Page 52 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-1
P. 52

Emerson improves operational effectiveness
with new electronic logbooks

Capturing log entries electronically min- work is not overlooked or incomplete. Not only can operators search on text
imizes shift handover risk, improves task With the ability to schedule tasks now, within the log entry, but they can also
management, and facilitates collabora- later, or on a recurring basis, man- search on category, date/time span, re-
tion agement can be confident that critical lated equipment, and a number of other
tasks are prioritized and important attributes.
Emerson Process Management’s – but non-urgent – tasks like training, “Operators have expertise critical to
Logbooks enables operators to elec- reviews, and routine maintenance are the success of a plant. They also have
tronically document activity records to completed and documented. Tasks are more responsibilities than ever before.
streamline shift changes, drive operator visible on the shift dashboard, so opera- Emerson is committed to delivering
action, and accelerate decision-making. tors can easily determine criticality and solutions that capture operator exper-
A consistent approach to operator logs plan work. tise while streamlining tracking and
supports safety improvement efforts Information in paper logbooks is often documentation for improved operation
as well as audits and corrective action hard to find. By moving to electronic effectiveness,” said Peter Zornio, chief
processes. logbooks, operators can establish an strategic officer, Emerson Process Man-
online knowledge base to speed up agement. §
Shift handover can be a risky time for a problem-solving and decision-making.
plant; poor communication can quickly
result in process upsets. Logbooks
delivers a shift change dashboard that
includes a shift summary and detailed
information on assigned tasks. Op-
erators can identify priorities for the
new shift and access documentation of
events from the previous shift, ensur-
ing quality, safety, and throughput are
protected. The consolidated graphical
view makes it easy to provide complete,
accurate information to customers and

Automating task management ensures

Schwarze-Robitec: High-quality Tools for
Maximum Profitability

Many tube and pipe processing com- market requirements rise continuous- and money,” comments Hartmut Stöhr,
panies exclusively use custom-made ly. And with them, the requirements Managing Director of Schwarze-Ro-
bending machines to achieve a maxi- placed on production processes and bitec. Because tube bending machines
mum of precision and productivity. The production machines change as well. are high-tech products, which offer
full machine capacity, however, is often High-quality tool solutions provide a constant high quality only with the cor-
only possible in combination with a major contribution to faster throughput responding tool outfit. Often, already
high-quality tool solution. times, reduced non-productive times detail questions regarding the geometry
and an improved total productivity. of the tubes to be processed, their mate-
Global competition, more complex tube “Those making false economies usually rial and their output quantity determine
geometries, more exotic materials – the invest double – in the form of time the dimensioning of machine and tool

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