Page 40 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-5
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Gastech 2015 Increases both Exhibitor and
Conference Delegate Numbers
Despite all the cost-cutting seen across Singapore International Energy Week. approach and the team onsite, allowing
the hydrocarbons industry this past A new addition to this year’s event was people to maximize their time to drive
year, 2015 Singapore was the largest a free networking tool called Gastech new relationships.
Gastech ever held, and this is thanks to Global Meetings Program. The personal In 2017 the event moves to Tokyo with
the recognition from a global custom- business networking and matching pro- the support of leading Japanese com-
er base that it is an essential place to gram allows attendees to specify their panies from various energy disciplines,
cement current business, engage new preferences so that they can meet and including, Jera, Mitsubishi, Mitsui,
customers and foster critical new rela- do business with other professionals in Tokyo Gas, Inpex, Itochu, japex, JX
tionships. attendance. Group, Marubeni and Sumitomo. For
Gastech 2015 was hosted by BG Group This was managed using a tailor-made more information visit
and was held in association with the §
Rockwell Automation and Endress+Hauser
Exhibited at Gastech Singapore 2015
high-performance production and Rockwell Automation. “Rockwell Au-
Joint Expertise, with Complete enhance global competitiveness by tomation has helped the world’s largest
Measurement and Process securely connecting plantwide smart and most progressive O&G companies
Automation Solutions and Services, devices and in-the-field assets to enter- with some of the most advanced tech-
Delivers Real Value to Oil and Gas prise teams and business systems. nologies and support services available.
Customers “Accelerated by the convergence of Gastech Singapore 2015 served as an
Rockwell Automation, the largest com- enabling technologies − such as the ideal platform to showcase how our
pany dedicated to industrial automation Internet of Things and a protected net- expertise, solutions and services across
and information solutions, participated work infrastructure − O&G companies the O&G and LNG supply chain help
at Gastech Singapore 2015, the world’s can now become Connected Enterpris- customers take advantage of industry
leading liquefied natural gas (LNG) es by collecting and analysing critical trends and overcome their key chal-
Conference and Exhibition, held 27 – and actionable data, and then delivering lenges.”
30 October, at Singapore EXPO. Con- contextualised information ubiquitous- During Gastech Singapore 2015,
vened every 18 months in a different ly and seamlessly to company business Rockwell Automation highlighted
international location since 1973, this leaders,” said Bob Buttermore, Regional its core solutions and services in the
independently run tradeshow focuses Director, Southeast Asia, Rockwell O&G and LNG industries, including
on both the commercial and technical Automation. “As a result, operators can its Process Automation System based
aspects of the LNG industry. improve production and asset utilisa- on the PlantPAx® Distributed Control
The Rockwell Automation and tion, boost operational efficiency, short- System (DCS), Network and Security
Endress+Hauser strategic alliance en time to market, minimise total cost Services, Engineering Services, as well
exhibited its pre-engineered, pre-tested, of ownership and downtime, increase as Comprehensive Support Services. In
supported and maintained solutions safety, and lower enterprise risk for a addition, the company will be showcas-
– combining best-in-class instrumenta- tangible competitive advantage.” ing its emissions monitoring system,
tion, software and control systems – to “Our global partnership draws from the integrated information, control, power
meet customer needs from exploration core competencies of both companies to and safety (ICPS) solutions, process
through refining and transportation produce scalable engineered solutions safety offerings, the intelligent Terminal
logistics. In addition, in line with the that include measurement, automation, Automation System (TAS), and the in-
Rockwell Automation vision of the services and software applications for telligent motor control solutions, which
Connected Enterprise, the company O&G customers,” said Jae Kyu Kim, all help O&G companies maximise
will be focusing on how oil and gas Oil and Gas Manager, Southeast Asia, their productivity and reduce
(O&G) companies can now speed operational costs.§
Gastech 2015 Increases both Exhibitor and
Conference Delegate Numbers
Despite all the cost-cutting seen across Singapore International Energy Week. approach and the team onsite, allowing
the hydrocarbons industry this past A new addition to this year’s event was people to maximize their time to drive
year, 2015 Singapore was the largest a free networking tool called Gastech new relationships.
Gastech ever held, and this is thanks to Global Meetings Program. The personal In 2017 the event moves to Tokyo with
the recognition from a global custom- business networking and matching pro- the support of leading Japanese com-
er base that it is an essential place to gram allows attendees to specify their panies from various energy disciplines,
cement current business, engage new preferences so that they can meet and including, Jera, Mitsubishi, Mitsui,
customers and foster critical new rela- do business with other professionals in Tokyo Gas, Inpex, Itochu, japex, JX
tionships. attendance. Group, Marubeni and Sumitomo. For
Gastech 2015 was hosted by BG Group This was managed using a tailor-made more information visit
and was held in association with the §
Rockwell Automation and Endress+Hauser
Exhibited at Gastech Singapore 2015
high-performance production and Rockwell Automation. “Rockwell Au-
Joint Expertise, with Complete enhance global competitiveness by tomation has helped the world’s largest
Measurement and Process securely connecting plantwide smart and most progressive O&G companies
Automation Solutions and Services, devices and in-the-field assets to enter- with some of the most advanced tech-
Delivers Real Value to Oil and Gas prise teams and business systems. nologies and support services available.
Customers “Accelerated by the convergence of Gastech Singapore 2015 served as an
Rockwell Automation, the largest com- enabling technologies − such as the ideal platform to showcase how our
pany dedicated to industrial automation Internet of Things and a protected net- expertise, solutions and services across
and information solutions, participated work infrastructure − O&G companies the O&G and LNG supply chain help
at Gastech Singapore 2015, the world’s can now become Connected Enterpris- customers take advantage of industry
leading liquefied natural gas (LNG) es by collecting and analysing critical trends and overcome their key chal-
Conference and Exhibition, held 27 – and actionable data, and then delivering lenges.”
30 October, at Singapore EXPO. Con- contextualised information ubiquitous- During Gastech Singapore 2015,
vened every 18 months in a different ly and seamlessly to company business Rockwell Automation highlighted
international location since 1973, this leaders,” said Bob Buttermore, Regional its core solutions and services in the
independently run tradeshow focuses Director, Southeast Asia, Rockwell O&G and LNG industries, including
on both the commercial and technical Automation. “As a result, operators can its Process Automation System based
aspects of the LNG industry. improve production and asset utilisa- on the PlantPAx® Distributed Control
The Rockwell Automation and tion, boost operational efficiency, short- System (DCS), Network and Security
Endress+Hauser strategic alliance en time to market, minimise total cost Services, Engineering Services, as well
exhibited its pre-engineered, pre-tested, of ownership and downtime, increase as Comprehensive Support Services. In
supported and maintained solutions safety, and lower enterprise risk for a addition, the company will be showcas-
– combining best-in-class instrumenta- tangible competitive advantage.” ing its emissions monitoring system,
tion, software and control systems – to “Our global partnership draws from the integrated information, control, power
meet customer needs from exploration core competencies of both companies to and safety (ICPS) solutions, process
through refining and transportation produce scalable engineered solutions safety offerings, the intelligent Terminal
logistics. In addition, in line with the that include measurement, automation, Automation System (TAS), and the in-
Rockwell Automation vision of the services and software applications for telligent motor control solutions, which
Connected Enterprise, the company O&G customers,” said Jae Kyu Kim, all help O&G companies maximise
will be focusing on how oil and gas Oil and Gas Manager, Southeast Asia, their productivity and reduce
(O&G) companies can now speed operational costs.§