Page 41 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 41
New Zealand’s Oil and Gas Specialist Technologies Group
As oil prices feel the pinch of global “Being local, OGST companies know sponsor of the highly successful New
commodity market fluctuations, a pi- Taranaki sites and have established Zealand Petroleum Club, which was
oneering New Zealand industry group links with the companies operating here launched in November 2010, and are
is working together to build comple- and with each other. This puts them in Gold Sponsors at the ENEX ‘hard hat’
mentary local capabilities, maintain the a great place to innovate and to respond industry event held in New Plymouth
region’s momentum and land oppor- in ways which minimise cost and max- every other year.
tunities to gain a bigger share of the imise plant up-time”. The OGST has exhibited at the Austral-
international industry. This cost-effective joint approach has ian Oil and Gas Expo in the past and
The Oil and Gas Specialist Technologies netted some major offshore contracts is also regularly represented each year
(OGST) group is a 12-year collabora- and a growing number of projects in by a number of members at APPEA as
tion between the regional development other sectors, which will be key to part of a broader New Zealand Pavilion
agency and Taranaki’s supply chain sustaining a skilled local workforce along with other “New Zealand Inc.”
companies that has grown to 25 mem- while local oil and gas, and petrochem- companies.
bers. Its value comes from the comple- ical opportunities are reduced. It is at Balancing resource levels of high quali-
mentary capabilities and collaborative the heart of supporting the domestic ty skilled people with changing demand
approach to providing solutions for industry in a tightening marketplace remains one of the significant chal-
an extensive range of industry needs. where local supply is a particularly val- lenges facing the group, particularly as
Having supported Taranaki operators uable attribute; saving time and money, global competition around the support
for decades, many of OGST’S members and ensuring that the rapid response services to the oil and gas sector grows.
have also weathered several cyclical benefits of a local workforce are on The OGST is working together, and
downturns and can successfully adapt hand when things pick up again, and as with its customers to develop strategies
to the changing needs of their custom- exploration intensifies in other parts of to respond to this and help maintain an
ers as capital and operating budgets face New Zealand and Australia. innovative, efficient high quality work-
new challenges. The group members boast comprehen- force in Taranaki, ready to respond as
“Taranaki suppliers are committed to sive capabilities across consultancy, en- and when required, across New Zealand
supporting oil and gas operators when gineering design, trades services, supply and Australia. §
things are tight and will be here ready and products, inspection and testing, For more information visit www.oiland-
to go when the brakes come off again” logistics, training and skills, and tech-
says OGST chairman Colin Fromont. nical services. They are also a founding
Block Offer 2015 Release Areas announced
SsfooprueprackeetisnrogMleaiutnmtihsteeexrApSdliovmraanotntiaogBnerpi2de0gr1em5sioPtspe.ternoeledutmheSBulmocmkiOt, fEfenre2rg0y15antednRdeer-
Tthhreeeteonndsehrohraesaaretaostaalnadrefoauorf o4f2f9sh,2o9r8e saqreuaasr.e kilometres, including
Tanhde lhaaupnūchanodf t5h4elotecnadl earutfhoollroiwtisese.xtensive consultation with 189 iwi
dBmpreiudomspstoofhonsraestvdBrealwotbeocoskrtkahOpttefhrfcoeehrgtnre2aic0cmh1an5lmiumcena.udl seatrnsidntacfnilnudadinnegcaioawlfoctharkpeaptberniolidgteyrartmoarmdeaee.litOvhepartetrhaetoirrs
T20h1e5I.nWvietaitniotennfdortoBgidrasnfot rpBerlmociktsOinffeDre2c0e1m5bcelros2e0s1o5n.§30 September
A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 39
New Zealand’s Oil and Gas Specialist Technologies Group
As oil prices feel the pinch of global “Being local, OGST companies know sponsor of the highly successful New
commodity market fluctuations, a pi- Taranaki sites and have established Zealand Petroleum Club, which was
oneering New Zealand industry group links with the companies operating here launched in November 2010, and are
is working together to build comple- and with each other. This puts them in Gold Sponsors at the ENEX ‘hard hat’
mentary local capabilities, maintain the a great place to innovate and to respond industry event held in New Plymouth
region’s momentum and land oppor- in ways which minimise cost and max- every other year.
tunities to gain a bigger share of the imise plant up-time”. The OGST has exhibited at the Austral-
international industry. This cost-effective joint approach has ian Oil and Gas Expo in the past and
The Oil and Gas Specialist Technologies netted some major offshore contracts is also regularly represented each year
(OGST) group is a 12-year collabora- and a growing number of projects in by a number of members at APPEA as
tion between the regional development other sectors, which will be key to part of a broader New Zealand Pavilion
agency and Taranaki’s supply chain sustaining a skilled local workforce along with other “New Zealand Inc.”
companies that has grown to 25 mem- while local oil and gas, and petrochem- companies.
bers. Its value comes from the comple- ical opportunities are reduced. It is at Balancing resource levels of high quali-
mentary capabilities and collaborative the heart of supporting the domestic ty skilled people with changing demand
approach to providing solutions for industry in a tightening marketplace remains one of the significant chal-
an extensive range of industry needs. where local supply is a particularly val- lenges facing the group, particularly as
Having supported Taranaki operators uable attribute; saving time and money, global competition around the support
for decades, many of OGST’S members and ensuring that the rapid response services to the oil and gas sector grows.
have also weathered several cyclical benefits of a local workforce are on The OGST is working together, and
downturns and can successfully adapt hand when things pick up again, and as with its customers to develop strategies
to the changing needs of their custom- exploration intensifies in other parts of to respond to this and help maintain an
ers as capital and operating budgets face New Zealand and Australia. innovative, efficient high quality work-
new challenges. The group members boast comprehen- force in Taranaki, ready to respond as
“Taranaki suppliers are committed to sive capabilities across consultancy, en- and when required, across New Zealand
supporting oil and gas operators when gineering design, trades services, supply and Australia. §
things are tight and will be here ready and products, inspection and testing, For more information visit www.oiland-
to go when the brakes come off again” logistics, training and skills, and tech-
says OGST chairman Colin Fromont. nical services. They are also a founding
Block Offer 2015 Release Areas announced
SsfooprueprackeetisnrogMleaiutnmtihsteeexrApSdliovmraanotntiaogBnerpi2de0gr1em5sioPtspe.ternoeledutmheSBulmocmkiOt, fEfenre2rg0y15antednRdeer-
Tthhreeeteonndsehrohraesaaretaostaalnadrefoauorf o4f2f9sh,2o9r8e saqreuaasr.e kilometres, including
Tanhde lhaaupnūchanodf t5h4elotecnadl earutfhoollroiwtisese.xtensive consultation with 189 iwi
dBmpreiudomspstoofhonsraestvdBrealwotbeocoskrtkahOpttefhrfcoeehrgtnre2aic0cmh1an5lmiumcena.udl seatrnsidntacfnilnudadinnegcaioawlfoctharkpeaptberniolidgteyrartmoarmdeaee.litOvhepartetrhaetoirrs
T20h1e5I.nWvietaitniotennfdortoBgidrasnfot rpBerlmociktsOinffeDre2c0e1m5bcelros2e0s1o5n.§30 September
A JULY/AUGUST 2015 OIL & GAS ustral SIA 39