Page 52 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-5
P. 52
By Capt Martin A. SEBASTIAN RMN (R) & Mohd Ikmal bin Abu.
Abstract cooperation of SAR. During the MH370 3. Technological Enablers
The loss of MH370 and the crash of SAR operation, Malaysia was heavily Technology is a great enabler in the SAR
QZ8501 has called for a relook in Aero- criticized on the handling of the SAR Operation either been fitted onboard
nautical and Maritime Search and Res- operation. CNN reported six major mis- SAR Unit (SRU) or shore based RCCs.
cue (SAR). The ASEAN Regional Forum takes by Malaysia Government in han- It will catalyze the process of searching
(ARF) has called for the strengthening of rdelpinogrttehdisthinactitdheenrt1elwathivileesTohfethGeuiallrdfaiatend and information dissemination between
SAR responses a coordination. Inter- passengers, both in China and Malaysia SRUs and RCC. Distinct alert and com-
national Aeronautical and Maritime were furious by the way the government munication systems between aeronau-
Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) manuals addressed the issue especially on the tical and maritime distress systems
call for a Global SAR system. The Inter- initial loss of the airliner2. require harmonization.
national Civil Aviation Organisation
(ICAO) Convention of Civil Aviation Several aspects of SAR needs to be 4. Information Sharing
1944 Annex 12 (SAR) and Internation- harmonized by States as follows. During SAR operations, one of the
al Maritime Organisation (IMO) SAR most important elements that cannot be
Convention 1978 has created distinct 1. Area of Responsibilities. neglected is the information element.
approaches on SAR. In light of that, the The International Civil Aviation Organ- Information is not only needed in the
ICAO-IMO Joint Working Group (JWG) isation (ICAO) has defined the Flight SAR but also needed for the ancillary
on Harmonisation was established in Information Region (FIR) as the area of support requirements and the general
1993, with the objective of assisting responsibility for respective State aero- public on the situation. The distinct aer-
ICAO and IMO in developing provisions nautical SAR. The International Mari- onautical and maritime systems needs to
regarding new search and rescue tech- time Organisation (IMO) has defined be harmonized in order to achieve better
niques and procedures where both aer- the Search and Rescue Region (SRR) as flow of information.
onautical and maritime interests were the areas for respective State maritime
involved. The JWG is currently working SAR. However, there are major issues in 5. Capacity and Capability Building
on a new version of IAMSAR to be both these areas especially in the bound- Distinct approaches in capacity and
published in 2016. The Asia Pacific has aries concerned. States have to resolve capability building in civil aeronautical
as well created the Asia Pacific SAR (AP- these through bilateral or multilateral and maritime SAR, military combat SAR
SAR) Task Force where APSAR TF has agreements. and volunteer SAR entities need to be
met three times on issues relating to Aer- harmonized to achieve a common pur-
onautical and Maritime SAR. The Asia 2. SAR Organisation pose. Interoperability and defined stand-
Pacific Regional SAR Plan. Separately, The need for Joint Rescue Coordination ards will be required when a calamity
ASEAN concluded a meeting within the Centre (JRCC) is stronger now as com- or a catastrophe happens. Standards in
ASEAN Transport Ministers Working pared to separate Aeronautical Rescue competencies and assets will come in
Group on the Harmonisation of SAR in Coordination Centres (ARCC) and handy for SAR planning and response.
March 2014 to draft a regional aero- Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres Simulation exercises involving Stake-
nautical and maritime SAR agreement. (MRCC). There a tremendous benefits in holders will be vital to achieve timely
In spite of international, extra regional having both RCCs co-located. and appropriate responses.
and regional efforts, many States in the
region are yet to harmonise aeronautical 3. Coordination Processes 6. Conclusion
and maritime SAR architectures. The Since coordination is the key to SAR, In the aftermath of the recent incidents,
Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) it will be vital to harmonise existing it is even more pertinent to call for the
is leading an Asia Pacific study group structures in strengthening coopera- strengthening of SAR, especially in
to develop policy recommendations to tion and coordination especially where the national context. “Charity begins
States in Harmonising Aeronautical and interoperability is concerned. The at home”, and therefore, it is important
Maritime SAR. IAMSAR Manual provides guidance to to begin harmonization at the national
states through a ‘self-assessment’ form. level before regional, extra regional and
Introduction States may wish to conduct their own global efforts are mooted. It is hoped
The year 2014 showcased the need self assessment in recognising the need that States with distinct approaches on
to revisit aeronautical and maritime to strengthen cooperation and coordi- aeronautical and maritime SAR start
SAR in light of the catastrophe of the nation of SAR. Coordination can range identifying areas for harmonization
MH370 and QZ8501 incidents. These from the search and recovery; logistic in order to strengthen cooperation
events stamped an important milestone coordination with respects to regional and coordination in aeronautical and
for Malaysia and ASEAN especially in and global assistance being provided and marime SAR, in accordance to the needs
term of strengthening coordination and coordination of information pertinent to of the IAMSAR Manuals to develop an
the overall activity. effective Global SAR System.§
By Capt Martin A. SEBASTIAN RMN (R) & Mohd Ikmal bin Abu.
