Page 54 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-2
P. 54
Fugro provides ROV systems and innovative
tooling for new Total contract
A central task is subsea BOP inter- Other ROV tasks include setting up
Fugro has been awarded a five-year vention and testing, using an ROV regular fluid injection, drilling re-en-
contract with an estimated value of equipped with a BOP skid specifically try, bullseye checks and routine video
USD 100 million by Total E&P Congo. designed for this project by Fugro. monitoring, inspection, cleaning and
The agreement is for ROV services and Primary responsibility for controlling intervention tasks on and around the
remote subsea tooling in the Moho Nord the BOP lies with the rig, but the ROV BOP, as well as alignment control dur-
field, situated around 75 kilometres off operated BOP skids are also used to ing manifold installation. The ROV on
the coast of Pointe Noire in the Republic operate the BOP in accordance with board the field support vessel recently
of Congo. Total’s requirements. When a subsea installed transponder arrays on the
Fugro will supply four 200hp FCV 3000 BOP is installed, under Total’s test pro- seafloor to accurately position the drill
work class ROV systems and innovative cedures various rams are operated and ship at its drilling location.
BOP tooling which will be installed tested on a regular basis. The ROVs also Each operational drill ship carries three
onboard three mobile drilling units and routinely inject glycol into the BOP to ROV personnel for 12-hour coverage,
one field support vessel. prevent hydrate build-up. and this can be increased to six peo-
Three ROV systems have been mobi- “Moho Nord is the first major field in ple and 24-hour coverage for certain
lised from Fugro’s Singapore base and which rig BOP test closures have been operations such as BOP installation and
are now operating in Moho Nord. Two carried out using Fugro’s new BOP skid recovery.
of them are onboard ultra-deep water system,” said Richard Mathieson, Fugro Fugro is expanding its existing Pointe
drill ships and will be working in water Subsea’s ROV services project manager. Noire base to provide operational,
depths of approximately 1,200 metres. “This uses a special high-flow pump on maintenance and repair services and
The fourth system will be installed on a the ROV to drive further pumps located also training on FCV ROVs and tooling
semi-submersible vessel, which is under on the BOP skid, allowing the transfer for expatriate and Congolese
construction in China and expected to of large volumes of water-based fluid personnel.§
join operations with its ROV later this from the skid reservoirs into the rig’s
year. BOP hydraulic rams when directed.”
Emerson launches subsea wet gas meter to reduce risk
and strengthen production optimization strategies
Roxar subsea Wetgas Meter helps protect built-in salinity measurement system. assurance, production optimization and
subsea well and pipeline integrity and The meter’s microwave-based meas- hydrocarbon allocation strategies.”
supports metering/allocation strategies urements and multivariate analysis The next generation Roxar subsea
in challenging gas and gas condensate functionality are operational in all field Wetgas Meter generates an uncertainty
fields. conditions and fluid compositions. The specification of ±0.02% abs WVF (Wa-
Emerson Process Management has meter detects changes in water content ter Volume Fraction) at GVF (Gas Void
launched its next generation Roxar sub- of the flowing well at as little as 0.2 ppm Fraction) 99-100%.§
sea Wetgas Meter for accurate produc- (parts per million) - sensitivity that
tion measurement, reduced risk, and has never been reached before and that
improved flow assurance in gas and gas represents less than a droplet of water
condensate fields. finely distributed in a volume equal to
Hydrates, corrosion, scaling and water that of four car fuel tanks.
