Page 41 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-2
P. 41

Vanguard International experiences
increasing activity

Operating for 24 years since 1989, with of whom have been previously keeping clients costs down by providing
a full time staff currently totaling 20 interviewed and reference checked. effecient and effective professional ser-
PNG citizens, Vanguard International Recruitment includes executive, senior vices on a 24 hour basis”, Peter revealed.
PNG, has established a reputation for level, blue and white collar, private, “Our Business approach is that we take
professional competency and efficiency. government, internal and overseas and on challenges and set benchmarks for
Vanguard International’s founder and contract management (labour-on-hire). improvement, as we strive to maintain
Managing Director, Colin Boreham, has Immigration Services include Work quality assurance along our service line”
lived and worked in the country for 36 Permit and Visa processing, and de- he said.
years. Colin has a uniquely intimate and tailed collation and submission of all ‘We are a market leader in executive
insightful range General and HR Man- required documentation of the appli- management recruitment and are
agement experience in PNG and over- cant and the Company. challenging and providing competition
seas, from his early PNG experience as Vanguard is currently also undertaking for overseas based companies, look-
a Patrol Officer and Police Officer, to a major update of its website to reach ing for opportunities in PNG. We’ve
his on-going HR consultation services out to more clients both in PNG and found that technical expertise was a
to major businesses and government overseas. It is also planning for an big area for recruitment, as demand
agencies. office refurbishment during the course had increased but there are not enough
Certified by the PNG Investment Pro- of what is already a hectic year. skilled local expertise to fill this rising
motion Authority to recruit and supply New Partner and Executive Director demand. Our strength lies in finding
both PNG citizen and non citizen em- has over 20 years of experience as a those people”.
ployees, the company holds a current labour hire and recruitment manager, “It is vital for companies to define a
Employment Agents Licence, issued by both in PNG and overseas. With Peter’s strategy for best approach to promote a
the PNG Department of Labour. extensive background in the industry as safe and efficient workplace within PNG
Vanguard recently expanded its Man- a Labour Hire and Contracting Man- regulatory law and globally recognised
agement Consultancy and HR-Recruit- ager in various companies around the standards”, Peter said.
ment services to include Labour Hire, world, Vanguard is now a recognised Vanguard’s Strategic Management and
Contracting, Recruiting and Strategic leader in efficient and effective Human Resource Consultant, Ms. Ka-
HR Management Services for many contracting services in PNG. ren Contencin advises organizations on
of PNG’s existing and emerging major “We have been busy and recently the best way forward in change man-
organisations, including new resource acquired a major marine client so our agement, personnel capacity building,
investors and foreign contractors 2014 plans include more in-house staff planning and development, organisa-
operating in PNG. The company boasts training, keeping overheads down and tional frameworks, performance man-
a large electronic database of coded ap- agement systems, general HR manage-
plicants, mainly PNG citizens and many ment and compliance. She has a degree
in Business and HR Management and
is a Certified Professional with the Aus-
tralian HR Institute and a Member of
Australian Institute of Management.

Karen’s capabilities include:
• HR Policies and Programs Creation,
• People Management Processes, in-
cluding documentation and templates,
• Performance Management Systems,
including writing Position Descriptions,
KPI’s and performance review bench-
• Training Needs Analysis and Training

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