Page 52 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-2
P. 52

Thailand invited to explore Bangladesh
By Marie RYAN

Thailand’s largest energy company er generation projects in Myanmar, Saida Muna Tasneem urged them to
PTTEP has been invited to bid for ex- Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Oman, invest in alternative and renewable
ploration blocks in the Bay of Bengal by Algeria and Iran. energy including solar heating systems,
the Bangladeshi government who have Ambassador Tasneem emphasised Thai wind, bio-mass, and solid waste tech-
responded positively according to an investment and technical cooperation nology, reiterating the Bangladesh-Thai
official statement. in Bangladesh’s energy and power 2012 joint statement of cooperation
Ambassador to Bangkok Saida Muna sector. where both sides agreed to encourage
Tasneem extended the invite to Thai Both sides agreed to exchange power collaboration between their oil and gas
Energy Minister Narongchai Akrasanee and energy sector experts and investors companies in exploration and produc-
in May. soon to explore areas of investment and tion opportunities in Bangladesh.
Narongchai Akrasanee said PTT Explo- technical cooperation. The ambassador proposed institutional
ration and Production Pcl, as the state She briefed the minister about current and technical cooperation to learn from
oil and natural gas company is known, government’s plan to double the power Thailand’s best practices in enhancing
would be interested in “any open bid- generation before 2030. energy efficiency and cost-reduction.
ding” licensing process in oil and gas The envoy invited both private and gov- The Thai minister welcomed this
exploration in the Bay. ernment investment from Thailand in proposal.§
He told the ambassador that the PTTEP coal-fired and LNG-based power plants.
had invested in 14 large-scale pow-

Success at Gulf of Thailand sidetrack
By Marie RYAN

The Gulf of Thailand has proven Water depth at the Rossukon-3 location G6/48 covers 218.5 square miles (566
prospective for Kris Energy who have is around 208 feet, with the well located square kilometres) over the Karawake
announced its Rossukon-3ST (side- 1.2 miles (1.9 kilometres) west of the Basin and lies to the north of the
track well) encountered 85 feet of net Rossukon-2 surface location and 1.8 G10/48 license, where KrisEnergy is
oil-bearing sandstones and 63 feet of kilometres northwest of the original developing the Wassana oil field.
gas bearing sandstones over several Rossukon-1 discovery well, drilled in The Philippine-based company took
reservoir intervals. 2009. over operatorship of G6/48 in May
In late April Kris Energy updated the Kris Energy director of exploration and 2014, holding a 30 per cent work-
market on the progress of its explo- production Chris Gibson-Robinson ing interest in the concession and is
ration activities in G6/48 in the Gulf said this final sidetrack completes our partnered by Northern Gulf Petroleum
of Thailand, which was drilled by the exploration drilling program in G6/48 Pte Ltd with 40 per cent and Mubadala
jackup Key Gibraltar (300’ ILC) and is for this year. Petroleum with 30 per cent.
the last of four wells in the 2015 drilling “All four wells have encountered oil and The Key Gibraltar jackup is owned by
campaign in the contract area. gas and have provided a great amount Shelf Drilling (Southeast Asia) Limited
Rossukon-3ST was drilled from the of information, which will be incor- and will now move to G10/48 in the
same surface location as the Rossu- porated in our geological model and Gulf of Thailand, where it will drill the
kon-3 exploration well and reached a reviewed in the coming months as we Rayrai-1 exploration well followed by
total depth of 6,645 feet (2,025 meters) assess a development plan,” Mr Gib- 15 development wells in the Wassana
measured depth, or minus 4,500 feet son-Robinson said. oil development.§
true vertical depth subsea.

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