Page 53 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-2
P. 53
Ferguson Group Expands Vietnamese Operations
Ferguson Group Singapore, global seminars in the Vietnam to explain our that will be based in their partner, New
specialists in the provision of offshore products and picked up some substan- World Logistics’, bases in Vung Tau and
DNV 2.7-1/EN12079 containers and tial contract wins.” Da Nang, Vietnam.
accommodation solutions, is expanding The partners have found that there is De Koning: “Our fleet has been de-
its presence in Vietnam. tremendous interest in their products, signed to carry anything that is required
Alongside Vietnamese partner New particularly in the DNV certification. on a platform. Therefore we have a
World Logistics, Ferguson Group Sin- De Koning: “We have run a few sem- wide range of cargo carrying units, such
gapore, has made considerable inroads inars for new clients, explaining why as half heights and open tops for long
into the offshore containers market in there is a need for certification and the pieces of equipment, and cargo baskets
Vietnam in the last year. added benefits of it. People have tradi- for specialist equipment, not forgetting
Simon de Koning, General Manager, tionally thought it was simply a health mudskips for drill cuttings and other
Ferguson Group Singapore, has a long and safety issue, but there are financial waste, and dry goods containers for
history in the area. considerations that can make a signif- general cargo.”
“This region doesn’t have a history of icant difference particularly if capital With this investment, Ferguson Group
DNV2.7-1 certified equipment rental expenditure needs to be raised.” Singapore hope that they will be able
so we’ve been on a steep curve, ex- To support this, the company is making to consolidate the foothold they have
plaining why we rent rather than sell a multi million dollar investment in carved with New World Logistics in
our containers. We’ve had a number of the region, with a very large extension the busy Vietnamese offshore energy
to their fleet of cargo carrying units, industry. §
Russia enters deal with Vietnam to
upgrade refinery
Gazprom Neft the oil arm of Russian for the purchase. The Russian Prime Minister’s counter-
state-owned Gazprom and Vietnam Plans include modernizing the Dung part, Nguyen Tan Dung, said he hoped
Oil and Gas Group PetroVietnam have Quat refinery that will increase capacity the trade pact would be signed in the
announced a series of agreements to from the existing 6.5 million tons to 8.5 first half of this year.
strengthen ties between the oil and gas million tons per annum and improve However in Russia due to the increased
industries and nations. the efficiency of its technological pro- financial pressure being brought on
According to the Russian company, as cesses enabling the plant to switch over by international sanctions, Russian oil
part of the agreement Gazprom Neft to producing Euro-5 standard motor companies have asked the government
will acquire a 49 per cent stake in the fuels. to delay a refinery modernization pro-
Dung Quat refinery in Vietnam. Gazprom Neft’s share of investment in gram, reports Reuters.
The deal also includes greater coopera- the project will be proportionate to its “Due to the sanctions and related
tion in the energy sector by expanding share in the plant. financial constraints, contracts (for
oil and gas exploration and production The Prime Minister of Russia, Dimitri modernization) are either being delayed
in Vietnam. Medvedev, said in late April that Russia or frozen,” Vladimir Kapustin, head of
In a statement Gazprom Neft said it will and Vietnam will be seeking expanded Russian oil and gas institute VNIPIneft,
have exclusive rights to negotiate with trade ties that go beyond the energy told an oil conference earlier this week.
PetroVietnam to acquire 49 per cent industry as well. Kapustin said foreign companies are
of the shares – the foreign ownership During his two-day official visit to delaying equipment supplies for the
ceiling in a Vietnamese company in Vietnam, Medvedev said that the coun- refineries in fear of breaching sanctions.
Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical tries are close to finalizing a free trade Since 2000, refinery output in Russia
Company the refinery operator. agreement. has grown by over 45%, reaching 294
The statement gave no value or timing Medvedev predicts that the trade agree- million tons in 2014. Until now, the
ment could increase Russia’s annual growth in refinery production and
trade with Vietnam four-fold to $10 improvements in oil product quality has
billion over the next five years. not been slowed by sanctions.
