Page 64 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
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closely with the Navy in providing Fourth, many of the reported maritime can as well be used for public good
security. However, the growing number crimes are attributed to syndicated when required.
of shipping and users of the sea has led operations. As there are collusions be- Finally, PMSCs can also provide perim-
to burden sharing by the industry. Not tween the attackers and those onboard, eter security for offshore installations.
so long ago, the piracy menace in the PMSCs provide “third party” presence. In so far as we know, terrorists have
Gulf of Aden gave rise to the PMSCs This presence, becomes a deterrence been creative in politically motivat-
and today, from the combined efforts by to would be attackers and those within ed crimes. An attack on an offshore
public-private partnerships, the menace the industry to collaborate for the installation can have devastating effects
has been drastically reduced. Just like purpose of insurance claims or simply to a nation especially in the lost of lives,
policemen on land, agencies cannot be profits from selling the loot at the black property and the subsequent cost in
everywhere to provide security to the market. PMSCs, working with risk cleaning up the environment and cost
community. Banks and Jewelry stores intelligence companies and underwrit- to the coastal industry, be it tourism or
are fine examples where licensed secu- ers may assist agencies in providing fishing.
rity guards provide risk mitigation and intelligence on maritime security in the
first responders in the duty location. private-public security architecture Conclusion
PMSCs can also be the “eyes and ears” Fifth, PMSCs in Malaysia employ ex
for agencies when they are deployed. It servicemen. The benefits here are two Risk mitigation measures must evolve
may be cheaper in the long run to use fold. One is providing them with better with the threat, especially where in-
PMSCs to respond to industry needs remunerations and living conditions dustry is concerned. Cost plays an im-
than deploying assets solely for risk and the next is paying back the govern- portant part here when referring to the
mitigation. National agencies may con- ment in taxes obtained from the service consequence management where ap-
centrate better on crisis response when provided. Many retired and young propriate mitigation was not conducted.
the need arises. servicemen find this job lucrative as As explained, there are a number of
Thirdly, many companies feel that they it offers a better alternative when they opportunities in this private-public
can spend money on hardening and decide to call it quits. When at sea on partnership as well as definite benefits
insurance. However, it must be borne long voyages and when friction is creat- from the ‘privatization of security at
in mind that insurance may pay for the ed not only by the threat but by the sea sea’. The rising numbers of attacks in
materials lost or damaged but not lives conditions as well, it may be better to South East Asia does not augur well for
and limb. When a crisis happens, costs have well trained and motivated PMSC the region nor does it to the industry
on operating crisis response centres and Sixth, PMSC security personnel carry and the reputation of the agencies. It is
ransoms will overrun those being paid onboard communications which can be therefore vital for necessary measures
as risk mitigation for PMSCs. In the part of the Search and Rescue commu- be taken to provide appropriate facili-
case of offshore installations, the cost of nications architecture. Rescue Coordi- ties to the industry in carrying out their
delay caused by an attack on the tug and nation Centers (RCC) may factor them business. Just like attractive business
barge, the lost of precious cargo for the when deployed in case they are needed on land, at sea, these businesses may
rigs, are founded fears. In the case of as first responders in case of emergen- need to employ the necessary measures
MV Orkim Harmony, if the P-3C Orion cies at sea. Special Forces personnel to safeguard the lives of their crew and
did not detect the vessel, surely the lost are trained to carry out a number of property. Malaysia has provided for this
of cargo and perhaps the lost of lives contingencies at sea. Since they have facility, it is now the onus of the indus-
may be expected. Therefore, it is better been trained for combat and special try to make good the facility for their
not to be penny wise pound foolish. missions with weapons, their expertise own benefit.§

1. The Economist, Step aside, Somalia: South-East Asia is the new piracy capital of the world, 27 June 2015

Promoting a healthy lifestyle among seafarers: A Seafarers’
Guide to Understanding Diabetes
As of 2013, the International Diabetes every six seconds. In fact, this disease higher risk of seafarers developing dia-
Federation estimates that a total of 382 is often the fourth or fifth leading cause betes as compared to the general popu-
million adults currently suffer from of death in most high-income nations lace. This is in view of their challenging
diabetes, and that this disease will even- and is becoming increasingly epidemic working conditions and lifestyle and the
tually affect 1 out of 10 adults by 2035. in many economically developing and prevalence of smoking, lack of exercise
While diabetes has a reputation of being newly industrialised countries. and poor diet within the group.
a relatively innocuous disease that can What is particularly concerning for To address concerns of a higher risk
be managed quite easily, it is respon- the maritime industry is that multiple for seafarers to develop diabetes, Swire
sible for 5.1 million deaths annually, studies have shown that that there is a Pacific Offshore (SPO) and The China
which is an alarming rate of one death

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