Page 44 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-1
P. 44
Profit sharing deemed bad
for exploration and industry
growth in Thailand
By Marie RYAN
Thailand government legislators have flexibility that will allow the develop- Hence [under such a scenario] the
come under fire from academics from ment of marginal fields, and in the case transparency of this agency must be ex-
the nation’s Chulalongkorn University of large discoveries, be one in which the act and if Chula did not negotiate well,
for what it describes as a rigid ben- government is able to collect a higher it might receive less income,” he said.
efit sharing scheme that discourages share.” Thitisak said the average return of
explorers from searching for oil and gas The university lecturer said produc- 60-70 per cent that Thailand had taken
deposits in the country. tion-sharing or concessionary regimes from petroleum exploration and pro-
The criticism comes after the govern- amount to much the same thing, since duction companies’ profits during the
ment postponed the opening of a new both systems can be designed to give past decades under the concessionary
round of petroleum exploration and the same benefits to the state. “It will system was “not a bad” rate.
production bidding for three months be a challenge for Thailand to adopt “We have already delayed [the petrole-
while amendments to the contentious the production-sharing system (PSC) um bidding] for seven years. How long
petroleum fiscal system are considered considering the issue of governance and will it be postponed further? In the
with representatives from the state and transparency,” he said. future we will face an [energy] crisis,
an energy activists’ group. “PSC is interesting because all of our which might not be so obvious at pres-
It has been reported the head of the neighbouring countries have used it. ent,” he said.
mining and petroleum department of The problem is who will be appointed The government could amend the
Chula Engineering, Thitisak Boon- as the body to take care of our resourc- petroleum laws to tax oil and gas firms
pramote said the government can es. Will we face the same problem as on their profits, rather than on their
amend whatever it chooses in a bid to we faced with PTT, which was later production volumes, which is what
create more interest from oil and gas privatised?” the current petroleum royalty fees are
companies. The dean of Chula Engineering, levied on and should also consider
“But because the oil price has fallen so Professor Bundhit Eua-arporn, com- benefit-sharing with local communities
much, adding a strict taxation regime pared petroleum fiscal regimes to other in exploration areas, Mr Thitisak said,
will have a double negative effect,” Mr business operations, including those at he suggested.
Boonpramote said. Chulalongkorn University, where the Jirawat Chewaroungroaj, lecturer in pe-
“Petroleum exploration is a special type institution has chosen to grant con- troleum engineering at Chula Engineer-
of business, it requires a high invest- cessions to private companies like the ing, said that in regard to a proposal
ment budget and an interpretation of MBK centre to develop properties on its from the energy activists’ group that
the unseen”, he said. land, instead of applying a profit-shar- the government should take a role as an
“There is no way to know the results of ing system. oil and gas explorer was flawed as the
petroleum exploration for two or three “If we were using PSC, MBK would government had no expertise, resources
years. It comes with high risk and high have to share its income while not or administrative flexibility to pursue
uncertainty. Therefore, a good system having to pay a concessionaire fee. And petroleum exploration activities, which
should have some certain degree of Chula would have to set up an agency were high-risk, high-investment busi-
to check the sales and profits of MBK. nesses. §
A A42 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MARCH/APRIL 2015
Profit sharing deemed bad
for exploration and industry
growth in Thailand
By Marie RYAN
Thailand government legislators have flexibility that will allow the develop- Hence [under such a scenario] the
come under fire from academics from ment of marginal fields, and in the case transparency of this agency must be ex-
the nation’s Chulalongkorn University of large discoveries, be one in which the act and if Chula did not negotiate well,
for what it describes as a rigid ben- government is able to collect a higher it might receive less income,” he said.
efit sharing scheme that discourages share.” Thitisak said the average return of
explorers from searching for oil and gas The university lecturer said produc- 60-70 per cent that Thailand had taken
deposits in the country. tion-sharing or concessionary regimes from petroleum exploration and pro-
The criticism comes after the govern- amount to much the same thing, since duction companies’ profits during the
ment postponed the opening of a new both systems can be designed to give past decades under the concessionary
round of petroleum exploration and the same benefits to the state. “It will system was “not a bad” rate.
production bidding for three months be a challenge for Thailand to adopt “We have already delayed [the petrole-
while amendments to the contentious the production-sharing system (PSC) um bidding] for seven years. How long
petroleum fiscal system are considered considering the issue of governance and will it be postponed further? In the
with representatives from the state and transparency,” he said. future we will face an [energy] crisis,
an energy activists’ group. “PSC is interesting because all of our which might not be so obvious at pres-
It has been reported the head of the neighbouring countries have used it. ent,” he said.
mining and petroleum department of The problem is who will be appointed The government could amend the
Chula Engineering, Thitisak Boon- as the body to take care of our resourc- petroleum laws to tax oil and gas firms
pramote said the government can es. Will we face the same problem as on their profits, rather than on their
amend whatever it chooses in a bid to we faced with PTT, which was later production volumes, which is what
create more interest from oil and gas privatised?” the current petroleum royalty fees are
companies. The dean of Chula Engineering, levied on and should also consider
“But because the oil price has fallen so Professor Bundhit Eua-arporn, com- benefit-sharing with local communities
much, adding a strict taxation regime pared petroleum fiscal regimes to other in exploration areas, Mr Thitisak said,
will have a double negative effect,” Mr business operations, including those at he suggested.
Boonpramote said. Chulalongkorn University, where the Jirawat Chewaroungroaj, lecturer in pe-
“Petroleum exploration is a special type institution has chosen to grant con- troleum engineering at Chula Engineer-
of business, it requires a high invest- cessions to private companies like the ing, said that in regard to a proposal
ment budget and an interpretation of MBK centre to develop properties on its from the energy activists’ group that
the unseen”, he said. land, instead of applying a profit-shar- the government should take a role as an
“There is no way to know the results of ing system. oil and gas explorer was flawed as the
petroleum exploration for two or three “If we were using PSC, MBK would government had no expertise, resources
years. It comes with high risk and high have to share its income while not or administrative flexibility to pursue
uncertainty. Therefore, a good system having to pay a concessionaire fee. And petroleum exploration activities, which
should have some certain degree of Chula would have to set up an agency were high-risk, high-investment busi-
to check the sales and profits of MBK. nesses. §
A A42 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MARCH/APRIL 2015