Page 59 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 59

One WROV can be launched via a Hydraulic has delivered ROV service Far Sleipner has an accommodation of
dedicated moon-pool, whilst the other cranes in ROV hangar. 130 single cabins with Vard SeaQ silent
can be launched over side. Space is Offshore cranes, one of 250t single part cabin system. In addition, spacious
reserved for another over side ROV. / 350t twin fall on starboard side and public facilities as well as Clients offices
Seaonics has delivered the launching one of 50t on port side, are delivered and working areas are provided.
systems, including winches with Perma- by National Oilwell Varco. Anti heeling Lifesaving capacity consists of four
nent Magnet motors, moon-pool hatch, capacity is 3 x 1500 cum/hr. In addition closed lifeboats for 100% crew
ROV hangar skidding system and ROV there are two deck service cranes from capacity each side, one FRC and
hangar side gates. The company has also Seaonics each 3t. The vessel is equipped inflatable liferafts.§
provided misc winches and deck with heli deck with a diameter of 26,1m
equipment such as windlass, tugger and SWL 15,0t.
winches and mooring winches. Bergen

Operators back next phase of industry
forum on subsea integrity
An industry forum that addresses Dr Patrick O’Brien, CEO of ITF added: module reliability and the outcomes of
challenges in subsea integrity “Taking a standardised approach to a comprehensive participant survey was
management is being extended for a complex subsea integrity issues that are presented to subsea suppliers to highlight
further three years with backing from common across the industry can help to integrity challenges and find ways to
global oil and gas operators. drive efficiencies whilst creating a safer enhance reliability for the future.
Phase II of the The SURF IM Network operating environment, so the Network The SURF IM Network follows on
is led by Wood Group Kenny with is a win-win for all involved. It is a from a Wood Group Kenny Joint
support from the Industry Technology great example in the current climate of Industry Project (JIP) facilitated by ITF,
Facilitator (ITF). Phase 1 was launched operators collaborating to support the on integrity management of subsea,
last year, supported by an industry development of effective and cost umbilical, riser and flowline systems
wide group of 14 operators and has efficient means to inspect subsea that identified key failure mechanisms,
been extended to run on an annual facilities that are being installed in investigated inspection and monitoring
subscription basis through to 2018 with continually increasing water depths and technologies and gaps, and developed
an expected project value of around longer step-out distances.” best practice guidelines for the integrity
£300,000. In Phase I, progress was made in under- management of subsea facilities.§
The SURF IM Network facilitates face- standing the issue of control system
to-face and virtual forums for knowl-
edge sharing and delivering solutions to
subsea integrity and reliability chal-
lenges, focusing particularly on subsea

Kieran Kavanagh, Technology Develop- The Mad Dog field complex in the US Gulf of Mexico
ment Director at Wood Group Kenny
said: “This successful joint industry
project focuses on knowledge sharing
and finding solutions to shared chal-
lenges in subsea integrity. The Network
represents a significant collaboration
among its participants to provide
solutions that will help to reduce risk,
improve reliability and minimize life-
of-field costs in the subsea industry and
we’re very happy to be working with
participant operators to enable this.”

A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 57
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