Page 22 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-2
P. 22
Exploration to go ahead in deepwater Block R
By Marie RYAN
Two additional exploration wells have Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National tools, confirm 27-30 degree API Oil
been planned for 627 square kilometre Corp. (JOGMEC), is to cover up to 50% with no indication of H2S and negligi-
deepwater Block R located offshore East of exploration expenditures incurred by ble CO2.”
Malaysia in water depths ranging from INPEX Offshore through equity capital. In January 2012, JX Nippon signed an
100 to 1,400 metres. JX Nippon is the operator of the Block agreement for the block production
The venture between Japan’s JX Nippon R production sharing contract with sharing contract (PSC), and has a 27.5
Oil & Gas Exploration and Japan Oil, 27.5 per cent interest. Partners include per cent operating interest.
Gas and Metals National Corporation INPEX, through its wholly owned Bestari-1 is said to be the first of three
(JOGMEC) and INPEX made the Be- subsidiary, INPEX Offshore South West commitment wells in the block. JX Nip-
stari-1 discovery in April using wireline Sabah, (27.5 per cent), PETRONAS pon plans to make further investments
and formation pressure tools to find CARIGALI Sdn. Bhd. (25 per cent) and in Malaysia, in a bid to expand opera-
around 70 metres of net oil pay in a Santos Sabah Block R (20 per cent). tions in the country.
Micocence-aged formation Australian-based partner Santos said In December 2013, JX Nippon’s Ma-
JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration said it a significant oil discovery was made laysian subsidiary signed a production
the Bestari-1 reservoir depth ranges at the Bestari-1 well and is currently sharing contract (PSC) with Petronas
from 1,860 metres to 2,702 metres be- evaluating the project with a view to for deepwater Block 3F in the Sarawak
low sea level, and preliminary wireline planning an appraisal campaign. region.
evaluations demonstrated good reser- “The Bestari-1 well encountered 67 Block 3F, which is JX’s seventh project
voir properties. metres of net oil pay in multiple sand in Malaysia, includes a surface area of
The JV will analyze and evaluate the packages within the primary Miocene around 4,200 square kilometre as well
data retrieved from the well, and pro- age formation at true vertical subsea as an in-water depth ranging from 150
ceed with plans to drill two exploratory depths. The oil bearing sands are of metres to 1,300 metres. §
wells to assess the possibility of new oil high quality with good porosity and
and natural gas deposits. permeability. Oil samples, recovered
from wireline pressure and sampling
Yokogawa Wins Control System Order for PETRONAS’s
Second Floating LNG Facility
Yokogawa Electric Corporation has system, a Plant Resource Manager carriers. FLNG is attractive because
announced that its affiliate, Yokogawa (PRM®) package, a plant information the technology does not require the
Kontrol (Malaysia), has received an management system, and other com- acquisition of land or laying of pipe-
order from a consortium comprising ponents. Yokogawa Kontrol will also lines, making it suitable for small to
JGC Corporation (Japan) and Samsung be responsible for engineering, and the medium-sized offshore gas fields that
Heavy Industries (South Korea) that support of installation, commissioning, are deemed otherwise economically
will supply control systems and safety and training. unfeasible to develop.
instrumented systems for PETRONAS’s The PFLNG2 facility will be moored The latest supply win follows Yokogawa
second floating liquefied natural gas offshore of Sabah, Malaysia, and is Australia’s involvement in the upstream
(FLNG) facility, PFLNG2. designed to produce 1.5 million tons of portion of the Wheatstone Project in
Under the terms of the contract, LNG a year, with production scheduled Western Australia.
Yokogawa Kontrol (Malaysia) will to start in early 2018. Yokogawa Australia’s Managing Direc-
deliver an integrated control & safety An FLNG facility is a new type of LNG tor, Mr John Hewitt said “Yokogawa’s
system (ICSS) for the monitoring and plant that performs all operations at Asia Pacific operations are developing
control of the liquefaction facilities and sea, starting with the routing of natural into a centre of excellence for LNG
storage tanks on PFLNG2. The ICSS gas from offshore gas fields and includ- projects as measured by total gas train
will consist of a Yokogawa CENTUM® ing the refining, liquefaction, storage, capacity which will be controlled by
VP integrated production control sys- and transfer of this resource onto LNG Yokogawa’s Vigilant Plant system,” §
tem, a ProSafe®-RS safety instrumented
A A20 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MAY/JUNE 2015
Exploration to go ahead in deepwater Block R
By Marie RYAN
Two additional exploration wells have Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National tools, confirm 27-30 degree API Oil
been planned for 627 square kilometre Corp. (JOGMEC), is to cover up to 50% with no indication of H2S and negligi-
deepwater Block R located offshore East of exploration expenditures incurred by ble CO2.”