“We have agreed on most contents of According to the Energy Ministry, 19
the agreement,” Medvedev said during a new units are expected to be commis-
press briefing. “I think this is the factor sioned at Russian refineries in 2015
that would promote bilateral trade.” compared with eight in 2014.§ A AMAY/JUNE 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 51
Ferguson Group Expands Vietnamese Operations
Ferguson Group Singapore, global seminars in the Vietnam to explain our that will be based in their partner, New
specialists in the provision of offshore products and picked up some substan- World Logistics’, bases in Vung Tau and
DNV 2.7-1/EN12079 containers and tial contract wins.” Da Nang, Vietnam.
accommodation solutions, is expanding The partners have found that there is De Koning: “Our fleet has been de-
its presence in Vietnam. tremendous interest in their products, signed to carry anything that is required
Alongside Vietnamese partner New particularly in the DNV certification. on a platform. Therefore we have a
World Logistics, Ferguson Group Sin- De Koning: “We have run a few sem- wide range of cargo carrying units, such
gapore, has made considerable inroads inars for new clients, explaining why as half heights and open tops for long
into the offshore containers market in there is a need for certification and the pieces of equipment, and cargo baskets
Vietnam in the last year. added benefits of it. People have tradi- for specialist equipment, not forgetting
Simon de Koning, General Manager, tionally thought it was simply a health mudskips for drill cuttings and other
Ferguson Group Singapore, has a long and safety issue, but there are financial waste, and dry goods containers for
history in the area. considerations that can make a signif- general cargo.”
“This region doesn’t have a history of icant difference particularly if capital With this investment, Ferguson Group
DNV2.7-1 certified equipment rental expenditure needs to be raised.” Singapore hope that they will be able
so we’ve been on a steep curve, ex- To support this, the company is making to consolidate the foothold they have
plaining why we rent rather than sell a multi million dollar investment in carved with New World Logistics in
our containers. We’ve had a number of the region, with a very large extension the busy Vietnamese offshore energy
to their fleet of cargo carrying units, industry. §
Russia enters deal with Vietnam to
upgrade refinery
Gazprom Neft the oil arm of Russian for the purchase. The Russian Prime Minister’s counter-
state-owned Gazprom and Vietnam Plans include modernizing the Dung part, Nguyen Tan Dung, said he hoped
Oil and Gas Group PetroVietnam have Quat refinery that will increase capacity the trade pact would be signed in the
announced a series of agreements to from the existing 6.5 million tons to 8.5 first half of this year.
strengthen ties between the oil and gas million tons per annum and improve However in Russia due to the increased
industries and nations. the efficiency of its technological pro- financial pressure being brought on
According to the Russian company, as cesses enabling the plant to switch over by international sanctions, Russian oil
part of the agreement Gazprom Neft to producing Euro-5 standard motor companies have asked the government
will acquire a 49 per cent stake in the fuels. to delay a refinery modernization pro-
Dung Quat refinery in Vietnam. Gazprom Neft’s share of investment in gram, reports Reuters.
The deal also includes greater coopera- the project will be proportionate to its “Due to the sanctions and related
tion in the energy sector by expanding share in the plant. financial constraints, contracts (for
oil and gas exploration and production The Prime Minister of Russia, Dimitri modernization) are either being delayed
in Vietnam. Medvedev, said in late April that Russia or frozen,” Vladimir Kapustin, head of
In a statement Gazprom Neft said it will and Vietnam will be seeking expanded Russian oil and gas institute VNIPIneft,
have exclusive rights to negotiate with trade ties that go beyond the energy told an oil conference earlier this week.
PetroVietnam to acquire 49 per cent industry as well. Kapustin said foreign companies are
of the shares – the foreign ownership During his two-day official visit to delaying equipment supplies for the
ceiling in a Vietnamese company in Vietnam, Medvedev said that the coun- refineries in fear of breaching sanctions.
Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical tries are close to finalizing a free trade Since 2000, refinery output in Russia
Company the refinery operator. agreement. has grown by over 45%, reaching 294
The statement gave no value or timing Medvedev predicts that the trade agree- million tons in 2014. Until now, the
ment could increase Russia’s annual growth in refinery production and
trade with Vietnam four-fold to $10 improvements in oil product quality has
billion over the next five years. not been slowed by sanctions.
“We have agreed on most contents of According to the Energy Ministry, 19
the agreement,” Medvedev said during a new units are expected to be commis-
press briefing. “I think this is the factor sioned at Russian refineries in 2015
that would promote bilateral trade.” compared with eight in 2014.§ A AMAY/JUNE 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 51