Page 44 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-2
P. 44

Kris Energy hopeful on Bangladeshi acreage
By Marie RYAN

Local media reports in Bangladesh tion in 2006 and lies in a gas province where the neighbouring country has
have announced Singapore-based Kris with substantial gas infrastructure. discovered huge natural gas reserves.
Energy will carry out drilling opera- KrisEnergy became the operator of The block covers an area of 4,475 square
tions in two onshore wells in Bangora block 9 after purchasing stakes from kilometre in the Bay of Bengal with the
field, located under block 9 in Comilla UK-based Tullow Oil at US$ 42.35 majority of the block lies in shallow wa-
district. million. ters up to 200 metres with the furthest
Petrobangla has reportedly already ap- The Singapore-based firm will hold a 30 southwest portion extending into water
proved the work programmes of Kris- per cent working interest of the onshore depths up to 1,500 metres.
Energy and its partners to commence Bangora field. KrisEnergy holds a 45 per cent non-op-
the drilling of two onshore wells. The other partners in block 9 are Niko erated working interest in the explora-
Once completed, natural gas produc- Exploration Ltd (Block 9) with a 60 per tion block. Santos is the operator with
tion from Bangora gas field will be con- cent working interest and Bangladesh 45 per cent and BAPEX holds 10 per
solidated at the current level of around Petroleum Exploration and Production cent.
110 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd), Company Ltd (Bapex), with 10 per cent. The Santos-Kris JV has committed to
otherwise, natural gas production Apart from block 9, KrisEnergy has a drill an exploration well, conduct 1,876
from these wells might decrease, a joint venture (JV) with Australian San- line kilometre 2D seismic survey and
Petrobangla official said. tos over a shallow water block SS-11 in 300 square kilometre 3D survey, and
The Bangora gas field has currently Bangladesh for oil and gas exploration offered a bank guarantee of US$15
four producing gas wells having total in the Bay of Bengal. million, for the initial five years of
production capacity of 110 mmcfd, The JV has initiated two-dimensional exploration.
which represents 4.15 per cent of the (2D) seismic survey this week in off- The JV bidder will require investing
country’s overall natural gas output of shore block SS-11 in January this year. around $30-32 million to carry out its
around 2,645 mmcfd, as of March 2015, The exercise will be carried out on work plan under the production shar-
according to Petrobangla data. behalf of the joint venture by French ing contract (PSC) during the initial
Gas produced from Bangora is being firm CGG at a cost of around US$9.76 years.
supplied to the country’s gas-starved million. The contract period for exploration will
port city of Chittagong. The shallow water block - SS-11 is be eight years in total. The contractor
The block 9 covers 1,770 square kilo- thought to be highly prospective as it will be allowed to operate and sell oil
metres and is located some 100 kilo- is close to Myanmar’s territorial water, and gas for 20 years from an oil-field
metres east of Dhaka. and 25 years from a gas-field. §
Bangora gas field commenced produc-

Competency within Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

There are many standards, regulations nel involved with selecting, installing CompEx® is an internationally-recog-
and recommended practices used and maintaining the equipment truly nized training and competency scheme
around the globe which attempt to understand how to maintain the protec- for personnel involved in the design,
define the requirements for equipment tion afforded by the Ex equipment. selection, installation, inspection and
used in potentially explosive atmos- Companies, including contractors, who maintenance of Ex equipment, both
pheres. The underlying assumption is are involved in the design, selection electrical and non-electrical. In the next
that the equipment is selected, installed or installation of Ex equipment are issue we will go in to full details of what
and maintained by personnel who are required to demonstrate competency you need to know and how to obtain
familiar with the potential hazards and based on the tasks undertaken and that Knowledge.§
the methods of protection utilized. The methods of protection utilized. Person- By: Fraser Heggie (Operations Manag-
fact that there continue to be injuries nel within these companies are usually er – ATEC Singapore) & Sheryl Bihler
and deaths related to equipment used in need of the Ex-specific training to (Technical Authority – ATEC Group)
in potentially explosive atmospheres is complement their existing skillset.
a direct indication that not all person-

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