Page 68 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 68

Straightforward Visa Advice and Solutions

Isobel Adams started her migration the city or in rural areas too for those visa is needed and last but not least the
business just over 18 months ago after businesses struggling to find workers services of a barrister here in Perth to
years of being in the business and now who will stay. help with tribunal cases and to answer
Adams Migration provides a personal Even though the demand for the 457 the not so straight forward questions.
migration service for businesses, Long Stay Business Visa has slowed Our aim is the straight forward
individuals and families who wish to there is still a need across the board approach and to minimize the amount
enter Australia, New Zealand or the USA. for many businesses and the Skilled of cumbersome and onerous form
Whether it’s to visit, work or live, on Occupations List is currently extensive filling by the client and the complex
a temporary or permanent basis, our for those who wish to apply on their online systems and to have first-hand
registered migration agents utilise their own merit for a more permanent visa. knowledge close at hand which is easily
years of experience to give you excellent Many current 457 visa holders are keen accessible by the client. §
advice and process your visa application to walk the permanent residency path
as simply and seamlessly as possible. either by being sponsored by their Isobel Adams
Our expert team have experience employer or through the points test
working with a variety of industries route. Have a look at our website www.adams-
around the globe and here in Perth, As a company based in Perth and its for more information.
Australia, with a specialty in the re- close proximity to our close antipodean
sources sector and rural businesses. partners New Zealand we are well
With a staff whose years altogether total placed to help with visas there too, we
about 60 or so in migration experience have a couple of migration agents who
Adams Migration can offer a boutique are qualified to do visa work for this
visa service for anyone wishing to growing economy and to assist those
spend time in Australia, the USA or who are wanting to invest in or start
New Zealand and soon to include the businesses there.
UK. As a company Adams Migration To assist in the flow of business traffic
is growing slowly but surely, even in between the USA and Australia we have
the current down turn in Australia the services of a well-placed US attorney in
providing to those who wish for jobs in Houston to facilitate whichever type of

Safemate Anti-slip farewells John McNeil

Australian based Safemate
Anti-slip will see the
retirement of long-time
employee and General
Manager John McNeil this
year as he passes the torch
onto his son Paul, whom he
has trained to help take the
business to the next level.

From left to right: Shaun Murray (Sales Manager), John McNeil, Paul McNeil (General Manager)

A A66 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015
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