Abstract cooperation of SAR. During the MH370 3. Technological Enablers
The loss of MH370 and the crash of SAR operation, Malaysia was heavily Technology is a great enabler in the SAR
QZ8501 has called for a relook in Aero- criticized on the handling of the SAR Operation either been fitted onboard
nautical and Maritime Search and Res- operation. CNN reported six major mis- SAR Unit (SRU) or shore based RCCs.
cue (SAR). The ASEAN Regional Forum takes by Malaysia Government in han- It will catalyze the process of searching
(ARF) has called for the strengthening of rdelpinogrttehdisthinactitdheenrt1elwathivileesTohfethGeuiallrdfaiatend and information dissemination between
SAR responses a coordination. Inter- passengers, both in China and Malaysia SRUs and RCC. Distinct alert and com-
national Aeronautical and Maritime were furious by the way the government munication systems between aeronau-
Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) manuals addressed the issue especially on the tical and maritime distress systems
call for a Global SAR system. The Inter- initial loss of the airliner2. require harmonization.
national Civil Aviation Organisation
(ICAO) Convention of Civil Aviation Several aspects of SAR needs to be 4. Information Sharing
1944 Annex 12 (SAR) and Internation- harmonized by States as follows. During SAR operations, one of the
al Maritime Organisation (IMO) SAR most important elements that cannot be
Convention 1978 has created distinct 1. Area of Responsibilities. neglected is the information element.
approaches on SAR. In light of that, the The International Civil Aviation Organ- Information is not only needed in the
ICAO-IMO Joint Working Group (JWG) isation (ICAO) has defined the Flight SAR but also needed for the ancillary
on Harmonisation was established in Information Region (FIR) as the area of support requirements and the general
1993, with the objective of assisting responsibility for respective State aero- public on the situation. The distinct aer-
ICAO and IMO in developing provisions nautical SAR. The International Mari- onautical and maritime systems needs to
regarding new search and rescue tech- time Organisation (IMO) has defined be harmonized in order to achieve better
niques and procedures where both aer- the Search and Rescue Region (SRR) as flow of information.
onautical and maritime interests were the areas for respective State maritime
involved. The JWG is currently working SAR. However, there are major issues in 5. Capacity and Capability Building
on a new version of IAMSAR to be both these areas especially in the bound- Distinct approaches in capacity and
published in 2016. The Asia Pacific has aries concerned. States have to resolve capability building in civil aeronautical
as well created the Asia Pacific SAR (AP- these through bilateral or multilateral and maritime SAR, military combat SAR
SAR) Task Force where APSAR TF has agreements. and volunteer SAR entities need to be
met three times on issues relating to Aer- harmonized to achieve a common pur-
onautical and Maritime SAR. The Asia 2. SAR Organisation pose. Interoperability and defined stand-
Pacific Regional SAR Plan. Separately, The need for Joint Rescue Coordination ards will be required when a calamity
ASEAN concluded a meeting within the Centre (JRCC) is stronger now as com- or a catastrophe happens. Standards in
ASEAN Transport Ministers Working pared to separate Aeronautical Rescue competencies and assets will come in
Group on the Harmonisation of SAR in Coordination Centres (ARCC) and handy for SAR planning and response.
March 2014 to draft a regional aero- Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres Simulation exercises involving Stake-
nautical and maritime SAR agreement. (MRCC). There a tremendous benefits in holders will be vital to achieve timely
In spite of international, extra regional having both RCCs co-located. and appropriate responses.
and regional efforts, many States in the
region are yet to harmonise aeronautical 3. Coordination Processes 6. Conclusion
and maritime SAR architectures. The Since coordination is the key to SAR, In the aftermath of the recent incidents,
Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) it will be vital to harmonise existing it is even more pertinent to call for the
is leading an Asia Pacific study group structures in strengthening coopera- strengthening of SAR, especially in
to develop policy recommendations to tion and coordination especially where the national context. “Charity begins
States in Harmonising Aeronautical and interoperability is concerned. The at home”, and therefore, it is important
Maritime SAR. IAMSAR Manual provides guidance to to begin harmonization at the national
states through a ‘self-assessment’ form. level before regional, extra regional and
Introduction States may wish to conduct their own global efforts are mooted. It is hoped
The year 2014 showcased the need self assessment in recognising the need that States with distinct approaches on
to revisit aeronautical and maritime to strengthen cooperation and coordi- aeronautical and maritime SAR start
SAR in light of the catastrophe of the nation of SAR. Coordination can range identifying areas for harmonization
MH370 and QZ8501 incidents. These from the search and recovery; logistic in order to strengthen cooperation
events stamped an important milestone coordination with respects to regional and coordination in aeronautical and
for Malaysia and ASEAN especially in and global assistance being provided and marime SAR, in accordance to the needs
term of strengthening coordination and coordination of information pertinent to of the IAMSAR Manuals to develop an
the overall activity. effective Global SAR System.§