Page 28 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-5
P. 28

Outlook hopeful for Myanmar oil and gas future ByMarieRYAN

Myanmar is expected to see an increase With many of the investors eyeing forging alliances with new players who
in business and investment with over the country, Myanmar needs to make will be awarded blocks.
two dozen new oil and gas blocks set to reforms on the regulations and admin- Myanmar awarded blocks to foreign
be awarded next year. istration, said U Aye Lwin, Secretary companies such as Chevron, Statoil,
Myanmar awarded around 20 oil and gas General of the Union of Myanmar Total and Shell which spurred the local
blocks in 2013 to international compa- Federation of Chambers of Commerce training industry.
nies and nearly 26 more will be award- and Industry. Germany’s Vokel, that provides thread-
ed in 2016, according to local media With general elections in Myanmar having ing solutions to the automotive, and oil
reports. taken place in November many investors and gas industry, caters to Myanmar
However, the oil and gas sector, which are waiting and hoping the change in through its Thailand office. “However, it
has nearly 160 local registered players government will pave the way for admin- is our aim to set up a business here with
has some room for improvement in pro- istrative and regulatory reforms. employees in Myanmar,” said Alexander
viding services and logistics given rapid At the recent exhibition focussed on W Reul of Volkel.
growth projections. manufacturing and the oil and gas Companies like Taicin L.S. Co Ltd from
Former Director General in the Minis- industry, foreign company participants Taiwan, manufacturer of industrial
try of Energy U Soe Myint said in the showed eagerness to tap the new market products, are looking out for distribu-
oil and gas related sector, most of the of Myanmar. tion partnerships to access the Myanmar
foreign companies eyeing the Myanmar At the same time, they were prepared market. This is Taicin’s second attempt to
market are related to trading. that investments in Myanmar are to be explore the market through the exhibi-
“There are many works to be done in measured as long term investments. tion route.
services such as technical works, drill- Among the 90 exhibitors, who par- Hydac Technology Pte Ltd from Singa-
ing, laboratory and transport services. ticipated at the Yangon expo, there pore is also looking at stepping into the
Currently, most of the businesses is done were several who were focussed on the Myanmar market.
on trading,” Mr Myint said. services sector and were eyeing potential “We are still at a very early stage on how
“Myanmar needs to make good use of alliances with Myanmar firms or looking to go about in the Myanmar market. We
not only exporting gas but also work at setting up shop in the country. have contacts with Myanmar companies
on business relating to services in the Uniteam Training who provide training that have subsidiaries in Singapore,” said
sector,” he said. solutions for the marine, oil and gas and Thomas Lek, general manager of Hydac
industrial sectors, has been in Myanmar Technology Pte Ltd.§
for over 20 years said it was looking at

MOGSS endorsed Oil and Gas 2015 Myanmar
Conference and Exhibition and organized
Golf Tournament and Networking Dinner in
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar By Myanmar Oil and Gas Services Society (MOGSS)

Singapore Exhibition Services (SES), extraordinary Golf Tournament in Nay items are delivered by Managing Direc-
one of the leading exhibition-organizer, Pyi Taw at Royal Myanmar Golf Club, tor, MOGE and MOGSS CEC Members.
managed the Oil and Gas 2015 My- an oasis set up by beautiful landscape Sponsorships for Gold, Silver, Cheer,
anmar Conference and Exhibition at and lush fairways, on October 18, 2015. Halfway Booth, Air Transport, Ground
Myanmar Event Park (MEP) in Yangon MOGSS exclusively arranged Special Transport, Hotel and Lucky Draw, pro-
from October 15 to 17, 2015. MOGSS Flight ( APEX Airlines ), Five Star Hotel vided by MOGSS Member Companies,
endorsed and supported the Conference Accommodation ( HORIZON Lake led to an exceptional triumph for the
and Exhibition and displayed the activity View Resort ) and Welcome Dinner for society and it also set up a very stun-
photos of MOGSS Members at its booth. the participants. ning platform of subjective relation and
More than 100 visitors ( local and Minister for Energy and Special Guests networking between officials, operators
Overseas ) paid social and official visit from Ministry of Energy, Managing and providers.§
to MOGSS Booth and discussed about Director, Directors and Senior Officials
the future prospect of Myanma Oil and from Myanma Oil and Gas Enter-
Gas Sector and role of MOGSS. Some of prise (MOGE), Distinguished Guests
MOGSS CEC and senior members also from Ministry of Finance, Oil and Gas
contributed and shared their knowledge Operators in Myanmar and MOGSS
as Conference Speakers. Members supported and participate the
In conjunction with the Oil and Gas tournament with zealous interest. At
2015 Myanmar Conference and Ex- the Networking Dinner Night, Trophies,
hibition, MOGSS also organized an Prizes, Appreciations and Lucky Draw

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