Page 28 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-2
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OGA 2015 Email Interview
Oil & Gas Australasia
Robert Buttermore, Regional Director, Southeast Asia, Rockwell Automation

1. How important is the oil and gas for remote wellhead monitoring. expenses, whilst increasing safety and
(O&G) sector to Rockwell Automation 2. What are the challenges faced by reliability.
in Southeast Asia (SEA)? What are the customers in the O&G sector? How can PlantPAx, built on the Rockwell Au-
drivers for growth in this sector, and Rockwell Automation products and tomation® Integrated Architecture®
how is Rockwell Automation meeting solutions uniquely help its customers system, seamlessly integrates multiple
customer demands? address these challenges? components in one network – including
O&G remains the top investment for Optimising operational costs, especially advanced-process control, process safety
Rockwell Automation in the region, with falling oil prices, continues to be and critical control, variable-frequency
accounting for 30% of its regional busi- O&G operators’ top challenge. There is drives, intelligent-motor control, condi-
ness. There are a number of significant also a vast amount of legacy equipment tion monitoring and power packages.
investments in the pipeline, dominated in the industry, with many companies In addition, the company will also high-
by the state-owned national oil compa- acknowledging they need to invest and light its Asset Management Services,
nies (NOCs). In addition, the majority migrate to new technology, including designed to help O&G firms with their
of offshore vessels are being built in connecting all their disparate systems. offshore, onshore, OEM and EPC needs
Asia, especially in South Korea, China Operators need to collect as much data for the lifecycle of their operations.
and SEA. Beyond the investments by the as possible from their field operations,
NOCs, the shipyards will also continue so that they can make critical business 4. Describe the Rockwell Automation
to fuel the growth of the O&G industry decisions at headquarters − eliminat- theme for OGA 2015, “Your Connect-
in Asia, once oil prices stabilise and ing the need for so many resources ed Enterprise Journey: Capitalising
investments begin again. on production platforms and offshore on Bringing People, Processes and
For the next five years, Rockwell Auto- facilities, to optimise cost. Increasingly, Technology Together Seamlessly for
mation SEA expects double-digit growth companies should start to rethink their Optimised Oil and Gas Operations”.
in the O&G sector, so to meet this processes, and adopt advanced-techno- Why is this topic relevant to companies
demand, the company has established logical solutions to improve production in the O&G industry?
a strong leadership team at both the efficiency and safety, whilst minimising Accelerated by the convergence of
country and regional levels, with Jae Kyu system complexity, downtime and costs. enabling technologies − such as the
Kim, Oil & Gas Manager, driving the By comparing the total cost of owner- Internet of Things and a secure network
O&G business in SEA. ship (TCO) of an existing distributed infrastructure − O&G companies can
Rockwell Automation is making signif- control system (DCS) to that of a new leverage the Rockwell Automation Con-
icant investments to serve NOCs and automation system, we can easily deter- nected Enterprise portfolio by securely
O&G suppliers, given this sector is one mine if migration from a legacy system connecting plant-wide smart assets and
of the top growth engines for our com- is warranted. in-the-field assets to enterprise teams
pany in SEA. Besides participating in Rockwell Automation has helped O&G and business systems. By collecting
events like OGA and OSEA, the compa- companies address these challenges for and analysing critical and actionable
ny continues to make investments, with more than 50 years, delivering appli- data, and then delivering contextualised
a new manufacturing facility in Indo- cations across the entire supply chain information ubiquitously and seamlessly,
nesia, along with a new entity there that – focusing on three areas: productivity; operators can improve production asset
will sell solutions directly to the NOCs. sustainability; and agility. By integrating utilisation, boost operational efficiency,
The company is now recognised as a information, control, power and safety shorten time to market, minimise TCO
leader in the O&G industry by deliver- (ICPS) solutions, O&G operators can and downtime, increase safety, and lower
ing smart, safe and sustainable solutions maximise assets and minimise costs for enterprise risk for enhanced global com-
associated with our Connected Enter- more robust overall operations through petitiveness. At our booth, we will be
prise portfolio. Practically every major the Connected Enterprise. showing first-hand how O&G operators
petroleum company uses Rockwell 3. Elaborate on the company’s O&G can embark on their Connected Enter-
Automation solutions, in addition to solutions, the key features and advan- prise journey and capitalise on bring-
thousands of companies servicing the tages to customers. ing people, processes and technology
industry from an integrator, OEM, and At OGA 2015, Rockwell Automation together seamlessly in their operations.§
EPC perspective. In a bid to expand its is showcasing its Connected Enter-
domain expertise, since 2007, Rockwell prise portfolio of solutions, including
Automation has acquired a number Process Safety, vMonitor, and PlantPAx®
of industry-leading firms including process-automation system offerings –
ProsCon, ICS Triplex®, Pavilion Tech- demonstrating how O&G operators can
nologies®, HINZ®, and, most recently, maximise their assets, boost productivity
vMonitor® – the world’s largest supplier and uptime, minimise TCO and lifecycle
of comprehensive smart-field solutions

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