Page 56 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-4
P. 56

Julian Ford Joins Altaaqa Global as
Chief Commercial Officer
and become a truly global business. Ford welcomes the challenge of his
With over 15 years of We started in the Middle East and new role, as he recognizes the con-
experience in the rent- East Africa and quickly expanded tinuous evolution of the rental pow-
al power industry, Ford our operations in other regions of er industry. “The role of temporary
takes the helm of the the world.” power has evolved from being a lo-
company’s strategic busi- A true visionary, Ford led the way cal, short-term, transactional activ-
ness development and for the development of the gas-fue- ity to a major global project-based
top-line revenue genera- led temporary power equipment industry,” said Ford, and added that
tion functions market in the mid-2000s. “At that it is no longer uncommon to see
time,” explained Ford, “diesel costs power plants of 100 MW and up
Altaaqa Global, a leading global were rapidly rising, and it was being rented on a longer-term basis.
provider of large-scale temporary imperative to diversify the prod- “Our objective is to create a highly
power services, has appointed uct offering and capitalize on the skilled, motivated and experienced,
energy industry veteran, Julian growth of natural gas reserves.” world-class, power projects team.
Ford as Chief Commercial Officer With keen interest in markets where My vision is for Altaaqa Global to
(CCO), effective July 1, 2015. As the gas reserves were not vast enough lead the evolution of the industry,
company’s CCO, Ford’s remit is to to be commercially developed, Ford and to be recognized as the pre-
ensure that Altaaqa Global achieves pioneered a new business model mier source of innovative technical
revenue growth targets and overall that allowed countries to monetize solutions and the highest level of
commercial success, and to facilitate their ‘stranded gas’ reserves to gen- customer service and support.”§
the formulation and implementa- erate useful low-cost electricity for
tion of innovative global commer- the national grid.
cial strategies.

Ford’s career in the industry start-
ed at the time when the concept
of power plants on a rental basis
was just gaining ground. He had a
hand in introducing the concept of
power project rental to governments
of developing economies, which
allowed them to hire power capacity
to address short term energy issues
during times of hydropower short-
age or other generation or transmis-
sion issues.

Ford was instrumental in taking the
rental power concept to different
regions across the globe, includ-
ing Middle East and Africa, South
America, East Asia and South Asia.
“My vision then,” he said, “was for
the rental power market to develop
beyond its traditional local markets

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