Malaysia in water depths ranging from INPEX Offshore through equity capital. In January 2012, JX Nippon signed an
100 to 1,400 metres. JX Nippon is the operator of the Block agreement for the block production
The venture between Japan’s JX Nippon R production sharing contract with sharing contract (PSC), and has a 27.5
Oil & Gas Exploration and Japan Oil, 27.5 per cent interest. Partners include per cent operating interest.
Gas and Metals National Corporation INPEX, through its wholly owned Bestari-1 is said to be the first of three
(JOGMEC) and INPEX made the Be- subsidiary, INPEX Offshore South West commitment wells in the block. JX Nip-
stari-1 discovery in April using wireline Sabah, (27.5 per cent), PETRONAS pon plans to make further investments
and formation pressure tools to find CARIGALI Sdn. Bhd. (25 per cent) and in Malaysia, in a bid to expand opera-
around 70 metres of net oil pay in a Santos Sabah Block R (20 per cent). tions in the country.
Micocence-aged formation Australian-based partner Santos said In December 2013, JX Nippon’s Ma-
JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration said it a significant oil discovery was made laysian subsidiary signed a production
the Bestari-1 reservoir depth ranges at the Bestari-1 well and is currently sharing contract (PSC) with Petronas
from 1,860 metres to 2,702 metres be- evaluating the project with a view to for deepwater Block 3F in the Sarawak
low sea level, and preliminary wireline planning an appraisal campaign. region.
evaluations demonstrated good reser- “The Bestari-1 well encountered 67 Block 3F, which is JX’s seventh project
voir properties. metres of net oil pay in multiple sand in Malaysia, includes a surface area of
The JV will analyze and evaluate the packages within the primary Miocene around 4,200 square kilometre as well
data retrieved from the well, and pro- age formation at true vertical subsea as an in-water depth ranging from 150
ceed with plans to drill two exploratory depths. The oil bearing sands are of metres to 1,300 metres. §
wells to assess the possibility of new oil high quality with good porosity and
and natural gas deposits. permeability. Oil samples, recovered
from wireline pressure and sampling
Yokogawa Wins Control System Order for PETRONAS’s
Second Floating LNG Facility
Yokogawa Electric Corporation has system, a Plant Resource Manager carriers. FLNG is attractive because
announced that its affiliate, Yokogawa (PRM®) package, a plant information the technology does not require the
Kontrol (Malaysia), has received an management system, and other com- acquisition of land or laying of pipe-
order from a consortium comprising ponents. Yokogawa Kontrol will also lines, making it suitable for small to
JGC Corporation (Japan) and Samsung be responsible for engineering, and the medium-sized offshore gas fields that
Heavy Industries (South Korea) that support of installation, commissioning, are deemed otherwise economically
will supply control systems and safety and training. unfeasible to develop.
instrumented systems for PETRONAS’s The PFLNG2 facility will be moored The latest supply win follows Yokogawa
second floating liquefied natural gas offshore of Sabah, Malaysia, and is Australia’s involvement in the upstream
(FLNG) facility, PFLNG2. designed to produce 1.5 million tons of portion of the Wheatstone Project in
Under the terms of the contract, LNG a year, with production scheduled Western Australia.
Yokogawa Kontrol (Malaysia) will to start in early 2018. Yokogawa Australia’s Managing Direc-
deliver an integrated control & safety An FLNG facility is a new type of LNG tor, Mr John Hewitt said “Yokogawa’s
system (ICSS) for the monitoring and plant that performs all operations at Asia Pacific operations are developing
control of the liquefaction facilities and sea, starting with the routing of natural into a centre of excellence for LNG
storage tanks on PFLNG2. The ICSS gas from offshore gas fields and includ- projects as measured by total gas train
will consist of a Yokogawa CENTUM® ing the refining, liquefaction, storage, capacity which will be controlled by
VP integrated production control sys- and transfer of this resource onto LNG Yokogawa’s Vigilant Plant system,” §
tem, a ProSafe®-RS safety instrumented
A A20 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MAY/JUNE 2015