the
online and in specialist trade magazines are an essential part of two days excellent opportunities to talk to the top people in the
everyone’s business development, those face to face conversations industry at morning Tea and Coffee breaks, the buffet lunches
are invaluable in completing our overall business strategy. and afternoon tea breaks.
For example at APPEA 2015 in Melbourne in mid-May there Looking ahead to the rest of the year there are still plenty
were 2,671 officially registered attendees plus additional trade opportunities in our region for the rest of this year including,
visitors from 32 countries with a strong presence from Canada, SEAAOC 2015 in Darwin at the end of August, Oil & Gas
New Zealand, USA, UK, Japan and Singapore. There were over Indonesia and Subsea Asia in Jakarta at the beginning of
215 exhibitors from 15 countries showcasing their goods and September, the South East Asia Offshore Summit in Yangon
services. Myanmar, 2015 Asia Oil & Gas Fiesta Johor Malaysia and the
In addition to the exhibition, the social program delivered some FPSO Congress in Singapore all taking place in September. In
excellent networking opportunities including the Welcome October we have Oil & Gas Myanmar 2015 in Yangon Myanmar
reception, Happy Hours, Farewell Cocktails and the Dinner and GASTECH 2015 in Singapore.
providing the platform for the Industry to do business. For full details including dates for all the shows taking place
please visit the event diary listing page on page 68 and “Happy
Lebus horizontal half page 2015:Layout 1 10/07/2015 09:27 Page 1 Networking”
Similarly the OGA 2015 event in Kuala Lumpur at the beginning Mike Twiss
of June hosted a number of excellent networking opportunities Publisher
including the Exhibitors reception at the end of day one and
there were several other receptions held during the week
including the Norwegian Embassy and Austrade.
The Lebus spooling system comes with a
lifetime guarantee that your wire rope spools
smoothly onto and off the drum under
absolute control – a totally dependable
performance every time to maximise rope
life and minimise down time.
Experts in wire rope spooling
Lebus International Engineers GmbH
Tel: (+49) 88 06 958 950
A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 03
Networking at Trade shows and Conferences a
key way to make those valuable business contacts
Exhibitions and Conferences are still one of the best ways to It’s not just the large shows that offer these networking
meet the contacts we all need in order to do business in the Oil opportunities, for example the FLNG Conference, also in June
& Gas Industry and whilst media releases and advertising both in Singapore, whilst only having 170 delegates, offered over the
online and in specialist trade magazines are an essential part of two days excellent opportunities to talk to the top people in the
everyone’s business development, those face to face conversations industry at morning Tea and Coffee breaks, the buffet lunches
are invaluable in completing our overall business strategy. and afternoon tea breaks.
For example at APPEA 2015 in Melbourne in mid-May there Looking ahead to the rest of the year there are still plenty
were 2,671 officially registered attendees plus additional trade opportunities in our region for the rest of this year including,
visitors from 32 countries with a strong presence from Canada, SEAAOC 2015 in Darwin at the end of August, Oil & Gas
New Zealand, USA, UK, Japan and Singapore. There were over Indonesia and Subsea Asia in Jakarta at the beginning of
215 exhibitors from 15 countries showcasing their goods and September, the South East Asia Offshore Summit in Yangon
services. Myanmar, 2015 Asia Oil & Gas Fiesta Johor Malaysia and the
In addition to the exhibition, the social program delivered some FPSO Congress in Singapore all taking place in September. In
excellent networking opportunities including the Welcome October we have Oil & Gas Myanmar 2015 in Yangon Myanmar
reception, Happy Hours, Farewell Cocktails and the Dinner and GASTECH 2015 in Singapore.
providing the platform for the Industry to do business. For full details including dates for all the shows taking place
please visit the event diary listing page on page 68 and “Happy
Lebus horizontal half page 2015:Layout 1 10/07/2015 09:27 Page 1 Networking”
Similarly the OGA 2015 event in Kuala Lumpur at the beginning Mike Twiss
of June hosted a number of excellent networking opportunities Publisher
including the Exhibitors reception at the end of day one and
there were several other receptions held during the week
including the Norwegian Embassy and Austrade.
The Lebus spooling system comes with a
lifetime guarantee that your wire rope spools
smoothly onto and off the drum under
absolute control – a totally dependable
performance every time to maximise rope
life and minimise down time.
Experts in wire rope spooling
Lebus International Engineers GmbH
Tel: (+49) 88 06 958 950
A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 03