Page 56 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-5
P. 56

GAC Focuses on Asia Pacific
with New Appointment

GAC is strengthening its strategic Soon has more than a decade of fluctuations of recent years, the oil
focus on the Asian Pacific energy experience in the oil & gas logistics & gas industry remains a key com-
sector with the appointment of sector in Singapore, New Zealand ponent in our long-term plans.
Lailah Soon as Regional Business and Dubai. She is now drawing “Lailah’s appointment to this new
Development Manager, Oil & Gas. on that experience to drive GAC’s dedicated role demonstrates our be-
business offering to support oil & lief in Asia’s increasingly important
gas operations at established and contribution to the world economy
new locations for exploration and and the GAC Group’s long-term
extraction throughout the region, commitment and global focus on
the company wrote. oil & gas. She will serve an impor-
She is based in Singapore, and re- tant role in the Asia region, steering
ports direct to Group Vice President our efforts to deliver world-class
– Asia Pacific, Fredrik Nystrom, support and achieve even greater
who says: “Despite the prices engagement with the sector.§

GAC renews commitment
to upstream oil and gas
industry in the Middle East
with new appointment

Ahead of Abu Dhabi International Thailand and Bahrain covering the environment, GAC has made
Petroleum Exhibition and Confer- contract logistics (3PL), project customer satisfaction, HSSE com-
ence (ADIPEC), global shipping, logistics, break bulk, tankers, and pliance, and business growth top
logistics and marine services pro- offshore sectors. Most recently, he priorities in serving its oil & gas
vider GAC Group announced the held the position of Regional Key customers. Fernando’s appoint-
appointment of Shanaka Fernando Account Manager – MEA, in Bah- ment as Regional Business Devel-
as Regional Business Development rain, for various Oil & Gas explo- opment Manager – MEA, further
Manager, Oil & Gas – Middle East. ration and survey companies in the strengthens our team dedicated to
The move is in line with GAC’s region. this important sector, particular-
plans to strengthen its commit- Fernando will act the key liaison ly in support of those involved in
ment to the upstream oil and gas point between GAC and new and upstream drilling and subsea EPC
industry in the Middle East region, existing customers in the Middle operations.Ӥ
where GAC has been a leader in the East’s upstream oil and gas indus-
provision of shipping, logistics and try. He is based at GAC’s regional
marine services for nearly 60 years. headquarters in Dubai and reports
Fernando joined the GAC Group in directly to the Group Vice-President
1994 and has since served as Busi- for the Middle East, Lars Bergstrom.
ness Manager in Sri Lanka, Qatar, Bergstrom says: “In a challenging

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