Page 6 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-1
P. 6

AMC experiment pays off Australian Company
Safemate Anti-Slip
The Australian Marine Complex began “A number of local constructors are First in The World
as a bold experiment by the Western doing well against offshore competitors
Australian government to promote local by using innovation, technology and to obtain ABS
construction for the oil and gas, defence good management,” he said. “We do accreditation on its
and naval sectors. A decade later, AMC not underestimate the barriers, but it is non-slip products
is home to 150 companies that have not such a desolate desert as has been
completed almost 400 major projects. made out.” Founded in 1974 in Victoria, Safemate
Anti-Slip were the first company to
introduce a fully Australian designed
and manufactured range of non-slip
floor and anti-slip stair products and the
company remains a respected industry
leader committed to providing slip re-
sistant floor and non-slip stair products
to suit individual needs and budget.

General Manager, Marine and Defence, Mr O’Hare said Australian companies Following a successful external audit
Oil and Gas, John O’Hare, said key to were innovative in their business prac- on their premises the company were
AMC’s success was independent man- tices and rose to meet an array of chal- pleased to report that it has been found
agement of a common user facility. lenges. “Particularly here in the west to be compliant by the International
“I cannot stress enough the importance where historically we have been at the accrediting body ABS (American Bureau
of that, it means if you are bidding to end of supply chains, we’ve need to find of Shipping) and awarded Certificate of
undertake project work at the facility, new ways to deliver quality, competitive Design Assessment and Certificate of
you are not competing with the facility products and services for the oil and gas Manufacturing Assessment.
manager,” Mr O’Hare said. Companies sector,” he said. § By pursing and achieving accreditation,
based at AMC have played a large role General the company has demonstrated that it
in work associated with the Gorgon and Manager, meets international standards for quality
Wheatstone LNG projects, and are also Marine and and is committed to pursuing excellence.
closely involved with the Shell-operated Defence, ABS encompasses the requirements
Prelude floating LNG project. Oil and Gas, of a series of operational performance
Mr O’Hare said perceptions Australian John O’Hare standards related to Marine and offshore
construction activity was crippled by a facilities.
high cost structure were not accurate. Achieving ABS Type Approval for their
products grants immediate benefits
to a manufacturer, including greater
potential for market penetration. Now
Safemate are type approved, their an-
ti-slip products can be selected by ship
designers, builders and owners to be
placed aboard an ABS-classed vessel.

Sales Manager John McNeil said “We
would welcome an opportunity to fur-
ther acquaint our existing customers and
potential customers with our services
and respond to any questions. We

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