Page 42 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-2
P. 42

Plans, and employees. Matrix and Streicher Australia, numer-
• Succession Planning, Vanguard serves both the PNG Gov- ous government agencies, as well as the
• End-to-end recruitment services, ernment and private sectors with highly rapidly expanding resource projects in
including the identification of selection motivated, skilled and experienced per- Papua New Guinea. §
criteria, implementation at screening, sonnel, and the advent of the PNG LNG If you have any questions regarding
and transparency report, project and other major projects, has any apect of Vanguard International’s
• Exit and Stay Interview Programs, ensured an marked increase in demand services - whether you are seeking new
• Personality Inventory and Psychomet- for their professional sevices. staff, information or advice on Human
ric testing, Their extensive clientelle includes Chev- Resources in PNG, contact the office
• Professional Coaching, for mid-senior ron Niugini, Oil Search, Exxon Mobil on +675 321 7464 or call Peter Garnsey
level, government or non-government, (via Dovre Australia), Global Resource direct on +675 7197 1444, or send Peter
• “Business Etiquette” and “Personal Solutions, Scomi Oiltools, Drill-Quip, an email at
Presentation” programs for managers

Antelope flow testing marked by
official visit
By Marie RYAN

Canadian based InterOil Corporation of Antelope-5. experienced at 6,922 feet (2,110 meters)
reported in late April it has begun “Antelope-5 has the best reservoir indicating the well had intersected a
flow testing at the Elk-Antelope gas thickness, quality and fracture density significant fracture system. The PRL15
field in Papua New Guinea as part of of all wells on the field, which signifies a Joint Venture is evaluating the infor-
its planned field appraisal, the project world-class reservoir,” Mr Hession said. mation obtained from the well before
is a joint venture of InterOil, Total of deciding on next steps for Antelope-4.
France, and Oil Search.
The event was marked by Papua New “By flowing the well under different During his visit, the Prime Minister was
Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill conditions, we will be able to calculate told the venture remained on track to
and the Minister for Department of maximum potential flow rates and bet- select a preferred development concept
Petroleum and Energy the Honorable ter understand reservoir size, produc- by mid-year, to begin early devel-
Nixon Duban visiting the Antelope-5 tivity and connectivity,” he said. opment work in 2016, and to award
well site in the Gulf Province to see InterOil said data from the testing contracts for construction in 2017.
the operation and to be briefed on the would help the joint venture to op- First shipments from a new liquefied
Elk-Antelope LNG Project. timize design of the LNG plant and natural gas (LNG) project are expected
InterOil chief executive Michael Hes- associated infrastructure. in 2021, a top executive at a partner in
sion, Total Managing Director in Papua The joint venture is finalizing plans for the project told Reuters in April.
New Guinea Philippe Blanchard, and field testing, including drilling another Total and its partners InterOil and Oil
Oil Search Managing Director Peter well, Antelope-6, to define the eastern Search plan to begin marketing a total
Botten accompanied Prime Minister flank of the reservoir. of 6.8 million tonnes of LNG per year
O’Neill and Minister Duban. Drilling operations at Antelope-4 in from the project mainly to buyers in
The Antelope-5 flow rate is constrained the southern flank of the reservoir have China and Japan by the end of this year,
by reservoir engineers to a maximum been suspended at a measured depth of said Keli Taureka, executive vice presi-
test rate of about 70 million standard 7,001 feet (2,134 meters). dent of InterOil, in an interview.
cubic feet a day. Cores were cut in the upper part of The project will become the Southeast
InterOil executive Mr Hession said the reservoir as planned, resulting in Asian country’s second, after Exxon
pressure gauges are planned to be a recovery of 108 feet (33 meters) of Mobil Corp in May last year began
placed in the field to monitor the pres- dolomite. Drilling continued in the res- exports from its $19 billion PNG LNG
sure response during an extended test ervoir and substantial mud losses were project. §

A A40 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MAY/JUNE 2015
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