coning in the reservoir represent the “As oil & gas producers look at more
biggest challenges to offshore gas pro- ways to improve the bottom line, the in-
ducers and are all caused by formation novative enhancements to our new wet
water breakthrough into the well. The gas meter couldn’t have come at a better
new meter allows the earliest possible time,” said Svein Erik Gregerson, prod-
detection of water from gas wells. The uct manager, flow metering at Emerson
new meter comes with unparalleled Process Management. “More and more
water sensitivity, accuracy and rapid re- operators are making wet gas metering
sponse together with the industry’s first an integral part of their future flow
A A52 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MAY/JUNE 2015
Fugro provides ROV systems and innovative
tooling for new Total contract
A central task is subsea BOP inter- Other ROV tasks include setting up
Fugro has been awarded a five-year vention and testing, using an ROV regular fluid injection, drilling re-en-
contract with an estimated value of equipped with a BOP skid specifically try, bullseye checks and routine video
USD 100 million by Total E&P Congo. designed for this project by Fugro. monitoring, inspection, cleaning and
The agreement is for ROV services and Primary responsibility for controlling intervention tasks on and around the
remote subsea tooling in the Moho Nord the BOP lies with the rig, but the ROV BOP, as well as alignment control dur-
field, situated around 75 kilometres off operated BOP skids are also used to ing manifold installation. The ROV on
the coast of Pointe Noire in the Republic operate the BOP in accordance with board the field support vessel recently
of Congo. Total’s requirements. When a subsea installed transponder arrays on the
Fugro will supply four 200hp FCV 3000 BOP is installed, under Total’s test pro- seafloor to accurately position the drill
work class ROV systems and innovative cedures various rams are operated and ship at its drilling location.
BOP tooling which will be installed tested on a regular basis. The ROVs also Each operational drill ship carries three
onboard three mobile drilling units and routinely inject glycol into the BOP to ROV personnel for 12-hour coverage,
one field support vessel. prevent hydrate build-up. and this can be increased to six peo-
Three ROV systems have been mobi- “Moho Nord is the first major field in ple and 24-hour coverage for certain
lised from Fugro’s Singapore base and which rig BOP test closures have been operations such as BOP installation and
are now operating in Moho Nord. Two carried out using Fugro’s new BOP skid recovery.
of them are onboard ultra-deep water system,” said Richard Mathieson, Fugro Fugro is expanding its existing Pointe
drill ships and will be working in water Subsea’s ROV services project manager. Noire base to provide operational,
depths of approximately 1,200 metres. “This uses a special high-flow pump on maintenance and repair services and
The fourth system will be installed on a the ROV to drive further pumps located also training on FCV ROVs and tooling
semi-submersible vessel, which is under on the BOP skid, allowing the transfer for expatriate and Congolese
construction in China and expected to of large volumes of water-based fluid personnel.§
join operations with its ROV later this from the skid reservoirs into the rig’s
year. BOP hydraulic rams when directed.”
Emerson launches subsea wet gas meter to reduce risk
and strengthen production optimization strategies
Roxar subsea Wetgas Meter helps protect built-in salinity measurement system. assurance, production optimization and
subsea well and pipeline integrity and The meter’s microwave-based meas- hydrocarbon allocation strategies.”
supports metering/allocation strategies urements and multivariate analysis The next generation Roxar subsea
in challenging gas and gas condensate functionality are operational in all field Wetgas Meter generates an uncertainty
fields. conditions and fluid compositions. The specification of ±0.02% abs WVF (Wa-
Emerson Process Management has meter detects changes in water content ter Volume Fraction) at GVF (Gas Void
launched its next generation Roxar sub- of the flowing well at as little as 0.2 ppm Fraction) 99-100%.§
sea Wetgas Meter for accurate produc- (parts per million) - sensitivity that
tion measurement, reduced risk, and has never been reached before and that
improved flow assurance in gas and gas represents less than a droplet of water
condensate fields. finely distributed in a volume equal to
Hydrates, corrosion, scaling and water that of four car fuel tanks.
coning in the reservoir represent the “As oil & gas producers look at more
biggest challenges to offshore gas pro- ways to improve the bottom line, the in-
ducers and are all caused by formation novative enhancements to our new wet
water breakthrough into the well. The gas meter couldn’t have come at a better
new meter allows the earliest possible time,” said Svein Erik Gregerson, prod-
detection of water from gas wells. The uct manager, flow metering at Emerson
new meter comes with unparalleled Process Management. “More and more
water sensitivity, accuracy and rapid re- operators are making wet gas metering
sponse together with the industry’s first an integral part of their future flow
A A52 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MAY/JUNE 2015