Page 48 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-2
P. 48
MTA2015 Reflected Industry’s Shift Towards High
Value-Added and High-Tech Manufacturing
As the industry undergoes a restruc- good platform where our existing and relevant to the aerospace, as well as oil
turing and gears itself towards high potential customers can come and see and gas industries. We see many new
value-added and high-tech produc- the new technologies and where we machines at MTA this year. At Ichi
tion, companies are confronted with a present new ideas, especially for those Seiki, we saw the trend and brought in
pressing need to rise above traditional in the aerospace and oil and gas indus- the full five-axis machine, which ena-
boundaries, by embracing new technol- tries. We sold some machines for the oil bles simultaneous cutting and can be
ogies and acquiring new knowledge. and gas industry where the technology easily automated to enhance efficiency
In keeping abreast with current indus- used is very important for the sector. and productivity. The machine caters
try trends and newest technological in- We are very pleased with the results.” not only for oil and gas, but also for
novations, MTA2015, provided an ideal Resource platform for industry players the high-end moulds for the aerospace
platform for Asian companies to access MTA was also a premier sourcing sector. I can see that the exhibitors and
the latest high-tech precision engi- ground for many industry visitors who organiser have put in a lot of effort to
neering and machine tool technologies came to seek out the latest technologies make the event even more relevant to
available in the global marketplace. available. Deals were made, with “Sold market requirements and future needs,”
Technologies for 3D printing and @ MTA” signs prominently displayed commented Ms. Jane Low, Executive
robotics have been earmarked by the on many machines and equipment from Director of Ichi Seiki, Singapore.
government as the future of manufac- exhibitors such as Hong Chek, Ichi Sei- “This is the first time I am attending
turing. At MTA2015, exhibitor show- ki, Metalis, NPC, Taipei Industries and MTA. I think it is quite interesting and
cases dedicated to demonstrate these Tsugami Universal. Exhibitors were also good to be able to see most machine
capabilities were extremely well-re- seen busy networking with attendees at suppliers under one roof, where we can
ceived. In addition, equipment and their booths and the discussion areas meet more people and increase our
solutions designed to cater to high-val- set up to facilitate meetings. knowledge. The equipment showcased
ue sectors of Aerospace, Automotive “Previously, I should say MTA was like is all updated and most of them use
and Oil & Gas sectors were also highly a machine tool supermarket where we very advanced technology which we
sought after. display machines and look for buyers have never heard of, and we were sur-
Flexspeed Technology is one such ex- to close the order. But since 2013, the prised that this technology can help us
hibitor showcasing solutions catered for show has evolved, and the exhibits and and that is an eye-opener for us.
the Oil & Gas sector. Commenting machines showcased follow market We bought a machine from Flexspeed
on the event, the director, Mr. K. requirements very closely. You can see at MTA and we are looking at buying
Balanagendra Rao said, “MTA is a very machines on the show floor that are more machines from other suppliers
as well. I think MTA is a very knowl-
edgeable and resourceful event,” said
Mr. Dwaraka Malekar, Procurement
Manager of Tech Offshore Marine,
Over 20 group delegations from Indo-
nesia, Malaysia and Singapore attended
MTA2015. Groups from the Federation
of Malaysian Foundry and Engineering
Industries Associations, GE Aviation,
Rolls Royce, Pratt & Whitney, amongst
others, were at the event to check out
the technologies and solutions available.
More than 12,000 attendees from 41
countries/regions, including trade
visitors, exhibiting staff, conference
delegates and speakers, and members
of the press visited MTA2015. The next
edition of MTA will be held from 4 to 7
April 2017 at the Singapore Expo.§
Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Senior Minister of State for Trade & industry and National Development examining a
model car with Hexagon Metrology’s equipment
A A46 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MAY/JUNE 2015
MTA2015 Reflected Industry’s Shift Towards High
Value-Added and High-Tech Manufacturing
As the industry undergoes a restruc- good platform where our existing and relevant to the aerospace, as well as oil
turing and gears itself towards high potential customers can come and see and gas industries. We see many new
value-added and high-tech produc- the new technologies and where we machines at MTA this year. At Ichi
tion, companies are confronted with a present new ideas, especially for those Seiki, we saw the trend and brought in
pressing need to rise above traditional in the aerospace and oil and gas indus- the full five-axis machine, which ena-
boundaries, by embracing new technol- tries. We sold some machines for the oil bles simultaneous cutting and can be
ogies and acquiring new knowledge. and gas industry where the technology easily automated to enhance efficiency
In keeping abreast with current indus- used is very important for the sector. and productivity. The machine caters
try trends and newest technological in- We are very pleased with the results.” not only for oil and gas, but also for
novations, MTA2015, provided an ideal Resource platform for industry players the high-end moulds for the aerospace
platform for Asian companies to access MTA was also a premier sourcing sector. I can see that the exhibitors and
the latest high-tech precision engi- ground for many industry visitors who organiser have put in a lot of effort to
neering and machine tool technologies came to seek out the latest technologies make the event even more relevant to
available in the global marketplace. available. Deals were made, with “Sold market requirements and future needs,”
Technologies for 3D printing and @ MTA” signs prominently displayed commented Ms. Jane Low, Executive
robotics have been earmarked by the on many machines and equipment from Director of Ichi Seiki, Singapore.
government as the future of manufac- exhibitors such as Hong Chek, Ichi Sei- “This is the first time I am attending
turing. At MTA2015, exhibitor show- ki, Metalis, NPC, Taipei Industries and MTA. I think it is quite interesting and
cases dedicated to demonstrate these Tsugami Universal. Exhibitors were also good to be able to see most machine
capabilities were extremely well-re- seen busy networking with attendees at suppliers under one roof, where we can
ceived. In addition, equipment and their booths and the discussion areas meet more people and increase our
solutions designed to cater to high-val- set up to facilitate meetings. knowledge. The equipment showcased
ue sectors of Aerospace, Automotive “Previously, I should say MTA was like is all updated and most of them use
and Oil & Gas sectors were also highly a machine tool supermarket where we very advanced technology which we
sought after. display machines and look for buyers have never heard of, and we were sur-
Flexspeed Technology is one such ex- to close the order. But since 2013, the prised that this technology can help us
hibitor showcasing solutions catered for show has evolved, and the exhibits and and that is an eye-opener for us.
the Oil & Gas sector. Commenting machines showcased follow market We bought a machine from Flexspeed
on the event, the director, Mr. K. requirements very closely. You can see at MTA and we are looking at buying
Balanagendra Rao said, “MTA is a very machines on the show floor that are more machines from other suppliers
as well. I think MTA is a very knowl-
edgeable and resourceful event,” said
Mr. Dwaraka Malekar, Procurement
Manager of Tech Offshore Marine,
Over 20 group delegations from Indo-
nesia, Malaysia and Singapore attended
MTA2015. Groups from the Federation
of Malaysian Foundry and Engineering
Industries Associations, GE Aviation,
Rolls Royce, Pratt & Whitney, amongst
others, were at the event to check out
the technologies and solutions available.
More than 12,000 attendees from 41
countries/regions, including trade
visitors, exhibiting staff, conference
delegates and speakers, and members
of the press visited MTA2015. The next
edition of MTA will be held from 4 to 7
April 2017 at the Singapore Expo.§
Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Senior Minister of State for Trade & industry and National Development examining a
model car with Hexagon Metrology’s equipment
A A46 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MAY/JUNE 2015