Page 56 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 56

KrisEnergy begins Nong Yao production
By Marie RYAN

KrisEnergy has announced oil pro- G10/48 concession, which we expect to KrisEnergy holds a 22.5 per cent
duction from the Nong Yao field in the go into production shortly,” he said. working interest in G11/48. Mubadala
G11/48 licence in the Gulf of Thailand G11/48 covers 3,374 square kilometres Petroleum is the operator of the licence
commenced from three initial wells in over the southern margin of the Pattani with a 67.5 per cent working interest
mid-June 2015. Basin and the northwest margin of the and Palang Sophon Limited holds the
The Nong Yao development can com- Malay Basin in water depths of up to 75 remaining 10 per cent.
prise of up to 23 wells and includes a metres. Indonesian based KrisEnergy is an in-
wellhead processing platform and a The Gulf of Thailand is a core area of dependent upstream company focused
minimum facility wellhead platform growth for KrisEnergy as the company on the exploration for, and the develop-
with the export of crude via a floating has non-operated working interests in ment and production of oil and gas in
storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. the B8/32, B9A and G11/48 produc- Southeast Asia.
The facilities have a production capacity ing blocks and is the operator for the Since the Company was established in
of up to 15,000 barrels per day (bopd) G10/48 and G6/48 licences, where it 2009, it has built a portfolio of 19 (oper-
and a processing capacity of 30,000 drilled a series of successful exploration ating 13) contract areas in Bangladesh,
barrels of fluids per day. wells in March and April. Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and
KrisEnergy Chief Executive Officer, Vietnam.§
Keith Cameron, said Nong Yao produc-
tion is a major milestone in KrisEner-
gy’s evolution.

“The G11/48 and G10/48 licences were
our first acquisitions when the company
was established, and Nong Yao is now
the first development project in our
portfolio to be brought on stream,” Mr
Cameron said.

“We are currently working on a further Workers on a KrisEnergy rig. Image courtesy of KrisEnergy
four oil developments in the Gulf of
Thailand including the KrisEnergy-op-
erated Wassana oil field in the adjacent

Mitra’s Block 127 seismic underway
By Marie RYAN

Vietnam based Mitra Energy has The 3D seismic survey is planned to frontier deepwater exploration in Vi-
announced it has begun a 3D seismic cover a full-fold area of 533 square kilo- etnam. Its activities are focused on the
acquisition over the offshore Produc- metres and will fulfil the PSC Explora- unexplored deepwater, eastern half of
tion Sharing Contract (PSC) Area Block tion Phase One extension 3D seismic the block to pursue the significant hy-
127 in the Gulf of Thailand. survey acquisition commitment of 500 drocarbon potential in the area, that has
The survey is being undertaken by full-fold square kilometres. been associated with a thick Tertiary
PTSC CGGV Geophysical Survey Mitra Energy operates the PSC with age sedimentary section.§
utilising the 3D seismic survey vessel 100% equity in Block 127 and repre-
Amadeus. sents the company’s first foray into

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