Page 44 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-5
P. 44
Bureau Veritas approves GTT pressure tank
Bunkering Ship concept
Leading classification society Bureau
Veritas has granted Approval in Princi- a viable LNG supply chain on which to Under GTT’s system
ple to a 4,000 cu m Bunkering Ship con- develop LNG as a ship’s fuel. This the BOG management
cept developed by France’s world-lead- pressurised membrane tank concept during loading and
ing LNG containment manufacturer, from GTT means LNG bunker tankers bunkering operations is
GTT. The concept is for a bunker tanker can manage Boil Off Gas (BOG) better made more flexible because
which could deliver LNG as ship’s fuel and increase loading and delivery flow of the wide vapour pressure
using tanks with a GTT Mark III Flex rates. Our studies show it is both safe operating range. Vapour can be buff-
Cargo Containment system operating and practical. We look forward to ered and condensed in the tanks to
up to a pressure of 2 barg. Combining seeing the concept taken forward to a help the fuelled ship or feeding facility
the membrane containment system new construction.” handle the vapour. Condensation may
with the ability to store LNG at pres- be performed by spraying LNG into the
sure’s up to 2 barg allow the bunker vapour phase. The higher pressure also
vessel to have a higher capacity and means that during voyage and stand-by
increased operational flexibility. mode, the duration before gas pressure
Philippe Donche-Gay, Executive Vice in the bunker tanker’s tanks reaches the
President and head of BV’s Marine and upper limit is longer. This improves the
Offshore Division says, “Practical LNG holding time when BOG is not being
bunker tankers are the key to building consumed and reduces the use of reliq-
uefaction plant, diminishing costs.§
Far-sighted Buyer-Seller Collaboration
Critical For Maintaining LNG Market Balance
prices. It is therefore vital that we work
together and not lose sight of the fact
that LNG is a long-term business,” said
Al Muhannadi.
Speaking on the growing positive role
LNG will play in the global fuel mix,
Al-Mohannadi pointed out that the
‘voice of gas’ is increasingly being heard
supporting the further penetration of
natural gas in the energy supply mix.
RasGas Chief Executive Officer, Hamad Mubar- entitled, “What will be the impact of “To help this vision along, we - as
ak Al Muhannadi speaking on a suppliers’ panel lower oil and LNG prices on LNG an industry - need to encourage the
discussion on the inaugural day of Gastech in buyers and sellers over the next 5 implementation of both market and
Singapore. years?” on the inaugural day of the policy-focused reforms that facilitate
four-day event, Al Muhannadi high- natural gas’ increased penetration. Both
The recent decline in liquefied natural lighted the long-term nature of the buyers and sellers need to work togeth-
gas (LNG) prices and the introduction LNG business. er to honour contractual commitments
of new players to the “LNG club” will “LNG buyers are currently comfortable and to jointly influence and enhance
require a collaborative effort from both with the availability of LNG and have a the role of gas by providing appropriate
LNG suppliers and buyers to adopt general wait-and-see attitude towards support for initiatives promoted by
a long-term view for maintaining a making new longer term commit- governments and regulatory agencies,”
sustainable LNG market, said RasGas ments. However, if LNG suppliers fail he added.
Company Limited’s (RasGas) Chief to develop resources required to meet The Gastech conference and exhibition
Executive Officer, Hamad Mubarak Al forecasted longer term demand growth is held approximately once every 18
Muhannadi, at Gastech, recently held in – at the right time and place - there months. This is RasGas’ tenth consecu-
Singapore. will be a supply and demand imbalance tive participation in the industry event.
with longer term implications for LNG The Qatar delegation was led by the
Speaking on a suppliers’ panel debate State’s national petrochemical company,
Qatar Petroleum.§
Bureau Veritas approves GTT pressure tank
Bunkering Ship concept
Leading classification society Bureau
Veritas has granted Approval in Princi- a viable LNG supply chain on which to Under GTT’s system
ple to a 4,000 cu m Bunkering Ship con- develop LNG as a ship’s fuel. This the BOG management
cept developed by France’s world-lead- pressurised membrane tank concept during loading and
ing LNG containment manufacturer, from GTT means LNG bunker tankers bunkering operations is
GTT. The concept is for a bunker tanker can manage Boil Off Gas (BOG) better made more flexible because
which could deliver LNG as ship’s fuel and increase loading and delivery flow of the wide vapour pressure
using tanks with a GTT Mark III Flex rates. Our studies show it is both safe operating range. Vapour can be buff-
Cargo Containment system operating and practical. We look forward to ered and condensed in the tanks to
up to a pressure of 2 barg. Combining seeing the concept taken forward to a help the fuelled ship or feeding facility
the membrane containment system new construction.” handle the vapour. Condensation may
with the ability to store LNG at pres- be performed by spraying LNG into the
sure’s up to 2 barg allow the bunker vapour phase. The higher pressure also
vessel to have a higher capacity and means that during voyage and stand-by
increased operational flexibility. mode, the duration before gas pressure
Philippe Donche-Gay, Executive Vice in the bunker tanker’s tanks reaches the
President and head of BV’s Marine and upper limit is longer. This improves the
Offshore Division says, “Practical LNG holding time when BOG is not being
bunker tankers are the key to building consumed and reduces the use of reliq-
uefaction plant, diminishing costs.§
Far-sighted Buyer-Seller Collaboration
Critical For Maintaining LNG Market Balance
prices. It is therefore vital that we work
together and not lose sight of the fact
that LNG is a long-term business,” said
Al Muhannadi.
Speaking on the growing positive role
LNG will play in the global fuel mix,
Al-Mohannadi pointed out that the
‘voice of gas’ is increasingly being heard
supporting the further penetration of
natural gas in the energy supply mix.
RasGas Chief Executive Officer, Hamad Mubar- entitled, “What will be the impact of “To help this vision along, we - as
ak Al Muhannadi speaking on a suppliers’ panel lower oil and LNG prices on LNG an industry - need to encourage the
discussion on the inaugural day of Gastech in buyers and sellers over the next 5 implementation of both market and
Singapore. years?” on the inaugural day of the policy-focused reforms that facilitate
four-day event, Al Muhannadi high- natural gas’ increased penetration. Both
The recent decline in liquefied natural lighted the long-term nature of the buyers and sellers need to work togeth-
gas (LNG) prices and the introduction LNG business. er to honour contractual commitments
of new players to the “LNG club” will “LNG buyers are currently comfortable and to jointly influence and enhance
require a collaborative effort from both with the availability of LNG and have a the role of gas by providing appropriate
LNG suppliers and buyers to adopt general wait-and-see attitude towards support for initiatives promoted by
a long-term view for maintaining a making new longer term commit- governments and regulatory agencies,”
sustainable LNG market, said RasGas ments. However, if LNG suppliers fail he added.
Company Limited’s (RasGas) Chief to develop resources required to meet The Gastech conference and exhibition
Executive Officer, Hamad Mubarak Al forecasted longer term demand growth is held approximately once every 18
Muhannadi, at Gastech, recently held in – at the right time and place - there months. This is RasGas’ tenth consecu-
Singapore. will be a supply and demand imbalance tive participation in the industry event.
with longer term implications for LNG The Qatar delegation was led by the
Speaking on a suppliers’ panel debate State’s national petrochemical company,
Qatar Petroleum.§