Page 36 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 36
Oil And Gas Beyond 2015: Sharing Knowledge
On Energy Potential By Myanmar Oil and Gas Services Society (MOGSS)
According to a recent report from One of the International experts say it is Investment and Company Administra-
Reu”Potential of Myanma Oil and Gas a good chance for the people and local tion (DICA) estimated to receive about
Industry beyond 2015” is the topic of oil and gas companies to know about 4 billion USD foreign investments for
the seminar, organized by Myanmar Oil Myanmar resource potential. the country. It exceeded the target and
and Gas Services Society, July 11. Director, Myanmar Centre for Respon- reached to about 8 billion USD because
Five local and international experts dis- sible Business, Vicky Bowman: “I think of many investments in oil and gas
cussed challenges of Myanmar Oil and Oil and Gas sector has a lot of potential sector.
Gas industry and shared the knowledge in Myanmar. So what we have talking Attendee, Zaw Naing Htun: I am very
on the potential of energy sector. about today with how can Myanmar interested in the title of this talks. The
Chairman, Myanmar Oil & Gas company and Myanmar citizen benefits experts talk about our country’s oil and
Services Society, Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing: from Myanmar Natural Resources gas sector and what are the opportu-
24 onshore and 19 offshore blocks potential and talking a lot about the nities and challenges on this sector
are currently allowed to operate the opportunity for local companies and beyond 2015. I hope the country’s oil
tasks. Most of the foreign investors are the normal skill shortages. We will also and gas sector will be improved beyond
interested in the oil and gas industry talking about the important of transpar- 2015.
and this sector is a huge potential for ency of the sector.” More than 300 attendees joined the
boosting economic activities. In 2014-2015 fiscal year, Directorate of seminar.§
A A34 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015
Oil And Gas Beyond 2015: Sharing Knowledge
On Energy Potential By Myanmar Oil and Gas Services Society (MOGSS)
According to a recent report from One of the International experts say it is Investment and Company Administra-
Reu”Potential of Myanma Oil and Gas a good chance for the people and local tion (DICA) estimated to receive about
Industry beyond 2015” is the topic of oil and gas companies to know about 4 billion USD foreign investments for
the seminar, organized by Myanmar Oil Myanmar resource potential. the country. It exceeded the target and
and Gas Services Society, July 11. Director, Myanmar Centre for Respon- reached to about 8 billion USD because
Five local and international experts dis- sible Business, Vicky Bowman: “I think of many investments in oil and gas
cussed challenges of Myanmar Oil and Oil and Gas sector has a lot of potential sector.
Gas industry and shared the knowledge in Myanmar. So what we have talking Attendee, Zaw Naing Htun: I am very
on the potential of energy sector. about today with how can Myanmar interested in the title of this talks. The
Chairman, Myanmar Oil & Gas company and Myanmar citizen benefits experts talk about our country’s oil and
Services Society, Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing: from Myanmar Natural Resources gas sector and what are the opportu-
24 onshore and 19 offshore blocks potential and talking a lot about the nities and challenges on this sector
are currently allowed to operate the opportunity for local companies and beyond 2015. I hope the country’s oil
tasks. Most of the foreign investors are the normal skill shortages. We will also and gas sector will be improved beyond
interested in the oil and gas industry talking about the important of transpar- 2015.
and this sector is a huge potential for ency of the sector.” More than 300 attendees joined the
boosting economic activities. In 2014-2015 fiscal year, Directorate of seminar.§
A A34 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015