Page 15 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-5
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Process control and automation partnership with the IICAA and the
technology to feature at AOG 2016 Australian Institute for Non-Destructive
With a string of world class Australian Instrumentation Control and Automation Testing (AINDT) and their assistance in
LNG projects making the transition from Australia Inc. (IICA) and the Australian ensuring that the content for the Instru-
the construction to operational phase, it is Institute for Non-Destructive Testing mentation Control and Automation, and
timely that process control and automation (AINDT). Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and Con-
technology will again feature highly when These zones will include exhibits from the dition Monitoring zones at AOG 2016 will
the annual Australasian Oil & Gas Exhi- leading global names in process control be timely and valuable.”
bition and Conference (AOG) is staged in and automation. Registrations are now open for AOG 2016
Perth in February 2016. which will once again be one of the key
global oil and gas industry gatherings.
Australia’s largest oil and gas event will “We are really pleased to be continuing our “AOG’s record and reputation for being the
be held for the 35th time, and will have a strong focus on instrumentation control best attended oil and gas exhibition and
theme of “Collaboration” with experts from and automation at AOG 2016,” AOG Event conference in Australia will ensure that the
leading companies from around the globe Director at Diversified Communications, event will again attract strong support, both
providing input on how industry, govern- Bill Hare, said. locally and internationally,” Mr Hare added.
ment and other key stakeholders should “The Instrumentation Control and Auto- Significant international participation -
continue to work closely together to reduce mation zone is always a very popular area including exhibitors from countries all over
costs and improve productivity at a time of within the exhibition hall and we expect the world – has already been confirmed,
global crude oil price uncertainty. that this may be even more so next year with the 2016 event featuring a range of
Instrumentation Control and Automa- with LNG projects on both the east and major international pavilions – with AOG
tion, and Non Destructive Testing (NDT) west coasts of Australia rapidly transition- once again playing a critical role in the
and Condition Monitoring will feature in ing to an operational phase. transfer of knowledge between the north-
separate specialist zones at AOG 2016, with “We are very grateful for our close working ern and southern hemispheres.
strong content support being provided by

Straightforward Visa Advice and Solutions
Adams Migration provides a personal mi- both have three different pathways by holder can work for a company for up to
gration service for businesses, individuals which to apply but the two most common six months at a time. They can also apply
and families who wish to enter Australia, are the Temporary Residence Transition for a second years visa if 3 months rural
New Zealand or the USA. Stream ( means you have held a 457 for
Whether it’s to visit, work or live, on tem- two years) and secondly Direct Entry, less
porary or permanent basis, our registered than two years on the 457 but you have
migration agents utilise their years of ex- had a skills assessment. There are many
perience to give you excellent advice and other criteria for both of the above but this
process your visa application as simply is the basis for both application types.The
and seamlessly as possible. Direct entry pathway can also be applied
for if you are not a current visa holder.

Our expert team have experience working • New Zealanders looking for permanent Isobel Adams
with a variety of industries around the residency can also apply for both of the
globe and here in Perth, Australia, with a above under the same rules as everyone work is undertaken (there are stipulations).
specialty in the resources sector and rural else, one exception to the rule is that kiwis These visa holders are between the age
businesses. over the age of 50 can still apply for the of 18 and 31 so it can be possible to find
Regardless of the downturn in business 186 if they can prove that they have been someone with the qualifications and skill
in WA and the rest of Australia many visa employed by their employer for two years. to undertake a contract as long as it is on a
subclasses are alive and well. It may not be • The 189 and 190 visas can be applied for short term contract. Those on this type of
the popular and well used 457 Temporary as well. The 189 doesn’t not need sponsor- visa can apply for a 457 visa if sponsored
Work (Skilled) visa which is being used as ship by a company whereas the 190 needs by a company.
much, although it still very much has its both state nomination and the commit- Those currently working on a 417 as an
place and is still very current for specialist ment of a work contract for a year. Both au pair can now present to the DIBP and
work in Oil and Gas and for other busi- are points based so the younger you are apply to have their employment extended
nesses which are on the up and up, for and well qualified you are the better, and by their current employer for another six
example medical, IT and hospitality. both categories are based on an invitation months.
For those visa holders who have a subclass from the state after applying for an EOI. Please note that all of these visa classes
457 seeking permanent residency there are In terms of having workers for short term have rules and obligations for the employer. §
a couple of clearly defined pathways that contracts without too much emphasis on Have a look at our website www.adamsmi-
are possible if you meet the criteria. the skills needed and a long term need, for more information.
• The ENS 186 visa or RSMS 187 (region- those entering the country on a Subclass
al) which are both employer sponsored, 417 Working Holiday Visa can fill that
gap. Under the terms of the visa a 417 visa

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