Page 39 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-5
P. 39

The operator of an industrial facility the cost of installing the power manager a 24/7 Power Watch Team. This can be
stands to gain a range of benefits from within two years. delivered under a single service plan to
installing Process Power Manager. From a managerial point of view, it also deliver a guaranteed level of care and
Firstly, the ability to defend plants offers the possibility of making one maintenance for the whole of a produc-
against sudden shocks, such as the loss supplier responsible for the whole of a tion process.
of a generator, and this protects workers plant’s process and power equipment. ABB has built up 30 years of experience
and prevents damage to equipment. It ABB’s offering includes studies, front- in a huge range of process industries
also prevents unplanned downtime, end engineering and design, a range of around the world, and has pioneered
and allows a system to recover from an design and fabrication services, project the use of automated and integrated
incident in as short a space as possible. management of the construction project electrical and process control systems. It
When the plant is running normal- and the installation, commissioning has the natural advantage of designing
ly, Process Power Manager tunes its and testing of a plants mechanical and and fabricating the electrical equipment
electricity supply to optimize energy effi- electrical equipment. Once operations and the systems that run it, which means
ciency thereby minimising the operating have commenced, ABB can help to ABB can offer highly qualified engineers
costs and a plant’s carbon footprint. train technicians, and can also provide with access to the most comprehensive
Taken together, the savings are such that a range of support services, including resource libraries. §
most industries can expect to recoup

Singapore inks trade deal with Turkey ByMarieRYAN

Singapore and Turkey have signed a free force. This will rise to more than 95 and transparency.
trade agreement (FTA) in November per cent over 10 years, MTI added in a Singapore companies will also be able
that will reduce barriers to trade and statement. to bid for procurement contracts from
investment between the two sides as well Singapore exporters in sectors like elec- Turkish government entities, includ-
as strengthen bilateral ties and economic tronics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and ing its 30 metropolitan municipalities.
co-operation. processed food will also benefit from the Turkish companies can likewise access
Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat and removal of Turkey’s tariffs under Rules of Singapore’s government procurement
Turkish Minister of Economy Nihat Zey- Origin that consider Singapore’s unique market.
bekci inked the deal on the sidelines of regional supply chain and local produc- Turkey is Singapore’s 52nd largest
the Group of 20 (G-20) Leaders’ Summit tion processes. trading partner, and Singapore Business
in Antalya. About 10 major Singapore companies are Federation chief executive officer Ho
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and in Turkey, including port operator PSA, Meng Kit told local media that trade and
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Temasek Holdings, ST Electronics, urban investment figures can be expected to
witnessed the signing. developer Surbana Jurong and serviced grow with the FTA.
Mr Lee also met Mr Erdogan, and apartment operator The Ascott. Turkey, he added, is an emerging country
thanked him for the invitation to the Close to 70 Turkish companies are in with growing domestic demand as well
summit and G-20 meetings. Singapore, including Beko, a consumer as links to areas like Central Asia, Iran
“They affirmed the growing relations be- goods brand under conglomerate Koc and North Africa.
tween the two countries,” Mr Lee’s press Holding; GenPower, Turkey’s largest die- The ruling Justice and Development
secretary said. sel and gasoline generator manufacturer; Party was also returned to power with a
“Both President Erdogan and PM Lee Vesbo, the specialised water thermoplas- majority in the November election.
welcomed the signing of the FTA and tic pipe arm of oil and gas equipment Ho Meng Kitt said with the current gov-
expressed hope for its speedy ratification. supplier Kar Group; and reinsurance ernment firmly in power, we hope there
The FTA will strengthen the respective company Milli Reasurans. will be stability that will lead to better
positions of Singapore and Turkey as These numbers are set to grow. conditions for businesses to invest.
gateways to larger markets such as Eu- Latest figures show that Singapore Singapore also appointed its first resident
rope and ASEAN,” she added. invested US$345 million in Turkey in ambassador to Ankara this year, and
The agreement, which is expected to be 2013, while Turkey invested $19 million trade agency IE Singapore has an office
ratified by 2017, will enhance access for in Singapore in 2013. Bilateral trade in in Istanbul.
Singapore and Turkish companies to goods last year was $1.21 billion, while “The infrastructure is in place and will
each other’s services sectors and pro- bilateral trade in services in 2013 was provide good support for businesses,” Mr
curement markets, and promote greater US$394 million. Ho added.
connectivity between businesses and MTI said it will organise activities to help PM Lee and Turkish Prime Minister
people, Singapore’s Ministry of Trade Singapore companies understand the po- Ahmet Davutoglu signed a declaration
and Industry (MTI) said. tential benefits of the FTA. It is Turkey’s on a strategic partnership when Mr Lee
Turkey will remove tariffs for Singapore first comprehensive agreement in a single visited Turkey in October last year, and
exports on over 80 per cent of products undertaking, and covers commitments MTI said the signing of the FTA built
immediately after the FTA enters into in government procurement, intellectual upon this partnership.§
property rights, e-commerce, competition

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