Page 44 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-3
P. 44
Purari River and Caution Bay
selected as Papua LNG sites
By Marie RYAN
Dual listed InterOil Corporation and selected as Caution Bay near Port sion said the venture would now begin
its joint venture participants in PRL Moresby. the design phase, a significant milestone
15 (Total and Oil Search) have unan- Papua LNG, which will be operated for the Papua LNG project.
imously endorsed French company by Total SA and includes InterOil and “The sites were chosen for their tech-
Total’s recommendations for key project Oil Search, will further explore site nical, economic and environmental
infrastructure sites in the development locations and pipeline corridors as part benefits and followed extensive surveys
of the Elk-Antelope gas field in Papua of project development. and studies by Total over the past year,”
New Guinea. Selection of the final development con- Mr Hession said.
The central processing facility for the cept, including the size and capacity of “These sites represent the best locations.
Elk-Antelope gas field, on which the facilities, is expected in early 2016 when The central processing facility in the
project (Papua LNG) is based is to be appraisal of the Elk-Antelope field has Gulf Province will be near the gas field
located near the Purari River in the been completed. with river access. The LNG facility near
Gulf Province, about 360km north-west This will be followed by front-end en- Port Moresby has potential for syner-
of Port Moresby and will be connected gineering and design with early works gies with existing infrastructure and
to the LNG facility by onshore and off- scheduled to begin later in 2016. sufficient land for significant LNG train
shore gas and condensate pipelines. InterOil Chief Executive Michael Hes- expansion,” he said.§
The site for Papua New Guinea’s second
liquefied natural gas plant has been
Kwila-1 reaches 1,000 metres ByMarieRYAN
Kina Petroleum has reported on its the Ramu Markham Faults. Deposition from a carry through a seismic program
Kwila-1 exploration well in PPL 337 occurred throughout the Miocene, to appraise the field.
with the well reaching a depth of 1,000 Pliocene and Pleistocene. Late Pleisto- Kina Petroleum said the PPL337 source
metres and preparing to run wireline cene compression resulted in large fault risk is considered low as there are nu-
logs in early July. bounded anticlines of which the Banam merous seeps within the licence.
PPL 337 covers an area of 5,508 square Anticline is the largest. “There are numerous potential offtake
metres in the onshore Ramu Sub-Basin The well will now be evaluated by the partners in and around Madang, in-
of the North New Guinea Basin and forthcoming electrical logging program. cluding the mining operations at Ramu
was awarded to Kina Petroluem in Kwila-1 is operated by Heritage Oil NiCo and Yanderra. Power generation
2009. Limited under a farm out agreement for Madang itself is another option. In
The company said in a statement to the between Heritage and Kina Petrole- the event of a large discovery, there is
market, the well had intersected both um, whereby Heritage will carry Kina scope for an LNG project with deep
the primary and secondary objectives Petroleum through the drilling and, if water access at Astrolabe Bay. Subject to
which comprise of thinly interbedded appropriate, testing of two wells. encouragement from Kwila-1 or Rain-
sandstone of good to fair reservoir qual- The first of those wells, Raintree-1, has tree 1, an appraisal seismic program
ity and intercalated siltstone/claystone. been drilled with Kina retaining a 30 will infill the existing three lines over
The Ramu Sub-Basin is a deep rhom- per cent participating interest in the Li- Banam Anticline and/or Raintree.Ӥ
boid trough bounded by the Gogol and cence upon completion of drilling, and
in the event of a discovery will benefit
A A42 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015
Purari River and Caution Bay
selected as Papua LNG sites
By Marie RYAN
Dual listed InterOil Corporation and selected as Caution Bay near Port sion said the venture would now begin
its joint venture participants in PRL Moresby. the design phase, a significant milestone
15 (Total and Oil Search) have unan- Papua LNG, which will be operated for the Papua LNG project.
imously endorsed French company by Total SA and includes InterOil and “The sites were chosen for their tech-
Total’s recommendations for key project Oil Search, will further explore site nical, economic and environmental
infrastructure sites in the development locations and pipeline corridors as part benefits and followed extensive surveys
of the Elk-Antelope gas field in Papua of project development. and studies by Total over the past year,”
New Guinea. Selection of the final development con- Mr Hession said.
The central processing facility for the cept, including the size and capacity of “These sites represent the best locations.
Elk-Antelope gas field, on which the facilities, is expected in early 2016 when The central processing facility in the
project (Papua LNG) is based is to be appraisal of the Elk-Antelope field has Gulf Province will be near the gas field
located near the Purari River in the been completed. with river access. The LNG facility near
Gulf Province, about 360km north-west This will be followed by front-end en- Port Moresby has potential for syner-
of Port Moresby and will be connected gineering and design with early works gies with existing infrastructure and
to the LNG facility by onshore and off- scheduled to begin later in 2016. sufficient land for significant LNG train
shore gas and condensate pipelines. InterOil Chief Executive Michael Hes- expansion,” he said.§
The site for Papua New Guinea’s second
liquefied natural gas plant has been
Kwila-1 reaches 1,000 metres ByMarieRYAN
Kina Petroleum has reported on its the Ramu Markham Faults. Deposition from a carry through a seismic program
Kwila-1 exploration well in PPL 337 occurred throughout the Miocene, to appraise the field.
with the well reaching a depth of 1,000 Pliocene and Pleistocene. Late Pleisto- Kina Petroleum said the PPL337 source
metres and preparing to run wireline cene compression resulted in large fault risk is considered low as there are nu-
logs in early July. bounded anticlines of which the Banam merous seeps within the licence.
PPL 337 covers an area of 5,508 square Anticline is the largest. “There are numerous potential offtake
metres in the onshore Ramu Sub-Basin The well will now be evaluated by the partners in and around Madang, in-
of the North New Guinea Basin and forthcoming electrical logging program. cluding the mining operations at Ramu
was awarded to Kina Petroluem in Kwila-1 is operated by Heritage Oil NiCo and Yanderra. Power generation
2009. Limited under a farm out agreement for Madang itself is another option. In
The company said in a statement to the between Heritage and Kina Petrole- the event of a large discovery, there is
market, the well had intersected both um, whereby Heritage will carry Kina scope for an LNG project with deep
the primary and secondary objectives Petroleum through the drilling and, if water access at Astrolabe Bay. Subject to
which comprise of thinly interbedded appropriate, testing of two wells. encouragement from Kwila-1 or Rain-
sandstone of good to fair reservoir qual- The first of those wells, Raintree-1, has tree 1, an appraisal seismic program
ity and intercalated siltstone/claystone. been drilled with Kina retaining a 30 will infill the existing three lines over
The Ramu Sub-Basin is a deep rhom- per cent participating interest in the Li- Banam Anticline and/or Raintree.Ӥ
boid trough bounded by the Gogol and cence upon completion of drilling, and
in the event of a discovery will benefit
A A42 OIL & GAS ustral SIA JULY/AUGUST 2015