Page 65 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 65

Navigation Company (CNCo) part- Quote from General at SeaAsia Conference as part of the
nered with The Mission to Seafarers, Manager, Sustainable Singapore Maritime Week on 21 April
a non-profit organisation dedicated to Development, Swire 2015 has been circulated internally to
supporting seafarers worldwide, to pro- Pacific Offshore and The both Swire Pacific Offshore fleet, num-
duce a health guide, A Seafarers’ Guide China Navigation bering more than 88 vessels, as well as
to Understanding Diabetes in 2015. Company, Captain The China Navigation Company’s fleet,
SPO and CNCo strongly believe in Simon Bennett which comprises 35 owned ships and
encouraging seafarers to take proactive 20 chartered-in ships. The Guide was
actions to pursue a healthy lifestyle. “Multiple research projects have shown designed to be able to be circulated in
This guide seeks to explain the dangers that seafarers have a higher risk of hard or soft copy to any other com-
of diabetes in the context of seafar- developing Type 2 diabetes when panies’ fleet, and is freely available on
ing and to suggest practical lifestyle compared with the general population. request from the Mission to Seafarers.
adjustments that seafarers can make to This may be due in large part to their Captain Simon Bennett added, “We
minimise their risks of the disease. This lifestyle, with an increased prevalence produced this educational guide as part
will allow them to spend quality time of smoking, lack of exercise and poor of our ongoing Sustainable Develop-
with their families between seafaring diet within the group.” ment initiatives. We aim to raise aware-
without having to worry about any The “Guide to Understanding Diabetes”, ness about Type 2 diabetes and encour-
lingering medical issues. The guide has that was produced in conjunction with age our seafarers to pursue a healthier
been distributed in over 50 shipping the Mission to Seafarers, and launched lifestyle. This benefits the both seafarers
companies after debuting in the Sea and their families through a longer
Asia Conference in April 2015 and has and healthier lives, plus the companies
also been endorsed by the Diabetes through reduced medical costs and
Society of Singapore. lower turnover of expensively trained,
competent, experienced seafarers. §

Instrumentation for Geotechnical Insights

dotOcean layers are determining the probe’s of the loose mud and consolidated soil layers.
The high sensor data acquisition rates
dotOcean develops pioneering meas- Launch-GraviProbe of up to 2kHz in combination with a
urement instruments for sediment and low drag housing results in the highest
soil profiling, sensor networks and data dynamical behaviour. The data acquired quality profiles at drop rates over 7 m/s.
acquisition platforms for the maritime from on-board accelerometers, incli- Due to its light weight, the probe can be
and offshore industry. nometers and pressure sensors is released by an automated winch from
dotOcean is an expert in sediment feeding a model which determines the a vessel and reduces the overall cost of
technology, their expanding range of rheological parameters of the intruded underwater site investigation or a cable
products have applications in many medium (depth, undrained shear and route survey.
areas including dredging, port and cone resistance). The GraviProbe Soil can be extended in
offshore construction, subsea pipeline As a result the GraviProbe is able to weight and depth range to investigate
installation and deep sea research. very accurately distinguish the depth stiffer soil layers in deep water conditions.

The Tech Applications

The GraviProbe is a free fall impact The GraviProbe can offer strong added
instrument, analysing the underwater value in offshore construction projects,
sediment and soil layers during intru- preparation for pipe and cable laying,
sion. Under its own weight it accelerates preparation of platform anchoring and
and penetrates fluid and consolidated other deep water research. The fast han-
mud layers. dling and light deployment results in a
The geotechnical conditions of the soil
~continued on page 64

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